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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

This makes massive sense. Murdoch keeps emphasising how they voluntarily handed over documents which criminalise a number of their staff, and no one has contradicted the 'voluntary' bit, so it had to be just the ships they were scuttling whilst the main fleet was hidden.

On other stuff ... the power that Murdoch gets from his print media is not mind control of the reasdership, it is the power to build or destroy reputations. It is not the direct implantation of bogus ideas but the unnoticeable drip drip drip of advertising that allows him to threaten, cajole and bribe his way to hoilding more power over those that run our lives than the Prime Minister has, because every PM since Thatcher has been in thrall to or in fear of him.

That's over now. His power has evaporated with the credibility of his methods. The scumminess, the ever-widening time-frame (we have 1987 to 2010ish now), James Murdoch in the frame for approving hush money (possibly in a criminal way).

The worms have turned. He is over. It is entirely reasonable to say that News International should be barred from operating on British soil or owning British media. That should be the next aim. Cameron will fall with his crutches, and then we can take out the Met and the Mail.

Couldn't happen to a nicer newspaper editor, AFAIK. I'd heard that darling Rebekah possesses all the tact and charm of Hermann Goering in a dress (well, given his odd personal leanings, just typing ''all the tact and charm of Hermann Goering would still be appropriate) so I feel no regrets at displaying a certain schadenfreude at her imminent downfall.

I do, however, feel immense regret and stomach-churning nausea at sharing with you all the mental image of Hermann Goering mincing about in a ballgown and slingbacks. I therefore apologise most humbly and beg your forgiveness.
This makes massive sense. Murdoch keeps emphasising how they voluntarily handed over documents which criminalise a number of their staff, and no one has contradicted the 'voluntary' bit, so it had to be just the ships they were scuttling whilst the main fleet was hidden.

Yep! 'Millions' of emails! MILLIONS!
Anyway, that's not what this is. Even a month without a Sunday title will hurt NI enormously. Politicians might start to learn to say things without their permission. Their power will start to evaporate very quickly, and it won't be easy to get back.

It's the effect that the loss of advertising on the paper (and on the relationship between manufacturer and paper which is part of the basis of the paper's "power") that'll have the most serious effect, not the loss of ad revenue. You can bet that the other tab sundays have already discounted their rates and paid court to the NOTW's withdrawers.
This makes massive sense. Murdoch keeps emphasising how they voluntarily handed over documents which criminalise a number of their staff, and no one has contradicted the 'voluntary' bit, so it had to be just the ships they were scuttling whilst the main fleet was hidden.

On other stuff ... the power that Murdoch gets from his print media is not mind control of the reasdership, it is the power to build or destroy reputations. It is not the direct implantation of bogus ideas but the unnoticeable drip drip drip of advertising that allows him to threaten, cajole and bribe his way to hoilding more power over those that run our lives than the Prime Minister has, because every PM since Thatcher has been in thrall to or in fear of him.

That's over now. His power has evaporated with the credibility of his methods. The scumminess, the ever-widening time-frame (we have 1987 to 2010ish now), James Murdoch in the frame for approving hush money (possibly in a criminal way).

The worms have turned. He is over. It is entirely reasonable to say that News International should be barred from operating on British soil or owning British media. That should be the next aim. Cameron will fall with his crutches, and then we can take out the Met and the Mail.


this has to impact on the 'fit and proper' test that OFCOM are due to announce - which i posted about earlier.

it's not very 'fit and proper' for executives at an organisation to attempt to subvert investigations in this fashion... plus all the other shit.
Also, it's fucking rich of anyone working for News International to play the victim "look what you have done" card now. A) It's their own fucking management who culled their jobs, not us. B) chances are the majority of current NOTW staff will either get taken on by the successor paper, or at least get a good payout, and C) good staff should hopefully find a new job quickly enough

Playing the victim is India Knight's forte. She's made a sub-Polly Filla career out of "poor little me" columns. She wouldn't know real journalism if it gave her a rim-job.
Does anyone know about the private cases being made by the hacked? Some have settled out of court, but not all have. Yet by the looks of it, anyone who has had a story about them in NOTW (not to mention other titles) was hacked. According to a NOTW unnamed source, if you filed a story without phone messages you'd get asked 'where are the messages?' The police are sitting on a huge list.

Is it the case that the first private case has yet to go through the courts? If it goes through and wins and a price is set for damages, does that open the door for every other person who's been hacked to sue? That's thousands of people and would cost a fortune - even for Murdoch.

Supposedly there are 5 or so test cases which have been selected which represent a variety of the types of cases that exist, and are being used to set legal precedent. Once they have passed through court and awards have been set it will open the floodgates for everyone else to sue. That is potentially hundreds of people looking at a near certain cash in :eek:
this has to impact on the 'fit and proper' test that OFCOM are due to announce - which i posted about earlier.

it's not very 'fit and proper' for executives at an organisation to attempt to subvert investigations in this fashion... plus all the other shit.

Yeah. I posted my contribution to the consultation exercise earlier. Might as well stick it up again, cos that's exactly the argument I made. :)

Notice of Consultation on the proposed acquisition by News Corporation of up to 60.9% Of BSkyB Group PLC (revised undertakings in lieu) – 30 June 2011

News International (NI) have just announced the closure of the largest circulation English language newspaper in the world. NI have only owned this paper for a tiny fraction of its 168 year history. There is no longer even a business case for allowing this incompetent and corrupt organisation to take over any more British media, and surely now a very strong case for barring them from any media ownership in this country at all.

This is a democracy. It is inconceivable that we would allow an organisation that has preyed on our children, our dead, our bereaved, on any innocent, private individual who found themselves unwillingly in the public eye, to continue to operate here.

Please, have the courage shown by so many others in standing up to this vile, bullying corporation:

1. stop the BSkyB deal

2. force the sale of all British media currently owned by News International

Companies that break British law are not welcome here. There is no reason to deport criminal people but not criminal companies, and it would be obscene if any such argument were made. This is a democracy, and the will of the people must be be obeyed. No more News International assets on British soil. They have had too many chances, there can be no more.

No to the BSkyB acquisition and no to News International.

Intersting- I'd noticed that the Daily Star had been less then comprehensive in its coverage. I'm sure all the tabloids have been doing the same sort of shite, although praps not on the industrial scale that the NOTW was.

Ofcom to carry out a 'fit and proper persons' test - will take some time cos of court cases but if it finds agasint News International he would have to sell his BSkyB shares. Hes fucked I tell ya - lots of people are out to get him.

He could well die having watched his empire wither to away to nowt.

I read 'nowt' as 'notw', funny how they are becoming interchangeable.
portillo has been positioning himself for years

He's no longer an MP, though, so he'd need to be found a seat before being in ANY position to take advantage, and too many of the Tory right still dislike him for his foreign surname and youthful experiments with homosexuality.
Server down.:(

YAY if this is true, no Sun tomorrow? :hmm:

Nah, you can still publish without subs (if you dare), but the paper will look like some piece of sixth-form shit as a result, even taking into account the automatic subbing that the NI system is supposed to do (which is apparently shit, with the subbing ability of a ten-year old). :)
There was a call for submissions to force a delay. It took them three weeks to go through 40,000. They had 100,000 more by yesterday morning, so that's 7-8 weeks work before a declaration, hence the delay to September. If enough submissions came in after that, they could be waiting until next year, which gives even more time for this drama to unfold and influence the outcome.

Like all regulators, Ofcom are as good as they are forced to be by public pressure. This is just a tactic to keep that up. Decisive victories don't come without groundwork, and small victories matter.
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