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Neo Nazis in Germany

Sorta related - Coppery in the former DDR area is in a bit of a crisis atm - recruitment of polish nationals into the German police force is well under way to tape over the staffing gaps in some states
Mad last 10 days. Not had much time to keep up with it but here's a quick summary:
1. "Pro Chemnitz" an organization headed up by a lawyer called Martin Holzmann, who regularly represents neo-nazis in court in and around the Saxony region, organised some rallies last week as a remembrance for the victims of the stabbing. There were something like 8000 right wingers with 1500 opposition at the earlier marches in the week. Notably, some prominent Saxony AfD politicians turned up and stood shoulder to shoulder with Pegida and Pro Chemnitz nazis.
There were isolated attacks on foreigners, journalists, and counter-demonstrators.
2. The arrest warrant (including names, addresses etc) of the Syrian & Iraki alleged perps turned up on the facebook page of Lutz Bachmann - the founder of Pegida. So again, someone in the Saxony police has been a bit naughty.
3. Seehofer in his new role as the interior minister has been remarkably silent considering his recent attempts to broadside Merkel on the immigration issue - although he did offer Saxony more police to deal with protests.
4. A counter demo/ concert was held in Chemnitz yesterday as a show of strength. 60k turned up.

Fuck knows where it'll go from here. There seems to be a concerted effort by the media in Germany to focus on the AfDs participation with open Neo-Nazis on the demos. Articles like this Spiegel report "Alternative for Germany - Who chooses it chooses Nazis".
While their intention may be to play on the potential AfDs voter's guilty conscience in the Laende elections coming up in Bavaria next month, where the CSU has lost a lot of ground to the AfD over the last year, I think they may be over-egging it a bit seeing as AfD voters are generally skeptical of the media.
One repeated argument in a few of the rightwinger interviews I've seen this week is that the "big increase in sexually motivated attacks on women and violent crime by immigrants since the 2015 influx* have largely gone unreported", while the spontaneous rightwing demo in Chemnitz last Sunday has reached all media outlets.

*I haven't found any data yet - so can neither refute or confirm this.
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News reports this evening from Chemnitz in Saxony (formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt) of about 800 neo nazis in the city attacking immegrants after a german was killed in a mass brawl at a street party.

Chemnitz: Rechte marschieren nach Tod eines 35-Jährigen durch die Stadt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The nuts thing is the guy that died was half Cuban and experienced a lot of racism in Chemnitz. Apparently, he was a lefty... I think antifa. And these goons are using his death as an assault of bio-deutsch. Uff. Neo-nazis are marching in Hamburg tomorrow :(
The nuts thing is the guy that died was half Cuban and experienced a lot of racism in Chemnitz. Apparently, he was a lefty... I think antifa. And these goons are using his death as an assault of bio-deutsch. Uff. Neo-nazis are marching in Hamburg tomorrow :(
Good point. Forgot to mention that.
To be fair to them, in one of the tv interviews at the demo last monday an AfD bloke used that as one of the examples of how the German media fail to report partially - ie the irony that someone who supported reugees welcome got killed by an asylum seeker dont fit merkels narrative of her (then) liberal immegration agenda either...
well weird seeing antifa and merkel thrown in the same bed like that but bugrudgingly I could kind of see his point
Good read about what's going on in Germany, and why the head of the domestic intelligence service had to go.

Merkel’s Spy Chief Is Removed After Public Rift

Only critical point I see is
[The Verfassungsschutz's] founding mission when created in the aftermath of World War II was to protect against the rise of political forces — primarily another Nazi party — that could once again threaten Germany’s democracy.

In fact, it was of course created to protect democracy against all kinds of 'extremism', but as an institution of the Cold War this meant primarily communists and other left-wing movements. They even recruited their personnel partly from former NSDAP members.

blast from the past

Classic! If you don't know how this video footage was created—in the 90's, the organized Neo-Nazi scene in Germany tried to organize rallies to praise war criminal Rudolf Hess, the last WWII war criminal in allied jail, who committed suicide in 1987, and to publicly support their conspiracy theory, that this guy was murdered in jail. This regularly brought them into conflict with antifascist counter-protesters as well as with German laws against certain forms of Nazi propaganda. For this reason, they once had the great idea of choosing Luxembourg for their rally, because they thought such a small country would lack the same kind of trained police forces they were facing in Germany. The Luxembourgers obviously weren't quite amused and put this to an end very quickly.:D
Good read about what's going on in Germany, and why the head of the domestic intelligence service had to go.

Merkel’s Spy Chief Is Removed After Public Rift

In 2015, [spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen] met at least twice with the AfD leader at the time, Frauke Petry. According to Franziska Schreiber, a former AfD member, who has since left the party and written a book about it, Mr. Maassen was advising Ms. Petry on how to avoid surveillance by state authorities...

