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Netflix recommendations

Well, we’re two thirds into Sex Education and thoroughly enjoying it....
Said the whole world.

Anyway.. I did not like the last episode of Titans (because it didn't do what I wanted it to do).

But eps 5,6,7,8 and 9 were really good. One of them was about two minor characters I didn't have much time for but which turned out to be surprisingly good.

You could probably just jump in at episode 5, you're not really missing anything.
Said the whole world.

Anyway.. I did not like the last episode of Titans (because it didn't do what I wanted it to do).

But eps 5,6,7,8 and 9 were really good. One of them was about two minor characters I didn't have much time for but which turned out to be surprisingly good.

You could probably just jump in at episode 5, you're not really missing anything.
We finished Titans and completely agree. I had expected a cliffhanger or two but wanted some degree of resolution to some of the subplots. But as the last episode progressed and it became obvious the story was going to take up most of it, I realised they were going to leave us high and dry.
We finished Titans and completely agree. I had expected a cliffhanger or two but wanted some degree of resolution to some of the subplots. But as the last episode progressed and it became obvious the story was going to take up most of it, I realised they were going to leave us high and dry.
Yeah...the only time in my life I've been disappointed to see Batman.
Watching Season 3 of Fargo. Loving it.

I'd watched half the first episode a while back and couldn't get with it, so I gave it another go, and from episode 2 onwards it's smack back in that familiar universe...with added cartoons and Billy Bob Thornton narrating peter and the wolf.
Watching Season 3 of Fargo. Loving it.

I'd watched half the first episode a while back and couldn't get with it, so I gave it another go, and from episode 2 onwards it's smack back in that familiar universe...with added cartoons and Billy Bob Thornton narrating peter and the wolf.
I wish I could watch it all again, with fresh eyes. It is seriously one of the best things I have EVER seen.
If you want a film from. Mexico whose message is unambiguously political watch Ayotzinapa as I recommended upthread.

The subtitles downplay some of the most explicitly political language used but it's still pretty fucking blunt.

And necessary.

It's not pleasant watching though.
watched now... yes it's bleak... appropriate I watched on the same night this story broke El Chapo 'paid $100m bribe to ex-president'
Right...tomorrow we've got Star Trek, Good Place and Punisher (whole season).

Punisher season 2 will most likely be the last ever netflix marvel.
Right...tomorrow we've got Star Trek, Good Place and Punisher (whole season).

Punisher season 2 will most likely be the last ever netflix marvel.
Interesting episode of The Good Place. One ep to go so clearly setting things up for a fourth season.

I had hoped that
the new human residents would be played by top-drawer actors but judging by the brief reveal of the first one, I guess not. Which could be a good thing, as it is far less likely the main characters will be replaced or written off by a new set of humans.
Interesting episode of The Good Place. One ep to go so clearly setting things up for a fourth season.

I had hoped that
the new human residents would be played by top-drawer actors but judging by the brief reveal of the first one, I guess not. Which could be a good thing, as it is far less likely the main characters will be replaced or written off by a new set of humans.
Well yeah I was thinking that but more funnily/interestingly
Eleanor is taking Michael's place...a wonderful redirection
We're really enjoying Dogs of Berlin. It's a cop show based around the murder of a football star, with nazi/Turkish gangland and sports betting/corruption themes. The subtitles are a bit fast but it's really nicely filmed, more intelligent than this type of show usually is, and has some great characters.
Watched the Fyre festival documentary yesterday. It's a must see....I don't know where to start, it's probably the definition of a clusterfuck.

I hadn't realised he was still at it while on bail. I was prepared to think everyone was blaming him because they'd been had over until then.
Also watched the Fyre docu. I wished it had gotten to a point where the attendees were forced to eat each other the survive, alas they got off too easy. Very entertaining and great Schadenfreude telly till it gets to the local contractors who got fucked over.
Really enjoyed the Fyre documentary. It was weird watching it almost shouting at the screen about how "this is never going to work, cut your losses!!!" to the crew then them explaining why they carried on when they knew it was already a clusterfuck and only going to get worse. I had absolutely no sympathy for the attendees though.
Abducted in Plain Sight
Absolutely mad story of a little girl who was abducted from her family and how the perpetrator manipulated them all.

Catwalk - tales from the cat show circuit
A peek at Canadian cat botherers

Gray State
An interesting and very sad documentary about a man who wanted to make a movie.
I really enjoyed the Fyre doc too. I felt incredibly sorry for the islanders and also for the employees left with hundreds of thousands of debt.

