A warm welcome to all of our NHS Volunteer Responders!
We’ve now created a NHS Volunteer Responders website where you can find everything that you need for your volunteering role including FAQs, how-to-videos and information about how patients are referred to the service. All our latest documents are available on the website and are updated as the programme develops. You can visit the website at
Don’t worry if you haven’t received an alert yet for volunteering, there will be more referrals in the days and weeks to come and as referrals build more volunteer opportunities will start to flow.
We'd like to remind everyone that it is essential to read/reread the 'Getting You Started' guides before you complete your first assignment. These guides include updated information on payment options for shopping, how your app works (including completing a request) and social distancing measures. They are available to download here:
Check In and Chat Guide: https://volunteering.royalvoluntary...-as-a-check-in-and-chat-volunteer-v19-968.pdf
Community Response Guide: https://volunteering.royalvoluntary...s-a-community-response-volunteer-v114-957.pdf
NHS Transport Guide: https://volunteering.royalvoluntary...ted-as-a-nhs-transport-volunteer-v112-965.pdf
Patient Transport Guide: https://volunteering.royalvoluntary...as-a-patient-transport-volunteer-v110-958.pdf
You can visit the website at
With such a phenomenal number of volunteers we would be grateful if you could refer to the 'Getting You Started' guides before you contact us with your questions and queries as the majority should be covered in these.
This is a non-uniform role – please do not create your own.
We have designed this programme to be non-uniform. This is for a number of reasons:
- To ensure there is clarity for those we are supporting about how to ID check their volunteer
- To prevent the risk of individuals who are not our volunteers creating replica uniforms that could potentially be used for negative purposes
It is therefore vital that our NHS Volunteer Responders do not create their own uniforms and instead use their profile as identification within the GoodSAM Responder App.
Media Requests
We are aware that volunteers will be approached by the media to share their experiences of volunteering. We ask that you refer to your 'Getting You Started; guide and do not share anything that is identifiable and personal to the person you have supported.
Parking Permits for Volunteers
On 25 March the Local Government Secretary announced that local councils will offer free on-street and off-street car parking in local authority car parks to all NHS staff members, health or social care workers, and NHS Volunteer Responders during the COVID-19 emergency response.
The pass can be used as evidence that a motorist is on official duty, giving NHS Volunteer Responders access to free council car parking as outlined in the accompanying guidance. Please note, this does not apply to privately owned car parks.
The pass, and accompanying guidance can be accessed by visiting:
Royal Voluntary Service
Please carefully read the accompanying guidance on how and where to park when using the concession. Please enter 'Royal Voluntary Service' in the 'Issuing Workplace' field of the permit.
The parking pass is in PDF format and will need to be printed before use. Our recommendation is that volunteers who cannot print at home utilise local mutual aid or community resources to get passes printed, while strictly observing government guidance on social distancing (eg. asking someone to drop it round through the letter box on their daily walk). Unfortunately we are unable to print and/or post these passes on behalf of volunteers.
The British Parking Association and its members have launched an online search to help you to locate free parking facilities for volunteers locally. Please visit
Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you for signing up to be an NHS Volunteer Responder, and being a part of the biggest call for volunteers since Royal Voluntary Service mobilised 2 million helpers during WW2. Together we can take care of those who need us and support our amazing NHS.