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Mra set up fake domestic violence website


You can't park here sir
A voice for men have set up whiteribbon.org

To delibertly troll the whiteribbon campaign and especially whiteribbon.ca.

The la based charity trys to talk to men about relantionships and stuff.

A voice for men whines about women are evil and regularly beat men up:hmm:

Mens rights activists they may not all be serial killers but why take the chance:eek:?
Mens rights activists they may not all be serial killers but why take the chance:eek:?

But they are all people who for some reason don't want women to have a chance stand up for themselves. So at the very least they're entirely comfortable with the systematic mistreatment of women, if they're not active participants in it.
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But they are all people who for some reason or other don't want women to have a chance stand up for themselves. So at the very least they're entirely comfortable with the systematic mistreatment of women, if they're not active participants in it.

eg the red pill woman shit.

the other thing is that the trolling shit they do makes it even harder for male victims of abuse or DV and their advocates to speak out. because these cunts outshout any of the actual work to protect male victims. and once they take the stage everyone else exits, rather than be associated with them


for anyone wanting to know more.
A voice for men have set up whiteribbon.org

To delibertly troll the whiteribbon campaign and especially whiteribbon.ca.

The la based charity trys to talk to men about relantionships and stuff.

A voice for men whines about women are evil and regularly beat men up:hmm:

Mens rights activists they may not all be serial killers but why take the chance:eek:?

AVFM are listed by thesouthern poverty law center as a hate group
Sometimes something seemingly innocuous - just another pile of dogshit from the mra or mra-style wankers - knocks the air and fight out of me and makes me want to just sit and cry. This is one of those things.
Mens rights activists they may not all be serial killers but why take the chance:eek:?

What a horrid thing to say. I'm not going to comment on the specific case, but in general, men's rights are equally as important as women's rights; they're all human rights.
What a horrid thing to say. I'm not going to comment on the specific case, but in general, men's rights are equally as important as women's rights; they're all human rights.

MRAs don't actual do anything to support men's rights in any way other than shrieking about a claimed right to treat women like crap. in all other reads, they do everything they can to undermine those doing any actual productive work for gender equality
you do know the difference, so why are you trying to muddy the waters by pretending you don't?

I'm not. Just because some or even many MRAs are hateful sexists doesn't mean that all are. Just because we need to campaign for equality for women doesn't mean we should discriminate against men.
I can tell you what domestic violence really is. It’s a couple, one or both of them likely drunk, escalating a fight till it gets physical. It’s two desperate, out of control people, clawing at each other out of fear and rage. It’s impulse, reckless dysfunction that as many times as not has the two people in the bedroom enjoying make up sex not long after it is over, and then building the tension between them till it happens again."

That does sound familiar. But it doesn't take into account the what are you wearing, where are you going, what are you spending, why are you lying headfuck of trying to prove a negative side of it. Plus at the end of the day if a man can hit you harder you don't tend to hit back.

I don't think we do ourselves any favours by painting women as passive victims of domestic violence when the reality is more complicated. But the men's rights activists are fuckin crazy, and I doubt a third of domestic violence is woman against man? (purenarcotic would know)
I'm not. Just because some or even many MRAs are hateful sexists doesn't mean that all are. Just because we need to campaign for equality for women doesn't mean we should discriminate against men.

the ones that aren't hateful sexists don't get referred to as MRAs.

to spell it out again. men who campaign for gender equality and who do work to support male victims of dv and who talk about those aspects of gender expectations that hurt men (as opposed t whinging that feminists are taking away their privilage) do not get referred to as MRAs.

I can tell you what domestic violence really is. It’s a couple, one or both of them likely drunk, escalating a fight till it gets physical. It’s two desperate, out of control people, clawing at each other out of fear and rage. It’s impulse, reckless dysfunction that as many times as not has the two people in the bedroom enjoying make up sex not long after it is over, and then building the tension between them till it happens again."

my ex was never out of control. he was maintaining control. the times i ended up on the fucking floor getting a k8icking from him was long after i learnt it hurt worse to fight back. and believe me, the last thing i wanted to do was drag my bruised body into the bedroom and feign passion for the bastard.
What a horrid thing to say. I'm not going to comment on the specific case, but in general, men's rights are equally as important as women's rights; they're all human rights.

That may be true but MRA's check out manosphere.org
"MRA" means "men's rights activist."

An MRA is a white man who insists against all evidence and decency that white men are oppressed and than women and minorities are "revered and privileged."

An MRA would never support the rights of those men who truly are at a disadvantage in our society: homosexual and black men. Instead, he leaves campaigning for LGBT rights and minorities' rights to the "evil evil cunt bull dykes" aka feminists.

An MRA sits on a huge pile of white and male privilege and keeps whining that he is oppressed.

Its not about rights its about treating women as sex objects any woman over 25 is past it and only fit to be passed onto a beta. Its ayn randian bullshit with an extra layer of sexism.
Any belief system that rants against denmark because danish women want nothing to do with "game"
The pick up artists technique that will get you all the casual sex you could cope with :facepalm:

Ffs I end up looking like a feminist compared with these cunts and I'm me
It may be, but I doubt it's to the same level of violence.

men and women are about equally as capable of a violent act.

and a single violent act is still DV.

however, sustained campaigns abuse and violence that are designed to isolate and control a partner's every moment are over 90% male on female. with a significant proportion of the rest being male on male. it is important not to equate a single incident with a sustained and long lasting campaign in terms of the (on average) physical and emotional damage, and the level of danger.
I'm not. Just because some or even many MRAs are hateful sexists doesn't mean that all are. Just because we need to campaign for equality for women doesn't mean we should discriminate against men.
They are. It's their entire raison d'etre.

And campaigning for women's rights doesn't take in discrimination against men.

But you know this.
men and women are about equally as capable of a violent act.

and a single violent act is still DV.

however, sustained campaigns abuse and violence that are designed to isolate and control a partner's every moment are over 90% male on female. with a significant proportion of the rest being male on male. it is important not to equate a single incident with a sustained and long lasting campaign in terms of the (on average) physical and emotional damage, and the level of danger.
I think this is what I was trying to badly say tbh
I think this is what I was trying to badly say tbh

it's one of those things that is waved about a lot my mra groups. that incidents of female on male abuse are higher than the stats and conviction rates suggest.

but they won't talk about the overall picture and any attempt to do so gets a screaming fit that we're ignoring male victims. we're not. at least i'm certainly not. not in what i talk about online and not in who i support in person.
That may be true but MRA's check out manosphere.org
"MRA" means "men's rights activist."

An MRA is a white man who insists against all evidence and decency that white men are oppressed and than women and minorities are "revered and privileged."

An MRA would never support the rights of those men who truly are at a disadvantage in our society: homosexual and black men. Instead, he leaves campaigning for LGBT rights and minorities' rights to the "evil evil cunt bull dykes" aka feminists.

An MRA sits on a huge pile of white and male privilege and keeps whining that he is oppressed.

Its not about rights its about treating women as sex objects any woman over 25 is past it and only fit to be passed onto a beta. Its ayn randian bullshit with an extra layer of sexism.
Any belief system that rants against denmark because danish women want nothing to do with "game"
The pick up artists technique that will get you all the casual sex you could cope with :facepalm:

Ffs I end up looking like a feminist compared with these cunts and I'm me

Where is likesfish and what have you done with him?
They make me look like a feminist and I'm me :eek:

Thats really scary isnt it :hmm: that people like kthat are out there.
Though there rant about denmark was hysterical :p
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