On other stuff ... the power that Murdoch gets from his print media is not mind control of the reasdership, it is the power to build or destroy reputations. It is not the direct implantation of bogus ideas but the unnoticeable drip drip drip of advertising that allows him to threaten, cajole and bribe his way to hoilding more power over those that run our lives than the Prime Minister has, because every PM since Thatcher has been in thrall to or in fear of him.
That's over now. His power has evaporated with the credibility of his methods. The scumminess, the ever-widening time-frame (we have 1987 to 2010ish now), James Murdoch in the frame for approving hush money (possibly in a criminal way).
The worms have turned. He is over. It is entirely reasonable to say that News International should be barred from operating on British soil or owning British media. That should be the next aim. Cameron will fall with his crutches, and then we can take out the Met and the Mail.