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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

Ayatollah I am reluctant to answer your post as it is obviously an attempt to bring race into things. There is no 'race' of people responsible for 9/11 - there are some relatively few terrorists whose races are entirely irrelevant. Even if you were to believe that the 9/11 hijackers were muslim it is incorrect to hold the many responsible for the crimes of a few. Our duty is to have a proper investigation to determine who the criminals are, both to hold them to account and to stop their future activity. It's a shame that you repeat the straw man theory 'no jews were in the WTC' which indeed was promoted by the BBC despite the fact that no serious researcher of 9/11 has ever given it credence.
neither has any serious researcher given the vast majority of your theories any credence either.

assuming you mean a researcher that the outside world would take seriously rather than a researcher that the 911 troofers movement takes seriously.

I mean the best you've got is a single fairly competent Chemist capable of carrying out fairly basic chemical analysis of a substance, but then taking hat analysis and making huge unsupported leaps of imagination to decide that the most likely explanation must be some mysterious nanothemite substance that they can't actually identify, without first excluding the substances actually found in the building's structure in the sorts of volumes that might actually lead to that substances presence in those proportions.

He may well have had credibility prior to this paper, but I suspect that he lost a lot of it with the unwarranted flights of fancy he went on, or allowed others to go on in his name within that paper.
Are you referring to the NIST investigation into the collapse of the towers, or the 9/11 Comission Report?
Hey, if this amazing nanothermite stuff is able to bring down building massive buildings without any visible preparation work needed, and with zero disruption caused to staff right up to a few hours before it brought those towers a-crashing down, could you explain why it's not become the de-facto means of demolition now?

I mean, why would engineers still spend months and months preparing buildings, running many, many miles of cable and hiring teams of expensive workers for so long when there's a tried and trusted, super quick, superfast alternative technology available?

Or is it already in widespread use and you can point me in the direction of some recent nanothermite-powered major demolitions?

I do hope you can offer a sensible answer to this baffling conundrum. Thanks.
I mean, why would engineers still spend months and months preparing buildings, running many, many miles of cable and hiring teams of expensive workers for so long when there's a tried and trusted, super quick, superfast alternative technology available?
What, you mean like 'fire'?

Seriously, you're the one suggesting that expense and time are not necessary, ain'tcha. You recall, of course, how much Rumsfeld announced was missing from the Pentagon Accounts on 10th September 2001? The story being forgotten about the next day? Yes, it was 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS. That'll keep you in nanothermite and radio detonators and plenty of other shit.
What, you mean like 'fire'?

Seriously, you're the one suggesting that expense and time are not necessary, ain'tcha. You recall, of course, how much Rumsfeld announced was missing from the Pentagon Accounts on 10th September 2001? The story being forgotten about the next day? Yes, it was 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS. That'll keep you in nanothermite and radio detonators and plenty of other shit.
You haven't answered the question. If nanonthermite is as incredibly, wonderfully effective as you claim and has the ability to efficiently demolish some of the world's biggest structures without any need to visible prepare the building in any way at all, then why hasn't it been used anywhere else in the world since?

Please answer this directly please.
You haven't answered the question. If nanonthermite is as incredibly, wonderfully effective as you claim and has the ability to efficiently demolish some of the world's biggest structures without any need to visible prepare the building in any way at all, then why hasn't it been used anywhere else in the world since?

Please answer this directly please.

Because it's a secret weapon. :rolleyes:
Because it's a secret weapon. :rolleyes:
You thought the rest of the world might have caught up by now, wouldn't you?

With America being all about capitalism, profit and driving costs down, it must be quite galling for demolition engineers to still have to spend months of their time and vast sums of money preparing a building that's coming down, when they know they could just clip on a few invisible nanothermite devices (TM) and get the job done in no time!
Scales? Don't tell me two sheds is one of them as well :(
Listen to how these suckers still do it!
It takes several weeks or months to prepare a building for implosion. All items of value, such as copper wiring, are stripped from a building. Some materials must be removed, such as glass that can form deadly projectiles, and insulation that can scatter over a wide area. Non-load bearing partitions and drywall are removed. Selected columns on floors where explosives will be set are drilled and high explosives such as nitroglycerin, TNT or C4 are placed in the holes. Smaller columns and walls are wrapped in detonating cord. The goal is to use as little explosive as possible; only a few floors are rigged with explosives, so that it is safer (fewer explosives) and less costly. The areas with explosives are covered in thick geotextile fabric and fencing to absorb flying debris.
You thought the rest of the world might have caught up by now, wouldn't you?

With America being all about capitalism, profit and driving costs down, it must be quite galling for demolition engineers to still have to spend months of their time and vast sums of money preparing a building that's coming down, when they know they could just clip on a few invisible nanothermite devices (TM) and get the job done in no time!

yeah but the demolition engineers aren't jewish
did anyone see that 7/7 documentary where they proved it was a conspiracy because there was a demolition van near one of the bomb sites? the guy whose company it was got death threats etc because of it
Nanny Thermite! That's a great superhero name! I love it! Whens she gonna burst in and save us from a giant sulphur cloud?
You haven't answered the question. If nanonthermite is as incredibly, wonderfully effective as you claim and has the ability to efficiently demolish some of the world's biggest structures without any need to visible prepare the building in any way at all, then why hasn't it been used anywhere else in the world since?

It's great stuff in many ways, but isn't used for* demolitions because while the reaction rate is controllable and fast, it doesn't have the kind of power you need to bring down a building in a controlled way, plus it would be massively polluting and heaps more expensive than the current methods.

Also, you wouldn't set it off with something as crude as a 'fire' because you wouldn't be able to control the reaction rate that way (not unless you didn't care about which way the building fell and were willing to basically fill the building with truckloads of the stuff), it would burn like a pretty bright firework though. Maybe if you drilled it into the supporting girders at the right places in substantial amounts and set it off in a more conventional manner you could take a building down, but then you'd still need all the normal demolition preparation.

It has some applications in military demolitions (ie. fucking up the enemy's equipment). Basically it's then in the form of a grenade that you bung into whatever thing you want to not work any more. Often also filled with carbon fibres that splat everywhere and short out any electrical kit.

Put simply, nano-thermite is a very expensive fine-grain gunpowder that can be tailored for different speeds of fizz and bang. Gunpowder has been used for terrorist acts in the past, but it's not even a ragtag malcontent's 'weapon of choice', never mind the CIA and the Illuminati.

The 'nano' bit makes it sound nice and mysterious but no one who handles the stuff really calls it that.

* - It could be used in demolitions, but you'd be using it to set off the actual explosive
Just realised something, at the weekend Dotty was dressed as an animal which was black and white and looked slightly like a badger, it is apparently a cat according to my sister but I'm not convinced. The girl playing Queen Esther in the purim play at the weekend was also dressed as a dinosaur. So there you have it, a Jew dressed as a dinosaur who was also acting as a Queen, at an event which celebrates anti-semites' deaths.

And we all know the Queen's real identity:


So there you have it. Proof at last.
Sounds to me like the badgers and the Jews are entering into some kind of alliance for world domination. Truth seekers, freedom lovers and patriots beware - together they may prove to be an unstoppable force :(

Note: I used a capital 'J' so this post is not antisemitic.
You haven't answered the question. If nanonthermite is as incredibly, wonderfully effective as you claim and has the ability to efficiently demolish some of the world's biggest structures without any need to visible prepare the building in any way at all, then why hasn't it been used anywhere else in the world since?

Please answer this directly please.
Are you denying that my previous reply does not address your question by virtue of examining its premises?
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