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NHS Covid 19 App

Not enough people will install it to make it effective, they are probably keeping all the metadata in an excel file, it's already sending phantom alerts, there is a fucking horrible 'check in' functionality that is way beyond what other countries are doing. Off the top of my head.

Which metadata might be kept in a spreadsheet?
I suppose my "confusion" is around the fact that, like any other thing a business does, it's up to the individual customer whether they want to co-operate or not. All (two) of the businesses I've visited have had the QR posters up, and someone with a book, so from my point of view, your difficulty is a non-issue.

If they didn't have the QR posters up, and just the book, I'd probably still go, just the same. But if either of them said "you have to use the QR code/book", I might find myself in the position of making a decision whether or not to go in. Not sure how I can make this clearer to you.

Go fuck yourself, condescending wind bag.
He talks a lot about not being able to download the app. Which is bollocks. Also, some of the stuff he says about the QR code are wrong. It works fine in the app. He's right about the size of it though and how some of what it returns is pointless.
The main takeaway I took from it was about the QR code format used is not ideal. Having spent a bit of time about a year ago looking into QR code optimisation I agree. It's not end of the world stuff, the app still functions but like the excel spreadsheet stuff and the duff notifications it's clearly not the best minds that have been working on this. I suspect it's the cheapest people Serco could find being charged out to the Gov for 20x their rate.

Those QR codes have a lot of unnecessary information in them which creates a more dense QR code which means it's slower and less reliable to scan. Older phones with worse cameras and less grunt to process images will struggle, people with less steady hands will struggle and being in low light will make them much harder to scan - a problem as they're often going to be in darker doorways as you go in.
That stuff I mused about in the past as to whether various managers and authorities would dislike aspects of the app because its instructions conflict with their ability to manage staffing etc by fudging close contact/isolation rules manually is certainly proving to be a thing:

This originally occurred to me in the context of healthcare staff but it actually applies much more broadly and stories like this shine a light on covid secure bullshit and workplace/management reality.

My anonymous contact told me: "Too many schools want to keep staff in, even if it means breaking the law.
"I am in a school with about 75-80% black African heritage intake, so our demographic is at very high risk."

And also

One head teacher told his colleagues there was a danger a staff member could receive an alert relating to their external activities, which would then trigger more alerts affecting the school.

A danger the app might actually do what its supposed to, we cant be having that!
"One head teacher told his colleagues there was a danger a staff member could receive an alert relating to their external activities, which would then trigger more alerts affecting the school."

I thought that'd only be the case if said staff member tested positive themselves, in which case it wouldn't matter whether it was relating to external activities people would need to isolate.
That stuff I mused about in the past as to whether various managers and authorities would dislike aspects of the app because its instructions conflict with their ability to manage staffing etc by fudging close contact/isolation rules manually is certainly proving to be a thing:

This originally occurred to me in the context of healthcare staff but it actually applies much more broadly and stories like this shine a light on covid secure bullshit and workplace/management reality.

And also

A danger the app might actually do what its supposed to, we cant be having that!

Same in some private firms.
A truly worldbeating quantity of surplus management fudge in this pandemic. As with nearly everything else illuminated by this pandemic its nothing new, it just reveals in magnified form what was always there and that people already knew was shit via the rest of their life experiences. But the pandemic is too intense a thing for these things to be hidden by the usual slow grind. The consequences that are soul destroying, economically devastating or deadly to people over a lifetime or a career that are normally tolerated (including via managed decline), are less obviously tolerable when they happen to everyone at once in a relatively short period of time.
The app just sent me a notification saying 'someone you met has tested positive for covid', but it then vanished and I can't find any trace of it in the app, or anything telling me what to do of I get such a message :confused:
The app just sent me a notification saying 'someone you met has tested positive for covid', but it then vanished and I can't find any trace of it in the app, or anything telling me what to do of I get such a message :confused:
nowt to worry about
this is discussed upthread but this explains it:
Nice one cheers. I note that article is a week old and yet I still couldn't find anything on the app, website or Google.