I had a slightest snippet of sympathy for the attendees until the stories of the first night when 1 woman stole a whole pallet load of bog paper and a bunch of lads decided they didn't want to have neighbours so went and slashed all the tents next to theirs. Utter cunts.
Anyone else seen Sex Education? Been watching it.

Pretty heartfelt, funny and entertaining for all its cliches and cringey moments. Better than I expected.
Watched 'Bird Box' the other night, actually enjoyed it more than I expected to having read reviews here.

Found 'Split' had appeared on the movie list last night - James McAvoy as a multiple personality kidnapper / killer - brilliant acting, definitely worth a watch if you didn't see it at the cinema.
Really enjoyed the Fyre documentary. It was weird watching it almost shouting at the screen about how "this is never going to work, cut your losses!!!" to the crew then them explaining why they carried on when they knew it was already a clusterfuck and only going to get worse. I had absolutely no sympathy for the attendees though.

That's on my "List" - glad to read others watched it and enjoyed it.

Will watch it after the last episode of Sex Education, which I think it's one of the best things I watched in a long time! So much of it is so close to home:
the mother being compelled to go in her son's room and the feelings of hurt when he pushes her away (I think most parents of teenagers can related to that), the feelings of anger after being attacked for what he was wearing and how that affects his behaviour afterwards (the way society makes us prune ourselves just to fit in and be "normal"), the son who hates his righteous father because he's always criticising him and so much more!!!
There were a few 'lump in throat' moments :(

It was filmed in Wales (Penarth), by the way... While my rational side would tend to think along these lines, my emotional side got totally sucked in.
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Abducted in Plain Sight
Absolutely mad story of a little girl who was abducted from her family and how the perpetrator manipulated them all.

Catwalk - tales from the cat show circuit
A peek at Canadian cat botherers

Gray State
An interesting and very sad documentary about a man who wanted to make a movie.

Abducted in plain sight was bizarre I veer between thinking they must be soooo gullible to wondering if there was more to it - they were so pliable

( I don't want to spoil it for anyone and don’t know how to create a spoiler)

but his relationship with the parents was bizarre and they seemed more worried about their reputation in the community than safeguarding their daughter... strange indeed.

Anyway thanks for the mention I wouldn’t have watched otherwise.
Abducted in plain sight was bizarre I veer between thinking they must be soooo gullible to wondering if there was more to it - they were so pliable

( I don't want to spoil it for anyone and don’t know how to create a spoiler)

but his relationship with the parents was bizarre and they seemed more worried about their reputation in the community than safeguarding their daughter... strange indeed.

Anyway thanks for the mention I wouldn’t have watched otherwise.
I agree with all of that. I think they were just very, very naive people. Still beggars belief though.
I caught a bit of Fyre again while at a friends. I'd forgotten this bellend...

The one who didn't want neighbours so set about ripping and ransacking tents 'while his buddies pissed on a few beds'

Abducted in plain sight was bizarre I veer between thinking they must be soooo gullible to wondering if there was more to it - they were so pliable

( I don't want to spoil it for anyone and don’t know how to create a spoiler)

but his relationship with the parents was bizarre and they seemed more worried about their reputation in the community than safeguarding their daughter... strange indeed.

Anyway thanks for the mention I wouldn’t have watched otherwise.
I wondered if there was more to the Mormon angle?
Abducted in Plain Sight
Absolutely mad story of a little girl who was abducted from her family and how the perpetrator manipulated them all.

Catwalk - tales from the cat show circuit
A peek at Canadian cat botherers

Gray State
An interesting and very sad documentary about a man who wanted to make a movie.
Abducted in plain sight was bizarre I veer between thinking they must be soooo gullible to wondering if there was more to it - they were so pliable

( I don't want to spoil it for anyone and don’t know how to create a spoiler)

but his relationship with the parents was bizarre and they seemed more worried about their reputation in the community than safeguarding their daughter... strange indeed.

Anyway thanks for the mention I wouldn’t have watched otherwise.
I agree with all of that. I think they were just very, very naive people. Still beggars belief though.
I wondered if there was more to the Mormon angle?
It was so weird and the parents were ridiculously naive at best but I think there’s more to the story. I’m kind of amazed they’re all still talking to each other!
Luther. I suspect a superfluous recommendation to most of you, as we seem to be the only people in the land who haven’t watched it yet. But we finally decided to give it a go, and the first two series have been very good. Starting s3 now.
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