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Man admits killing Rachel Nickell - Met apologises to Colin Stagg

I had a similar convo with a CPS worker on the train the day after his acquittal. It was as if she believed because they believed the police then there should and could have been no doubt as to his guilt. I asked about evidence and the like, apparently not needed if it's so obvious. :confused:

Yeah, the CPS don't exactly attract the best and brightest though, do they?
Cops, innit?

IIRR entry qualification is 5 GCSEs and you start on 30k plus in London, including your overtime (ahem...for those "wasp sting injuries" etc), after your six months at Hendon.
If I Remember Rightly.

Are you plod?

No, but for some reason I thought you were referring to jobs in some organisation called the IIRR and I didn't know what organisation you meant. I now realise that you were making a mocking reference to the Metropolitan Police.
You know what pisses me off about the treatment of Stagg? the way he aroused suspicions because he was that most awful thing "a loner" like he was a weirdo because he preferred his own company,wasn't out shagging and on the piss every night ffs :mad:now if he was a proper geezer loike :rolleyes:

Yes, as a loner or perhaps more accurately, introvert, I know exactly how this feels. There is such an emphasis on social activities these days that you can easily be seen as something of a weirdo if you want to spend a bit of time on your own when given the choice of socialising instead. I remember despairing when I first heard the idea of book clubs. For goodness sakes, reading a book, you couldn't get a more traditional solitary activity. :confused:

Anneli Rufus was very good on this in her book 'Party of One'. She found that the vast majority of people whom the press dub 'loners', invariably only after some sort of serious crime (and nearly always with the suggestion that being a 'loner' was partly why they did it), are in fact usually not loners but lonely people who don't have many friends but want lots of friends. So in fact, ironically, one of there own frustrated extravert brethen.

The worrying aspect about this case is that Stagg appears to fall into the geniune loner category and has therefore got caught up in all of this - possibly partly due to this poor rep that has been culivated for 'loners'. I note the police, on why they targeted him so vigorously, despite having no real evidence, said that he 'fitted the profile given by criminal psychologist'. For me, when I read that I can't help of the 'Daisy Harris murder investigation' sketch from Monkey Dust: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1n9u4LTjtI

"...but the main focus of our invesigation remains, as it was from day one...... does any member of the general public recall the name, or wherebaouts, of *ANY*, local nutter?"
I had a similar conversation with a lower level cop a year or so ago, when the compensation was given. This guy was a FOAF and was ranting about how criminals get the upper hand and how the Stagg case was proof that there is no justice cos everyone in the Met knew he was guilty and were just trying to keep a killer off the streets.

I hope I get to meet him again. Oh yes.

Coppers can be so one dimensional on this sort of stuff but then so can the public, especially when you have a moronic media frenzy.

When Colin Stagg came out after the honeytrap plot was revealed I remember immediately thinking this guy is definitely innocent it was almost written in his body language. I was ridiculed by friends who lapped up the whole tabloid frenzy most of whom thought Stagg was probably guilty and also that he was a weirdo loner anyway so 'must have done it'. I also think The Sun was an utter disgrace and there was a particularly nasty editorial on their part after Stagg had taken a lie detector test with them - they still tried to destroy him even though he passed their lie detector test.

They need to apologise to him too.
If I was Stagg, I'd sue the Sun, the News of the Screws and any other papers who reported on him in like vein for SERIOUS money; enough to make their proprietors have nightmares about the thought of ever abusing their power in that way again.

Then I'd give it to a charity like Kidscape (well, maybe a certain sizeable proportion).
Cops, innit?

IIRR entry qualification is 5 GCSEs and you start on 30k plus in London, including your overtime (ahem...for those "wasp sting injuries" etc), after your six months at Hendon.

No, there are no entry quals at all for most forces - for North Wales, they relax that requirement to bring only the truly lowest of the low on board.
It reminds of the outrageous and heart-breaking case of Stefan Kiszko - even worse, he did a full term in prison IIRC - the local 'weirdo' or misfit, dragged to prison for being strange and nearby at the time.
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