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New 'left-wing' think tank....

it might to a great extent, it might to a negligible extent. If Marx was around today, you lot would be saying "it's ok for him he's married into the aristocracy of Westphalia" and how he spends ages reading works of political economy rather than going down the mines.
If you were aroundMarx in the 19th C you'd ignore him, as not being part of the realistic working class movement.
As a materialist, would it surprise you that people who have shared a similar climate, language(s), religious culture over centuries, etc etc would exhibit certain behavioural traits in common?
Yes, she's latin american. Or English.

You genuinely have no idea how dispiriting it is to hear oh it's just her way do you? You really have no idea what arrogance it entails or the privilige it's constructed upon and how you're roped in to defend it. You've posted some real drivel on here before but fucking hell...
Shame to see this become all about one person's personality, rather than the structures that allow the powerful to ignore those without influence. But hey, show me a worker some day and I'll say "that's interesting".
it might to a great extent, it might to a negligible extent. If Marx was around today, you lot would be saying "it's ok for him he's married into the aristocracy of Westphalia" and how he spends ages reading works of political economy rather than going down the mines.
Yes, because that's what all criticisms of privilege and how it works in real life are actually saying. Get down the mine. You don't get that you're building this seperation, you're reinforcing it with every post. Oh that's just what they're like. And anyway, like frig is she an intellectual.
"These offensive, xenophobic and humiliating remarks serve only to reinforce negative stereotypes and perpetuate prejudice against Mexico and its people."

Shut up. Because Terry fucking Eagleton.
. Get down the mine. You don't get that you're building this seperation, you're reinforcing it with every post. Oh that's just what they're like. And anyway, like frig is she an intellectual.

What is, and what should be the role of the intellectual in your view? Marx had a brief go at organising, it didn't work out, he went back to the library for ages and had another crack a good few years later. But he wasn't ever organically w/c. This isn't a criticism - it's a fact of life in class society. Doesn't mean the divisions can't be broken down.
What is, and what should be the role of the intellectual in your view? Marx had a brief go at organising, it didn't work out, he went back to the library for ages and had another crack a good few years later. But he wasn't ever organically w/c. This isn't a criticism - it's a fact of life in class society. Doesn't mean the divisions can't be broken down.
What a pompous question. Stupid too.
OK let me rephrase - given that it is a fact of class society that postgraduate education (or equivalent levels of access to skills which require a high degree of familiarity with analytical approaches, technical vocabularies, concepts ets) are distributed highly unequally - how can those in possession of them make these skills available to much broader sections of the population whose role in class society has been mostly limited to manual tasks?
What is, and what should be the role of the intellectual in your view? Marx had a brief go at organising, it didn't work out, he went back to the library for ages and had another crack a good few years later. But he wasn't ever organically w/c. This isn't a criticism - it's a fact of life in class society. Doesn't mean the divisions can't be broken down.
Stop using Karl Marx as an example, because he's widely regarded as a groundbreaking genius. It's like using the example of Isaac Newton to argue that it's ok for scientists to believe in astrology and alchemy.
OK let me rephrase - given that it is a fact of class society that postgraduate education (or equivalent levels of access to skills which require a high degree of familiarity with analytical approaches, technical vocabularies, concepts ets) are distributed highly unequally - how can those in possession of them make these skills available to much broader sections of the population whose role in class society has been mostly limited to manual tasks?
They should go to the peasants in the latter half of the 19th century, then later form small terrorist cells, only later using the zemstvos as a vehicle for wider social organising and finally dominate the Constituent assembly in 1918.
Lenin reckoned that Marxism was thought up by the intellectuals are only later incorporated into working class politics.
Lenin reckoned that Marxism was thought up by the intellectuals are only later incorporated into working class politics.
No, your second album "because Lenin" will get bad reviews, critics will slam it's apparent lack of sincerity.
OK let me rephrase - given that it is a fact of class society that postgraduate education (or equivalent levels of access to skills which require a high degree of familiarity with analytical approaches, technical vocabularies, concepts ets) are distributed highly unequally - how can those in possession of them make these skills available to much broader sections of the population whose role in class society has been mostly limited to manual tasks?
Wow. 150 years after the idea of the general intellect and you come out with this fabian nonsense.
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