I forgot to turn off the Bluetooth for my a&e shift the other day :facepalm: so I wouldn't be surprised to actually get a message.
Went to two venues tonight, and again at the first one neither of our phones worked with the QR code. They both worked fine at the second venue. I tried moving the laminated sheet out of the light, because the lighting was causing a couple of sharp spikes across the image, but it didn't help. They didn't ask for any additional information, either.

Our phones were also stolen on the street so now we can't go into any venues till we get new phones. OK, going out to eat isn't an essential, but it puts an extra barrier on what socialising there is.
I have had an alert. It could be this thing which is an error but maybe not? I work in healthcare. I have no idea if I should go to work tomorrow or now so have emailed by boss and asked her what to do :D will call in the morning. I could try to get a test tonight BUT App guidance just says isolate for 14 days, testing website says don't do anything unless test and trace tells you to (is the app part of test and trace or is that a different, specific thing??). I thought my workplace had released guidance saying to get a test ASAP but that may have just been for symptomatic people. CONFUSING.
I had a blustery coffee on the beach with a friend yesterday. There was a QR code on the door to the restaurant, but as we didn't go inside, I didn't scan in. Nor did they ask us to. BUt then the app knows where I am anyway, so do I need to scan in?
I had a blustery coffee on the beach with a friend yesterday. There was a QR code on the door to the restaurant, but as we didn't go inside, I didn't scan in. Nor did they ask us to. BUt then the app knows where I am anyway, so do I need to scan in?

No, app works in relation to other phones, not whether you were GPS tracked into a bar/restaurant. That's what the QR codes are for. If you didn't go in you don't need to scan afaik.
I have had an alert. It could be this thing which is an error but maybe not? I work in healthcare. I have no idea if I should go to work tomorrow or now so have emailed by boss and asked her what to do :D will call in the morning. I could try to get a test tonight BUT App guidance just says isolate for 14 days, testing website says don't do anything unless test and trace tells you to (is the app part of test and trace or is that a different, specific thing??). I thought my workplace had released guidance saying to get a test ASAP but that may have just been for symptomatic people. CONFUSING.
Is the alert still visible when you go into the app, and actually telling you to isolate? If it is, then I think you have to follow it regardless of whether you have a test.

If it was a possible exposure notice that came up and disappeared, and isn't visible in your app now with isolation instructions, then you ignore it.
where would it show in the App? there.s nothing obvious when i open the app but its logged a notification when i look via android settings etc

(Id quite like some legit days working from home :D :D :D don't ruin it for me!!)
Went to two venues tonight, and again at the first one neither of our phones worked with the QR code. They both worked fine at the second venue. I tried moving the laminated sheet out of the light, because the lighting was causing a couple of sharp spikes across the image, but it didn't help. They didn't ask for any additional information, either.

Our phones were also stolen on the street so now we can't go into any venues till we get new phones. OK, going out to eat isn't an essential, but it puts an extra barrier on what socialising there is.

Sorry about your phone's. You should be able to give details manually should you want to eat somewhere though appreciate you might not want too.
where would it show in the App? there.s nothing obvious when i open the app but its logged a notification when i look via android settings etc

(Id quite like some legit days working from home :D :D :D don't ruin it for me!!)
What does the notification say? If there's nothing in the app then it probably isn't an actual self-isolation order unfortunately :(
If you can't see anything in the app it will be one of the "possible exposure" messages that it sends out which they blamed on Apple/Google but are actually their fault.

Mention of them seems to have been removed from the NHS FAQ - I've seen it previously - so I suspect they are planning to roll out a fix for it.
Installed it because my pilates class did it's first in-person lesson for 7 months and it was a condition of entry according to the email. Needed to scan the QR.

Arrived, got waved straight in without anyone asking.

Might as well keep it now I guess. 🤷‍♂️
I thought they'd fixed the problem with inputting test results from tests that weren't arranged via the app? My fella had a test done as part of the Imperial College survey, tried to input the code, and it's just not accepting it.
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