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Neo Nazis in Germany

Also, christ, I had already heard the story about the BfV agent who was present at the scene of one of the NSU murders but just somehow completely failed to notice anything, but still shocking to be reminded of it.

Always worth bringing up the Forensic Architecture reconstruction of the murder of Halit Yozgat by NSU in a location coincidentally also attended by BfV's Andreas Temme:

German center-right leader mulls cooperation with far right at municipal level
CDU’s Friedrich Merz draws immediate criticism, including from his own party, for suggesting potentially ground-breaking shift.
politico. July 23, 2023

The leader of Germany’s center-right opposition, Friedrich Merz, said on Sunday that his party may look to work together with the far right at the municipal level — indicating a potentially ground-breaking shift in German politics that immediately attracted sharp criticism.

Germany’s established parties have long rejected any cooperation with the far-right, anti-migration and climate change-denying Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), which was founded 10 years ago and has in recent months risen to the second position in national polls.

But Merz told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview Sunday evening that his Christian Democratic Union (CDU) may abandon this position, although he argued that this shift only applied at the local level.

"Germany has outlawed Hammerskins, a neo-Nazi group known for its role in organising far-right concerts and selling racist music.
The move set "a clear signal against racism and antisemitism", Germany's interior minister said.
The authorities raided the residences of 28 leading members of the group across the country"
2 is a prime number and i always found prime numbers dodgy. They have more than a whiff of enitlement about them. Think they are special. Better than all the others. Yawn.
this is interesting...far right communes
According to a recent request for information to the federal interior ministry by Martina Renner of the opposition leftwing Die Linke party, rightwing extremist organisations have bought 40 properties across Germany in the past two years.

The figure indicates an acceleration of a pattern observed for more than a decade, in which hard-to-sell houses, pubs and farmland properties are being snapped up and used by the rightwing groups for everything from living space to birthing houses, sport halls and party venues.

“The properties are of less interest to Reichsbürger and the far-right scene as investments; rather they are utilised for establishing their parallel societies and creating spaces of fear for all those who don’t share their view of the world,” said Renner.

Among the most prominent organisations is the Königreich Deutschland (kingdom of Germany) or KRD, founded in 2012 in an elaborate ceremony, and boasting its own currency and constitution that gives it a state-like structure.
this is interesting...far right communes
According to a recent request for information to the federal interior ministry by Martina Renner of the opposition leftwing Die Linke party, rightwing extremist organisations have bought 40 properties across Germany in the past two years.

The figure indicates an acceleration of a pattern observed for more than a decade, in which hard-to-sell houses, pubs and farmland properties are being snapped up and used by the rightwing groups for everything from living space to birthing houses, sport halls and party venues.

“The properties are of less interest to Reichsbürger and the far-right scene as investments; rather they are utilised for establishing their parallel societies and creating spaces of fear for all those who don’t share their view of the world,” said Renner.

Among the most prominent organisations is the Königreich Deutschland (kingdom of Germany) or KRD, founded in 2012 in an elaborate ceremony, and boasting its own currency and constitution that gives it a state-like structure.
Just posted this on another thread, but this by Pankaj Mishra is good on Germany's pro-Israel politics, and the utter pisstake of a country with such a strong and resurgent far-right presenting/imagining antisemitism as being solely an Arab/Muslim problem:
The German president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, recently urged all those in Germany with ‘Arab roots’ to disavow hatred of Jews and denounce Hamas. The vice chancellor, Robert Habeck, followed with a more explicit warning to Muslims: they would be tolerated in Germany only if they rejected antisemitism. Aiwanger, a politician with a weakness for Nazi salutes, has joined the chorus blaming antisemitism in Germany on ‘unchecked immigration’. To denounce Germany’s Muslim minority as ‘the major carriers of antisemitism’, as Özyürek points out, is to suppress the fact that nearly ‘90 per cent of antisemitic crimes are committed by right-wing white Germans.’...

