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New 'left-wing' think tank....

Of course, they were a very different party when i was/wasn't a member, did/didn't support it/them/him/her.

We should leave that space totally uncontested, even though it's going to determine the colour of the only possible non-coalition government?
That space? By that you mean the labour party? And by contest you mean join? In which case yes, don't join the labour party.

What silly PR games you've devised to sell this yourself and yourself to them.
and be a Jeremiah telling everyone who'll listen how the left is totally fucked and it's a matter of time till the next fascist dictatorship?
That's not backing it up, that's utterly embarrassingly failing to back it up. Given that i don't believe that "it's a matter of time till the next fascist dictatorship" and have argued extensively against the idea (even in your shit mag) i think that you're going to have problems backing it up - don't you?
You really are crap under a little bit of pressure aren't you? Maybe the commanding heights of the labour party are easier to knock over though.
I think you've spent a few too many years around people whose job it is to go oh yeah labour is great - i never realised just how great before. You've no longer got any clue how to deal with opposition - see your hilarious rag-losing and foot-stamping after the AV vote you led was defeated so heavily - you have no idea what you look or sound like anymore. You don't know how to respond politically to anything.
I should do the honourable thing and revert to talking up the achievements of the far right, taking sectarian potshots at anyone and everyone, and diddly squat else?
I should do the honourable thing and revert to talking up the achievements of the far right, taking sectarian potshots at anyone and everyone, and diddly squat else?
Deeper and deeper...when do you acknowledge that you've already drowned?

You should certainly leave labour and stop arguing that people should join and vote for them, whilst dropping the two-faced cant on the way.
there is no two-face cant. Were there a more viable left project out there I might well join it. My Labour membership is already fairly nominal. But I will work with the LRC and people outside to build an effective opposition to all neoliberal platforms - including Balls/Miliband.
there is no two-face cant. Were there a more viable left project out there I might well join it. My Labour membership is already fairly nominal. But I will work with the LRC and people outside to build an effective opposition to all neoliberal platforms - including Balls/Miliband.
Avoiding the obvious and easy joke:

Vote and join labour, it's good enough for you but i'm a bit meh.

Sounds a bit like two faced cant to me.
I'm hardly evangelising for Labour - here or elsewhere. My vote for the left slate in the NEC elections is about the sum total of my activity for the party in the last 12 months.
I'm hardly evangelising for Labour - here or elsewhere. My vote for the left slate in the NEC elections is about the sum total of my activity for the party in the last 12 months.
Really? Your consistent insistence on voting labour, on joining labour, that politics revolves around labour that all others are pointless time-wasting sectarians (whilst simultaneously insisting that your own aim is to actually open labour up to and work with groups outside of labour in order to save labour). You simply do not know what you and people like you look like - remember all that stuff about the bubbles after the AV vote (the stuff that you disagreed with then published as your own under a fake name in your mag?) - you're still doing it.
I've NEVER argued people outside Labour are "pointless time-wasting sectarians". I work more with people outside than with people inside, on the mag, on local anti-cuts campaigns, on other issues. But I think it's important to build left organisation where we can - and given the default pull towards Labour (particularly strengthened by the FPTP system you helped to defend) that means building inside, as well as outside, the party.

There were elements of your critique of the AV campaign that I only came to recognise after the event (although i had plenty during the campaign too). So what?
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