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NH Carnival '14 - Soundsystems under threat

I'm actually shattered. I worked 14 days straight so this is the first weekend to chill. Got battered last night on the beer.

I will probably just sit and smoke in the house with some tunes on.

I will keep an eye on the thread though and see where you guys are :)
might go to this after Ruti - down the road from you
I'm well looking forward to it Despite having a snot streaming from nose continually cold.

Will mean a very sober Sunday (am going to just do Sunday this year, due to stressful work on Monday) first year in ages without a 20cl bottle of Wray and Nephews to aid my day, but fuck it, it's far more about the music and the atmosphere than the getting wasted for me.

Am looking forward to Rinse (finally at carnival, although I'd love to see a line up, as I'd like to hear Youngsta play out for old FWD times sake, not fussed about Skream, and I suspect he'll be on the Monday anyways), Channel One, and um, just doing the usual ambling about trying to get to various points and catching what luck decrees that I hear/see
Am looking forward to Rinse (finally at carnival, although I'd love to see a line up, as I'd like to hear Youngsta play out for old FWD times sake, not fussed about Skream, and I suspect he'll be on the Monday anyways),
i've pieced together some info about Sunday sets for Rinse - their headliners are: Katy B, Chase & Status, Jess Glynne, P Money
which im guessing will be 5-7pm - not interested in any of that tbh
4.30pm-5pm is Uncle Dugs playing 94 jungle set
1pm is metalheadz in some shape or form.
its rare for me to get there so early but im going to try and be there for 1 this year - if i am i'll check that out

so yeah, i dont think Sunday Rinse will be that great tbh, i think the Monday would be better, except it'll be a washout - the weather forecast looks biblical - which might make the sunday busier than normal

probably will just pop up for dugs set and head straight back to Aba!
Basecamp for the whole weekend is going to be at a mates place that overlooks the Sir Lloyd stage. LIneup for Monday looks heaving...
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good advice...i tend to go with a bottle of Innocent fruit juice mixed with a quart of rum

Why Notting Hill Carnival 2014 is missing some major soundsystems
DJ Norman Jay MBE tells us how he and others had no option but to pull out of this year’s event, what he feels about the decision, and what happens next
- See more at: http://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2014...r-soundsystems/#sthash.wCFcoIq4.916C8bEs.dpuf

you were right stethoscope - but its strange as there will sounds on both those pitches - i guess with smaller crowds
Why Notting Hill Carnival 2014 is missing some major soundsystems
DJ Norman Jay MBE tells us how he and others had no option but to pull out of this year’s event, what he feels about the decision, and what happens next
- See more at: http://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2014...r-soundsystems/#sthash.wCFcoIq4.916C8bEs.dpuf

you were right stethoscope - but its strange as there will sounds on both those pitches - i guess with smaller crowds

Good Times has not only massive crowds but a double decker bus to accomodate too.

Wouldn't surprise me that when that corner has finished being redeveloped, that spot will become 'out of bounds' to Carnival - cynical moi?!
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