In a more unnerving illustration of the postwar German-Israeli symbiosis, the German health minister, Karl Lauterbach, approvingly retweeted a video in which Douglas Murray, a mouthpiece of the English far right, claims that the Nazis were more decent than Hamas. ‘Watch and listen,’ retweeted Karin Prien, deputy chair of the Christian Democratic Union and education minister for Schleswig-Holstein. ‘This is great,’ Jan Fleischhauer, a former contributing editor at Der Spiegel, wrote. ‘Really great,’ echoed Veronika Grimm, a member of the German Council of Economic Experts. The Süddeutsche Zeitung, which in 2021 ‘outed’ five Lebanese and Palestinian journalists at Deutsche Welle as antisemites, with equally flimsy evidence exposed the Indian poet and art historian Ranjit Hoskote as a calumniator of Jews for comparing Zionism with Hindu nationalism. Die Zeit alerted German readers to another moral outrage: ‘Greta Thunberg openly sympathises with the Palestinians.’ An open letter from Adam Tooze, Samuel Moyn and other academics criticising Jürgen Habermas’s statement in support of Israel’s actions provoked an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to claim that Jews have an ‘enemy’ at universities in the form of postcolonial studies. Der Spiegel ran a cover picture of Scholz alongside his claim that ‘we need to deport on a grand scale again.’
Saw this thread and thought it seemed interesting, you don't have to agree with all of it but parts of it are probably relevant elsewhere:

People around me are all like, "after this election we really have to mobilise for the protest against the AfD Parteitag in Essen". I really fail to see what good can come out of that whatsoever.

Here's some things I would like to see more energy being dedicated to, than the neverending and entirely pointless plenum-demo cycle:

  • Organize Signal groups for each city to report on sightings of nazis and call for help in case of attacks, with people who are willing to put their bodies in danger to help others (kudos to Dortmund antifa for doing this already; I respect the need for safety but you should find ways to let people outside the cliques call for help too; so should everyone everywhere; there has to be a "helpline" kind of channel, because the danger of being beaten to death on streets is bigger than the danger of police informants; I've been targeted by nazis 3 times the past 2 years.)
  • Organise mutual aid groups to share with immigrants long-term lodging, off-system medical care, bureaucracy support/volunteer translation, food, hormones, abortion etc. Most important thing here is reliability; a soup kitchen you can trust will be there every week is much more important than a super fancy KüFa that happens irregularly somewhere only the activist bubble knows about. How can you organise in a way that resists burnout, that will stay together after inevitable personal conflicts and bad behaviour?
  • Fundraise to send people to the Stop The Bleed courses (also in Deutschland) and buy practice material. Pass on the knowledge of how to use tourniquets and trauma bandages for free. Make it standard practice among activists to carry an IFAK and know how to do physical trauma aid.
  • Fundraise to set up leftist-oriented, queer- and immigrant-friendly gun ranges, offer free training. Set up groups to explore cheap, low-tech, and/or non-criminalised tools of community self-defense, e.g. how to build barricades, traps, how to use maces, crossbows, slings, how to build legal defenses when criminalised for it. No squat, forest occupation, immigrant shelter should stay defenceless at this point, much less rely on police.
  • Stop agitating for "democracy" and "against fascism" and for "peace". Come on, put something on the fucking table. Start agitating for: 100% open borders, basic income, double the minimum wage, double the Bürgergeld, double taxes on the rich, reduce the work week, free public transportation, free healthcare for marginals, sex work decriminalisation, weapons decriminalisation, end coal today, full police abolition, parallel and bottom-up power, collectivisation of workplaces... Demand those things loudly, uncompromisingly, riot when they're ignored, do damage, hurt their profits. If you're arrested use the arrest as a platform for even more agitation like Malatesta advises. "Wishful thinking, those are impossible demands"—all the Germans told me the AfD growing into power was impossible as recently as five years ago, they are literal Nazis but they have offered, in fact, an alternativ für Deutschland, it's the worst alternative but it's an alternative, and in the past 10 years they put the "impossible" alternative of National-Socialism squarely within the possible, what's your alternative? A miserable life of wage labour at 420ppmv?
  • Don't rely on governments, parties, elections for those things but start doing them right away, set up community centres, political WGs, farms, shelters, squats, forest occupations where we house people for free, give food, zines on how to do hormones, do a crossbow shooting range, emotional support for the abused, like rats build comfy nests in the ruins of the crumbling edifices of capitalism, let's not wait until total collapse to live our lives, be the collapse you want to see in the world.
The NSDAP Parteitag has come and went since I wrote this, and the counterdemo numbered 50000-strong. Whenever you try to build anything people always say they're burned out, depressed, they don't have the energy, the time. But I saw 50 thousand people willing to risk arrest and retaliatory violence, 50 thousand who camped beforehand in rough conditions and physical danger, or who woke up 4am to be at the Hbf at 5am to try to block their politicians, people who organised report networks to follow the Nazi politician movements through cities, who stood in the cold rain 2am to wait for comrades to come out of detention...
...and I have to think, what else could the 50 thousand of us accomplish if we tried? What could we, not just demonstrate, but do?
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