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'Number of' Lost DOCTOR WHO Episodes to be Revealed...

Nine Bob Note

Self-Isolating before it was fashionable
A number of early episodes of Doctor Who, which were believed to have been permanently lost, have been returned to the BBC.

BBC Worldwide is expected to confirm the find at a press screening in London later this week.

It follows weeks of speculation that some lost episodes had been located.

A total of 106 episodes featuring the first two actors to play the Doctor, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton, are currently missing.

The BBC destroyed many of the sci-fi drama's original transmission tapes in the 1960s and 1970s.

However, the majority of the episodes had been transferred on to film for foreign broadcasters. It is often these prints found in other countries that are the source of retrieved episodes.


Some sectors still not convinced this is genuine due to many recent hoaxes, but others are more positive. The number nine appears frequently, though its felt unlikely that any of the real wish list entries (Dalek's Master Plan, Power/Evil of the Daleks...) will be among any such number due to their being sold to few foreign broadcasters at the time.
I have been enjoying the internet speculation about this, hugely entertaining and occasionally worrying. I hope it's true and I'm hoping for a couple of Troughten episodes.
is this another wind up? last time they were said to have been in gaddafis private collection of grot
To be held at 15:30 Tomorrow, though it's press embargoed until Friday, so we'll have to rely on twitter until then.

They use the word 'episodes,' so even if fan speculation of 9 to 90 is wildly inaccurate, we'll be getting at least two :cool:
is this another wind up? last time they were said to have been in gaddafis private collection of grot

I was reliably infomrmed it was Idi Amin ( and posted a thread on it some months back)

any proof for the 15.30 press confrence ( that doesnt come from Popbithc or the Dr Who forums )
Twitter is now of the opinion that 42 episodes - most of them Troughton - have been recovered.

I did rather like these two tweets...

BREAKING: Daily Mail leak from #missingepisodes launch reveals Marco Polo was wiped by Ralph Miliband.

My boss just asked me why I keep checking my phone, I told him my sister just went into labour. I don't have a sister. #missingepisodes
I have it from a reliable source that a lot of episodes have been found. Whether the BBC has secured them or not, I do not know.
Looking like they have Web of Fear (as was widely expected) and Enemy of the World...

No Power or Evil :(
If this leads to them broadcasting more classic Doctor Who on the BBC, then I will be pleased as punch
Apparently, these nine exact episodes were predicted earlier in the week by someone on DS and that same person claimed they were part of a haul of 90 lost episodes, but warned that some of them would likely never be seen. If true, that would suggest that the last known copies of those episodes have rotted away :(

*That sad smiley doesn't seem adequate to me.
why is gatiss now the go to man for whoniverse quotes? I bet I've read more who books than he has. I read the entire Virgin New Adventures and loads more

God I just realised how that sounds
Two days on, and fan opinion is very much that these episodes were part of a much larger stash (some say thousands of film cans). Marco Polo and the Macra Terror are mentioned most frequently. I must say, this whole iTunes nonsense is most intriguing - they're clearly raising money for something.

There're only six weeks until the 50th, so I expect we'll hear soon enough if true :cool:
Two days on, and fan opinion is very much that these episodes were part of a much larger stash (some say thousands of film cans). Marco Polo and the Macra Terror are mentioned most frequently. I must say, this whole iTunes nonsense is most intriguing - they're clearly raising money for something.

There're only six weeks until the 50th, so I expect we'll hear soon enough if true :cool:
It's wishful thinking. If there were more why wouldn't they have been announced along with others?

Oh, and iTunes "nonsense"? "Clearly raising money for something"? :confused:
Two days on, and fan opinion is very much that these episodes were part of a much larger stash (some say thousands of film cans). Marco Polo and the Macra Terror are mentioned most frequently. I must say, this whole iTunes nonsense is most intriguing - they're clearly raising money for something.

There're only six weeks until the 50th, so I expect we'll hear soon enough if true :cool:

I sort of go along with your "raising money" thesis. Film restoration is expensive and time-consuming, because it's mostly done by hand, so it's entirely possible that any income stream from iTunes sales for the 9 episodes (possibly the episodes that were least in need of renovation/restoration) will be used to fund work on other episodes.
The BFI have used a similar model (funding new renovation/restoration through the proceeds of earlier renovations/restorations) with success for years.
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