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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

Question: And where will Coulson, Brooks, Goodman and presumably several others go from here on in?

Answer: Well, Dartmoor's lovely this time of year.
You do know that 'offering your resignation' and 'having it refused' are just normal parts of any situation like this? It doesn't mean she meant it, and she knew they wouldn't accept it before she gave it, otherwise she wouldn't have done so. They ALWAYS say they offered to resign but it was refused, at this stage in the proceedings.

i'm not quite sure why everyone seems to believe she's even offered to resign. the only source is NI rumour, and that's hardly reliable.
@sophyridge Rebekah Brooks says the decision to close the NotW was taken because there was another two years plus ahead of trouble
i'm not quite sure why everyone seems to believe she's even offered to resign. the only source is NI rumour, and that's hardly reliable.

NI media advisors will have put it about, as part of their attempt to influence the narrative.
Edit: Any staff payouts will include confidentiality agreements, of course. So all the talk of 'sacked staff spilling the dirt' is probably overstated, unless any of them are independently wealthy (unlikely).
What? No. Did you miss the 'middle-class luxury' bit. Address it directly if you want to make such stupid claims. What sorts of workers have these choices, lbj?

I agree with you, if there are plenty of vacancies that suit your skills and plenty of work that pays well enough to live. But, that's not everyone is it? That's a very fucking small proportion of the population, isn't it?

Middle-class lefties polishing their halos for doing what is easy and condemning less fortunate others for not doing what is impossible, as per fucking usual. Open your fucking eyes. Jesus.


It's not "impossible". It's certainly more difficult to follow your conscience when you don't have saleable skills or a sheaf of offers on the table, but it's nowhere near "impossible". Have a look at how many low-level staff have been involved in whistle-blowing, and you'll see what I mean. Try not to make sweeping generalisations, eh?

BTW, don't you feel a bit hypocritical having a pop at "middle class lefties", you middle-class leftie? :D
@sophyridge Rebekah says: you may be angry with me, I understand. But I'm angry at the people who did this and feel bitterly betrayed
Disco Dave is in a very awkward position. He cant cut Murdoch loose (like labour have done) but is under ever growing pressure to do so. The stench is rising - a news corporation that uses blackmail and survileance to get its way, bribes cops, employs criminals and all he can do is wring his hands and talk about 'lessons needs to be learned' whilst refusing to directly crticise them. Hes well behind the game - and the public. You know you've got problems if the Barkley Brothes have publicly out done you in the 'moral compass' stakes.

This raises some interesting points. Namely that now Milliband has moved against Murdoch he can't allow his power to remain or he will wreak revenge as soon as the next election comes around. So they have to take this all the way and cut his wings or labour is toast. We will see whether Milliband has the balls to take Murdoch on all the way. Given the spineless cunt's past form I have my doubts
This raises some interesting points. Namely that now Milliband has moved against Murdoch they can't allow his power to remain or he will wreak revenge as soon as the next election comes around. So they have to take this all the way and cut his wings or labour is toast. We will see whether Milliband has the balls to take Murdoch on all the way. Given the spineless cunt's past form I have my doubts

I dunno - he seems to have pretty much burnt his bridges. They dont do reckless gambles - which makes me think that they already know there is more serious shit coming Murdochs way.
@ExNOTWJourno 3 former colleagues to sell stories. Good on them!

@DeborahJaneOrr Christ. Selling their stories? Not exactly turning over a new leaf is it?
You do know that 'offering your resignation' and 'having it refused' are just normal parts of any situation like this? It doesn't mean she meant it, and she knew they wouldn't accept it before she gave it, otherwise she wouldn't have done so. They ALWAYS say they offered to resign but it was refused, at this stage in the proceedings.

Offering your resigination and having it accepted are far from unknown, though, so if it's true she offered to resign (and killer b is right that it might not be) then the question of why it wasn't accepted still stands.
@ExNOTWJourno Murdoch Jr To Make announcement at 5 apparently.

And here's that announcement in full:


'We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it's all over. That's the hardest part. Today everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.'
Murdoch's power has already gone. His only power was the fact that people thought he had power. If I were Cameron right now, I'd be working out how I could fuck Murdoch over good and proper. Milliband no longer has to care what Murdoch says or does - he has broken the spell on him by simply denying that the man has a spell on him.
the 'they're all scum who print the sub' argument was used against printworkers in 85, and it was bullshit then. And it wasn't the NUJ who scabbed on the strike (the some members did) it was the EETPU./QUOTE]

Yep, although EETPU didn't technically "scab", they broke a series of demarcation agreements they'd made with the other unions, and printed the papers. That cunt Hammond had a permanent smirk on his face back the, the shit-sack.
And here's that announcement in full:


'We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it's all over. That's the hardest part. Today everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.'

Would a hack know how to delete stuff in such a way that the police couldn't retrieve the information? How good is the average newspaper room IT department? :hmm:

This could roll on until well into the 2020s, the volume of stuff to read and piece together here. Bliss. :cool:

Could be outsaursed. I don't know what's typical industry time for holding on to off site backups or how many redundand copies is. So, maybe they're not "deleted." Even if they've scrubbed them beyond recovery from the local storage.
I'm not sure I understand.

How can a resignation not be accepted? The company can expect you to work a contractually agreed notice period. But beyond that, it isn't prison.

Unless she was offering herself up as the sacrificial lamb but wasn't actually being serious in her resignation offer.
Ironic clothing alert?

Think about it - the story of the 101 Dalmatians, the hacking of missing people and their families' mobiles by NoTW (tip of the iceberg), and the attire of Brooks upon sacking NoTW staff.

It's more than Ironic - why hasn't Steve Bell the cartoonist taken this and run with it? She handed it to him on a plate :eek:
When I saw what she was wearing, I thought to myself 'Did she consciously intend to wear her guilt symbolically by choosing a Dalamatian Puppy blouse?'
Offering your resigination and having it accepted are far from unknown, though, so if it's true she offered to resign (and killer b is right that it might not be) then the question of why it wasn't accepted still stands.

There's offering and there's 'offering', iyswim. If it was an actual offer, I'll eat my press card.

Edit: The data is on a server in India, apparently.
@ExNOTWJourno @nicstevenson @jonsnowC4 Thanks a lot! You try writing grammatically and with perfect spelling on one of the worst days of your life!

@nicstevenson For a journalist, @ExNOTWJourno's grammar is abysmal... Mind you, their tweets do look a lot like some of @jonsnowC4's so it could be

And here's that announcement in full:


'We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it's all over. That's the hardest part. Today everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.'

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