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Netflix recommendations

Clean bed sheets

Got everything done at work and left on time

Got lots done this morning, went shopping on the way home and hoovered and put a wash on when I got in so now I'm going to do nothing before bed except watch crap on netflix and microwave something for tea
Titans gets markedly better from ep 3 (not that the first two were bad imo) so to those who have watched one or two episodes and are in two minds about it i’d recommend carrying on.
Titans gets markedly better from ep 3 (not that the first two were bad imo) so to those who have watched one or two episodes and are in two minds about it i’d recommend carrying on.
Oh I'm enjoying it. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea.

Episode 4 is a bit weird but 5 is great.
More swearing than even Gotham :cool:
Yeah it has a target audience, I'm in the venn diagram of that.

but I have to stress I've watched nearly 250 episodes of the kids cartoon Teen Titans Go! (please watch all of this) and it's my favourite of all time (Yes I'm including PowerPuffs and Fairly Odds and obviously Dexter) so I'm giving this one some leeway. Raven isn't as good, Starfire isn't as good, BeastBoy isn't as good and Robin definitely isn't as good. But they are all their own thing in this doing a variation, I appreciate that.

There's nothing else good on just now, this is a fine binge in 4k HDR. I'll be finished by tuesday probably.
If you want a film from. Mexico whose message is unambiguously political watch Ayotzinapa as I recommended upthread.

The subtitles downplay some of the most explicitly political language used but it's still pretty fucking blunt.

And necessary.

It's not pleasant watching though.
If you want a film from. Mexico whose message is unambiguously political watch Ayotzinapa as I recommended upthread.

The subtitles downplay some of the most explicitly political language used but it's still pretty fucking blunt.

And necessary.

It's not pleasant watching though.
I remember the case, it was horrendous. There are at least four documentaries based on it though, all with “Ayotzinapa” in the title, but none of them just called that.
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Cheers for the recommendation of Roma, Orang Utan - we watched it last night. Sumptuous, right from the very first scene. Absolutely loved it, and yes - the sounds!! :cool: We couldn't stop talking about it afterwards.

A documentary about Victor Jara came up after it too - which we obviously watched. That was also excellent - Remastered I think it was called.
A lot of people online seem to be weirded out by it as it appears to be set in an American school, but with British kids
Just started the first episode and it seems to be an indeterminate place, with a blend/ hint of various locations or countries. British accents and cars, American/ Canadian looking school and houses. But I have no issue at all with that.

Incidentally the era this is set in appears to be equally ambiguous. They have mobile phones and internet but the looks and the cars look from the 1990s. Rather like Archer, if ever watched that. Again, I have no issue with this this deliberate inconsistency.

Anyway, watching the first episode and so far pretty watchable.
The Last Man On The Moon. Documentary film about the last man on the moon, surprisingly. Enjoyed it.
Cheers 23, this was excellent. Top bloke. Docs like these make you realise what exceptional individuals these blokes were.

There are still 4 moonwalkers left alive, Buzz Aldrin, Dave Scott, Charles Duke, and Harrison Schmitt, all in their mid-late 80s. Fingers crossed they all get to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing this year (July 21st).
One of the many things I liked about Roma was that it made many political points in a rather understated way and what it thankfully didn't have was a political message. The entire film is about Cuarón's ambivalence about his upbringing.

I don't think it fudged anything unless you wanted a more polemical film out of this, which it wasn't meant to be.
I think the most part of why it is seen as politically important in mexico is just the fact of having an indigenous actor playing an indigenous main character in a film, but that not being made a big deal of particularly and just being part of the story.
Cheers 23, this was excellent. Top bloke. Docs like these make you realise what exceptional individuals these blokes were.

There are still 4 moonwalkers left alive, Buzz Aldrin, Dave Scott, Charles Duke, and Harrison Schmitt, all in their mid-late 80s. Fingers crossed they all get to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing this year (July 21st).
Yeah it was very good, glad you enjoyed it :thumbs:
Well, we’re two thirds into Sex Education and thoroughly enjoying it. It’s not amazing, but still very watchable and at times properly funny.
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