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Nadine Dorries: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Boris Johnson without whatever it is that Boris Johnson apparently has. I hope her future career highpoint is accepting an offer of -£5K as the last person on the Celebrity Chase when the rest of the team have only made £5K so far and still getting eliminated.

Her novels sell well, so she won't be that desperate. Like Rayner, being female and working class means that the attacks on her are nastier and more personal than those in Johnson or Corbyn, for example the "dream" cartoon printed above.
Her novels sell well, so she won't be that desperate. Like Rayner, being female and working class means that the attacks on her are nastier and more personal than those in Johnson or Corbyn, for example the "dream" cartoon printed above.

she is a vile vindictive character who main job over the last few year is to throw venom about the place for Boris Johnson and no she working at GB news
doing the same

don't think anyone having a go at her being a women or her working class routes just her actions
Her novels sell well, so she won't be that desperate. Like Rayner, being female and working class means that the attacks on her are nastier and more personal than those in Johnson or Corbyn, for example the "dream" cartoon printed above.

Good job she's not a grocer's daughter. We all hate grocer's daughters.
Her novels sell well, so she won't be that desperate. Like Rayner, being female and working class means that the attacks on her are nastier and more personal than those in Johnson or Corbyn, for example the "dream" cartoon printed above.
I’m not sure that’s accurate. BJ is called all kinds of physically hideous things - most of them pretty accurately, but savage anyway.

If everyone discussed a woman as a fat joke with terrible hair, knickers round her ankles all the time to shag everything that moved, scattering children left right and centre, there would be a more spirited defence made by many more people. Many women are described in roughly those terms - and the defence is prominently, profusely, made in public, in op-eds, in books, and in courses and modules.

Rayner was a bit different - she was directly compared to Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct by her opposite number at work/his friends. The Dorries cartoon isn’t of a different order to those depicting male politicians. There isn’t really a way to draw a satirical cartoon of someone without emphasising their worst features, including cheap gossip that on the strictest definition might be dismissed as bitchy.
This is exactly what is going on. She's deliberately causing a by-election separately to the other two so Sunak has more than one dollop of shit to deal with, spread out over 2 weeks rather than one.
Some journos were suggesting the delay would ensure that the resulting by-election would fall after the summer recess and therefore in the run-up to the vermin conference; just for extra inconvenience for Rat-boy.
Chris Bryant, Chair of the HOC Privileges committee, noted that when Jerry Adams wanted to resign as an MP in 2011, but refused to be appointed to either of the two Crown Offices in order to make the resignation factual, George Osborne (as Chancellor, responsible for the two Crown Offices) appointed him anyway, and the Speaker declared the seat vacant. Bish bosh, job jobbed.
If she’s been doing any sort of cunning plan by not resigning properly I’d be a bit amazed, think it’s more likely she just messed up resigning along with everything else, doesn’t know how anything works.

You're only saying that because she's a working class woman from Liverpool, you sinister elitist...
There's a difference, sure, but she did put it in writing - unequivocally - and broadcast it to the world. She, nor anyone else, could hardly say it was a private conversation in which she was talking hypothetically or speculatively...

Twitter is not how it's done in the HoC old boy...and even she knows that. She's out to fuck up Sunak for lots of reasons - but specifically because she thinks (and she may be right) that he refused to put her name forward for vetting (another quaint bit of procedural nonsense).
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