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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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The far right are exploiting this outburst of ridiculous nationalism. So, go ahead fill yer boots.

Here is a video of the far right unsuccessfully trying to exploit the situation and being repulsed by a larger silent vigil which is flying at least one french flag in its midst. As I said before, the Silent Vigil then sang the Marselleise. I can only disagree with the points you have made about the FB flag business.



Here is a video of the far right unsuccessfully trying to exploit the situation and being repulsed by a larger silent vigil which is flying at least one french flag in its midst. As I said before, the Silent Vigil then sang the Marselleise. I can only disagree with the points you have made about the FB flag business.

This really doesn't counter my argument, if anything it reinforces it. Marine Le Pen is emboldened as were these fash. If they weren't so stupid with their tactics they may have hijacked the vigil.....if a vigil is something you can really hijack.
Numpties in the UK waving french flags will be raising nationalism here.

At a bizarre Je Suis Charlie rally in Sheffield a few EDL protesters turned up with French flags. It was such a weird meeting, IIRC it was organised by the Sheffield Humanist Society and involved a few speakers that basically half way condoned the shootings and said that the magazine went too far.
I also do not understand how the terrorists managed to get Kalashnikovs into the concert. Do they not search people? I've been searched at every concert I've ever been to.

Sorry if this has already been covered in the thread but I haven't had time to read it all.
Pointing an AK47 at the ticket booth gets you on the guest list pretty fucking quickly.
Is there another thread where we can find out what's happening and good links to decent reporting?
cos this is embarrassing bullshit.
After a while even a good thread can degenerate into nit-picking, tone-policing, value-shaming and general insult. It's urban decay.

I've been following the Guardian updates. Not perfect but it exists: Paris attacks: day after atrocity - as it happened
All of the EU has them except for us and Denmark but they're optional in a few states. Greece, Italy, France, Poland, Spain, Portugal .... all compulsory.
And of course in France, its use is among other things deeply racist. It is illegal in France to record a person's race without their explicit consent, which on the face of it might seem a good thing, but in reality it allows racism to go unchallenged as it is uncounted.
That is far more appropriate. A gentle nod. No nationalism, no excluding those innocents that have been killed by 'allied' bombing in Syria and Iraq.

The average definition of extremist and that of the FN is very different, this is (not very coded) language for 'vote for us so we can kick the Muslims out'.

In the disturbingly large numbers in which the FN have gained a stronghold in local politics they have persecuted Muslim kids, telling them that they either eat pork or they don't eat school dinners.

The FN's populist anti-EU, anti-immigration stance coupled with their economic dirigisme is very popular politically and has made them basically the second force in French politics. This attack alone, and heaven forfend any similar further attacks, may well propel them into government. They don't have the internal contradictions of the difference between the class composition of the voters and the activists and membership of the party that prevents UKIP from deploying the sort of policies that would deliver them similar electoral success.
From another friend who has friends who were there:

