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MI5 Far Right Agent Used Status To Terrorise Girlfriend

You think I think they are motivated in any of this by anything other than what they can get out of him as an asset? Weird.
I'm not sure what you think; it's very unclear.

But it appeared to me that you believe that MI5 somehow got him off DV charges, despite there being no evidence for that. And despite there being a much simpler explanation for him getting off: everyday failings of the criminal justice system with regard to DV.

And, to support your position, you've made a serious of other unsupported assumptions about them moving him and getting him a job abroad (based on speculation and a clear lack of understanding of how CHISs/agents operate). Despite the fact that, even if those assumptions were true, it wouldn't prove any interference in the DV case!
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How the hell did he get through the vetting process with far right views and a propensity for violence?? I presume they go through your whole life with a fine tooth comb for a job as an MI5 agent.
Agents aren't employees. That's the term for the people they sign up to act as informants. Almost by definition they're dodgy characters, else they wouldn't be in a position to provide valuable intelligence.
Agents aren't employees. That's the term for the people they sign up to act as informants. Almost by definition they're dodgy characters, else they wouldn't be in a position to provide valuable intelligence.
Ah. Didn’t know that. I suppose you have to be a bit of a git to get the gig then (as you say).
yeps. agents are grasses to be blunt - they may be motivated by higher values than just cash, but still informants.
Yes, although people can be grasses after the fact, whereas agents typically maintain a covert relationship with a target about whom they provide ongoing intelligence.
I'm not sure what you think; it's very unclear.

But it appeared to me that you believe that MI5 somehow got him off DV charges, despite there being no evidence for that. And despite there being a much simpler explanation for him getting off: everyday failings of the criminal justice system with regard to DV.

And, to support your position, you've made a serious of other unsupported assumptions about them moving him and getting him a job abroad (based on speculation and a clear lack of understanding of how CHISs/agents operate). Despite the fact that, even if those assumptions were true, it wouldn't prove any interference in the DV case!
I know I said you could have the last word, but you really are a patronising fuck sometimes. You misunderstood my use of the word 'job' here. That's all. And now you're repeating that misunderstanding even after I've explained to you. Fuck's sake. :D
It’s a fucking joke MI5 market themselves as an equal opportunities employer.

MI5 is an equal opportunities employer. 43% of our staff are women and just over half of our staff are under the age of 40. An increasing number of staff members (currently around 9%) are from black or ethnic minority backgrounds, and 4% have a disability.

But if you’re our tout fill yer boots!
Officers are spooks they run agents who are volunteers even if the voluntary is ok I'll your just remove the electrodes from my testicles.😳.

Probably aren't nice people and just because they are an informer doesn't mean they tell you everything . Loyalist informers committed murders that weren't passed into the authorities as did steakhouse now somemight be to.build cover your terrorist organisation has no jobs for people who don't get their hands dirty but agents might be in it as cover for their own actions.
I'm not sure what you think; it's very unclear.

But it appeared to me that you believe that MI5 somehow got him off DV charges, despite there being no evidence for that. And despite there being a much simpler explanation for him getting off: everyday failings of the criminal justice system with regard to DV.

And, to support your position, you've made a serious of other unsupported assumptions about them moving him and getting him a job abroad (based on speculation and a clear lack of understanding of how CHISs/agents operate). Despite the fact that, even if those assumptions were true, it wouldn't prove any interference in the DV case!

Makes you wonder why Savile was never apprehended. Surely there are mechanisms at high levels that can discourage prosecutions. That doesn’t mean that happened here, but it’s there.
Makes you wonder why Savile was never apprehended. Surely there are mechanisms at high levels that can discourage prosecutions. That doesn’t mean that happened here, but it’s there.
I don't know about Savile, but udoubtedly there are such mechanisms. For instance, one limb of the test the CPS needs to apply is whether or not prosecution is in the public interest; it's easy to see how, say, MI5, could try to persuade a prosecutor that the balance of public interests lies in not prosecuting, in cases of national security. But there's no evidence that's what happened in this case. (And, hypothetically, if it had, it might be that was the right decision if, say, that agent had agreed to provide intelligence that would disrupt an attack likely to lead to widespread loss of life in return for immunity.)
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