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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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OK, let me explain what I see with the London Eye, Wembley, National Gallery etc being used to project the french flag.

This would be authorized by No.10 would you agree?

Are they doing this out of their love of humanity and their eternal struggle against needless death and suffering?

Or do you reckon that just maybe this is to ramp up feeling to make it politically easier to carry out military actions to achieve their strategic goals in the ME?

Wembley is to influence the working class, national gallery to appeal to the middle class and the London eye for any other numpty.
Crock of shit. I know the guy who lit the National Theatre up Red White and Blue. He did it off his own back because he was deeply upset by the events and wanted to show solidarity with France and because thanks to smartphone lighting control apps he could. Fuck all to do with Number 10 or paving the way for military action.
There are so many people making the point that we don't seem to care about worse terrorist attacks when it happens to non-white countries that the BBC story about the Kenya university attacks has been pushed to the top of their Top Stories list. And now people are seeing it for the first time, not noticing the date, and tweeting about it because they think it just happened today. :facepalm:
So, according to Newsnight:
One of the terrorists was a woman.
Passports recovered at the scene include a Syrian and Egyptian ones.
A driver from the Balkans apprehended in Bavaria with a boot full of automatic weapons en route to Paris may be related to this incident.
There may be a Belgian link.
"when ‘Īsā (‘alayhis-salām) descends, breaks the cross, and abolishes the jizyah, there will not be any place left for the camp of kufr to exist on the Earth, not even as humbled dhimmī subjects living amongst the Muslims in the camp of truth…"

Yes, isn't it shocking how end-timer Muslims believe pretty much exactly the same "only the holy shall survive" bullshit?
Cunts are cunts, whatever their religion.
There are so many people making the point that we don't seem to care about worse terrorist attacks when it happens to non-white countries that the BBC story about the Kenya university attacks has been pushed to the top of their Top Stories list. And now people are seeing it for the first time, not noticing the date, and tweeting about it because they think it just happened today. :facepalm:

Seriously some of the shit ive seen here and on fb is a reminder that the right dont have a monopply on ignorance and crass stupidity
Lulwut? Sticking a daft flag on your Facebook profile helps the far right how?

IMO the problem resides not in individuals showing solidarity through "sticking a daft flag on their facebook profile", but in what the media and the political class choose to decide that solidarity represents, and how they use it for their own ends.
I thought most the action for that came from Christian nutters trying to nudge things along to make revelations happen. <\derail>
The borders of European countries seem to be quite porous.
There's shed loads of guns and weaponry lying around in the old Eastern Bloc countries, so getting them into France I think wouldn't be much of a problem.
Getting them into the hands of a few ideologically driven fanatics with organisational skills is a recipe for mayhem.
An idiot with a gun can cause carnage in five minutes.
Only thing to stop them is a good intelligence service, which on the last three occasions this year the French have been unable to step up to the mark to prevent this.
same here!!
:) i wasnt trying play any game just pointing out all religions have their loons, i am pretty sure extreme hindus have their end time nutters as well
Worth pointing out, I think, that these are recurring themes. Then the question becomes: how did such end-time nutters get their hands on such money and weaponry and power? Even al-qaeda think they go too far.

The extreme fuck-up that was the Iraq invasion clearly has a role in creating the space for them. Money from oil-rich Arab individuals much of the finance. But even then they still have to recruit. At what point do world leaders call Saudi Arabia on this? What more has to happen?
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