...Mr. Maassen also met at least three times with Alexander Gauland, the current co-leader of the party, who has recently referred to 12 years of Nazi rule as a mere “bird poop” in history...

...In June, Mr. Maassen shared details from an intelligence report with Stefan Brandner, an AfD lawmaker, a month before the report became public.
Don't know, if this has already been heard about here, but there has been another fascist murder in Germany. This time, for the first time after WWII, the victim was a politician from the center-right CDU. On 2nd of June the "Regierungspräsident" (sort of a governor) of Northern Hesse, Walter Lübcke, was found shot in his own backyard.

Of course, haven't learned anything from the NSU case, in the beginning the police investigated "in every direction", but mainly in the victim's personal environment, although Lübcke has been constantly threatened by neo-nazis for the last couple of years, with a new wave dating back just a couple of months ago. The reason is, that in an open discussion about refugee housing in his district in 2015, he confronted a bunch of racists in the audience by stating that human rights are basic values of our society, and whoever didn't like that were free to leave the country. Video footage of this statement circulated in right-wing contexts since then, and of course wasn't picked up there in a positive way.

Thus, although the neo-nazi elephant was in the room from the beginning, the case didn't attract as much attention as had been appropriate. Especially in Lübcke's own party, which is traditionally quite reluctant to the possibility of a right-wing terrorist threat, rather seeing their enemies on the left side and in islamist extremism. This didn't change until the investigators suddenly got a DNA hit with a well-known neo-nazi with a long criminal record including criminal assault, arson, illegal use of explosives and nazi propaganda. In the meantime, the guy has made a detailed confession, but retracted it later for unknown reasons.

Even now, it's remarkably quiet, and frighteningly you could get the impression, that nazi murders are pretty normal events in German society. This might have to do with parts of the CDU in the meantime openly proposing to cooperate with the far-right AfD party, where suitable. Having one of their own kind murdered by a nazi is there probably considered of kind of an accident, leading to partly embarassing statements.

Attention just gains traction slowly, with journalists and antifascists digging deeper into the culprit's past, revealing connections to the militant Combat 18 network and probably to the NSU as well, and a couple of people hope, that this case will gonna lead to more clarification about the NSU surroundings as well.

Meanwhile the AfD is quite on the defensive now, because people rightfully accuse them of favouring terrorist attacks like this with their permanent hate-mongering.
Today's fash flash:

“It’s shocking what has been revealed here, that there are cells here that appear to have become radicalised in such a short space of time,” the interior ministry spokesman Björn Grünewälder told reporters at a Berlin press conference.

Helps when the state's own provide finance, material resources and cover, I guess

The plan sounded frighteningly concrete. The group would round up political enemies and those defending migrants and refugees, put them on trucks and drive them to a secret location.

Then they would kill them.

One member had already bought 30 body bags. More body bags were on an order list, investigators say, along with quicklime, used to decompose organic material.

On the surface, those discussing the plan seemed reputable. One was a lawyer and local politician, but with a special hatred of immigrants. Two were active army reservists. Two others were police officers, including Marko Gross, a police sniper and former parachutist who acted as their unofficial leader.

...Jan Henrik H. was described by other members as particularly fervent and hateful. On his birthdays, he held a shooting contest on a field behind his house in Rostock, a nearby city on Germany’s northern coast, Nordkreuz members recalled.

The winner got a trophy named for Mehmet Turgut, a Turkish street vendor killed in Rostock in 2004 by the National Socialist Underground, a far-right terrorist group.

Mr. Gross was the most recent winner...

DW. 30/08/20
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described the incident as an "unbearable attack on the heart of our democracy."

On Saturday evening, hundreds of people tried to force their way into the building and were able to break through a security barrier and run up the stairs before being stopped by police.

Many of those involved sported clothing and flags associated with the far-right Reichsbürger movement, which denies the legitimacy of the modern German state.
Just before hundreds of far-right activists recently tried to storm the German Parliament, one of their leaders revved up the crowd by conjuring President Trump.

“Trump is in Berlin!” the woman shouted from a small stage, as if to dedicate the imminent charge to him.

She was so convincing that several groups of far-right activists later showed up at the American Embassy and demanded an audience with Mr. Trump. “We know he’s in there!” they insisted.

Mr. Trump was neither in the embassy nor in Germany that day — and yet there he was.

NYT on ‘Franco A’, the Bundeswehr officer arrested over a loaded handgun he hid in Vienna airport, sixteen months of pretending to be a Syrian refugee (to ‘expose flaws in the asylum system’), a thousand rounds of ammunition stashed in the bunker beneath his mother's house, handwritten notes about the personal routines of a pro-refugee Jewish activist, and hours of audio notes in which he expressed fond feelings for the dude with the 'tache and his twelve year-long racial utopia... But DEFINITELY JUST ALL CIRCUMSTANTIAL

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