[/you never think it will happen to you. It was just a friday night at a rock show. the atmosphere was so happy and everyone was dancing and smiling. and then when the men came through the front entrance and began the shooting, we naiively believed it was all part of the show. It wasn't just a terrorist attack, it was a massacre. Dozens of people were shot right infront of me. Pools of blood filled the floor. Cries of grown men who held their girlfriends dead bodies pierced the small music venue. Futures demolished, families heartbroken. in an instant. Shocked and alone, I pretended to be dead for over an hour, lying among people who could see their loved ones motionless.. Holding my breath, trying to not move, not cry - not giving those men the fear they longed to see. I was incredibly lucky to survive. But so many didn't. The people who had been there for the exact same reasons as I - to have a fun friday night were innocent. This world is cruel. And acts like this are suppose to highlight the depravity of humans and the images of those men circuling us like vultures will haunt me for the rest of my life. The way they meticoulsy aimed at shot people around the standing area i was in the centre of without any consideration for human life. It didn't feel real. i expected any moment for someone to say it was just a nightmare. But being a survivor of this horror lets me able to shed light on the heroes. To the man who reassured me and put his life on line to try and cover my brain whilst i whimpered, to the couple whose last words of love kept me believing the good in the world, to the police who succeded in rescuing hundreds of people, to the complete strangers who picked me up from the road and consoled me during the 45 minutes I truly believed the boy i loved was dead, to the injured man who i had mistaken for him and then on my recognition that he was not Amaury, held me and told me everything was going to be fine despite being all alone and scared himself, to the woman who opened her doors to the survivors, to the friend who offered me shelter and went out to buy new clothes so i wouldnt have to wear this blood stained top, to all of you who have sent caring messages of support - you make me believe this world has the potential to be better. to never let this happen again. but most of this is to the 80 people who were murdered inside that venue, who weren't as lucky, who didnt get to wake up today and to all the pain that their friends and families are going through. I am so sorry. There's nothing that will fix the pain. I feel priviledged to be there for their last breaths. And truly beliving that I would join them, I promise that their last thoughts were not on the animals who caused all this. It was thinking of the people they loved. As i lay down in the blood of strangers and waiting for my bullet to end my mere 22 years, I envisioned every face that I have ever loved and whispered I love you. over and over again. reflecting on the highlights of my life. Wishing that those i love knew just how much, wishing that they knew that no matter what happened to me, to keep belieivng in the good in people. to not let those men win. Last night, the lives of many were forever changed and it is up to us to be better people. to live lives that the innocent victims of this tragedy dreamt about but sadly will now never be able to fulfil. RIP angels. You will never be forgotten.QUOTE]
The average definition of extremist and that of the FN is very different, this is (not very coded) language for 'vote for us so we can kick the Muslims out'.

In the disturbingly large numbers in which the FN have gained a stronghold in local politics they have persecuted Muslim kids, telling them that they either eat pork or they don't eat school dinners.

The FN's populist anti-EU, anti-immigration stance coupled with their economic dirigisme is very popular politically and has made them basically the second force in French politics. This attack alone, and heaven forfend any similar further attacks, may well propel them into government. They don't have the internal contradictions of the difference between the class composition of the voters and the activists and membership of the party that prevents UKIP from deploying the sort of policies that would deliver them similar electoral success.
In the last presidential election, Le Pen came quite a distant third with 18% of the vote. I hope there is an upper limit to FN support even with these attacks. Such parties in relatively ethnically diverse countries, like the Dutch Freedom Party and UKIP, do seem to struggle to get more than 15-20% even at their peak.
You may as well use a peer reviewed encryption method to overcome this issue rather using more effort than necessary to communicate.

You could use both (it doesn't necessarily have to require much more effort; indeed one could conceive schemes where you could get others to unwittingly make the effort on your behalf).

According to wiki - it's compulsory to carry an ID card in the red countries, some kind of ID in the yellow ones but not nec. ID cards and nothing at all needed in green ones.
National identity cards in the European Economic Area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It kind of maps onto previous authoritarian/fascist regimes. Not recent either, way back in the 80s in Italy (for example) you had to leave your passport with the hotel to register you with the local police when you arrived.
We'd probably have to spend hours together for me to explain what I mean and to be honest I'm not sure that would be time best spent.

OK, let me explain what I see with the London Eye, Wembley, National Gallery etc being used to project the french flag.

This would be authorized by No.10 would you agree?

Are they doing this out of their love of humanity and their eternal struggle against needless death and suffering?

Or do you reckon that just maybe this is to ramp up feeling to make it politically easier to carry out military actions to achieve their strategic goals in the ME?

Wembley is to influence the working class, national gallery to appeal to the middle class and the London eye for any other numpty.
It kind of maps onto previous authoritarian/fascist regimes. Not recent either, way back in the 80s in Italy (for example) you had to leave your passport with the hotel to register you with the local police when you arrived.
You have to register with the local police whenever you move somewhere new in quite a lot of places.
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