Ok, so I've been going along to the St Paul's occupation, taken part in general assemblies, attended some working groups. As much as the hand signals annoy me and as wary as I am about "alternative" investigations into banking practices, the City of London and democracy turning into unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, there do seem to be some interesting speakers and activists. But after a month or so, the rifts among the campers are becoming more evident, the hand signals have turned from annoying to infuriating and there seems to be a working group being created for every point raised. I don't see right now how this can connect with the 99% or even the 50%. There is an issue of class that is not even discussed at the camp. It seems young, white middle-class activists predominate.
I don't want to read over these 50-odd pages, but I would like a distillation of the main points, the good points and the criticisms. Do people believe that the conspiracy stuff undermines the whole camp? What about those who concentrate on the financial system, fractional reserve, debt-based banking? All conspiracy? What about Positive Money UK, who
presented their ideas in parliament along with Tory MP, Steve Baker and Michael Meacher MP? Does the involvement of Michael Meacher, who once asked for a proper investigation into 911, make the whole thing conspiracy territory. I lay my cards on the table, conspiracy theories do interest me, but more and more (with the help of places like Urban 75) I recognise how important it is to be as grounded as possible, It doesn't change my suspicions of how our governments and institutions lie to us, but I do want to hear grounded views about what is happening, so I can form a balanced opinion.
I'd rather not focus on conspiracy, because there are many environmental and democratic reformists at Occupy LSX there who are not into that. But what I'm asking is, is Occupy London working, is it part of a growing movement, or is this just desperation in the face of economic and political collapse? And if this is not the way, what is the way to bring justice to this world and its people and to hold bankers and politicians and multinational corporations to account?