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Mad Paul Mason

whereas now we have around half the ACG instead…
Dream Baby Dream

The plan for a people's plan for the renovation of every high street will have to go on the backburner. Mason's latest NATO proposals ( retweeted 30 times out of his 680k odd followers ) now want NATO to seek security cooperation with China. Where that leaves the targets in the Mason's Mind Map is anyone's guess tbh but for now a stay of execution.


As we approach the Madrid Summit, civil society needs to have its say in the formulation of a new NATO Strategic Concept. This report proposes the following major changes.

  • NATO to adopt democratic resilience as its primary task, co-equal with deterrence and defence.
  • NATO to disavow significant out of area operations beyond the immediate periphery.
  • NATO to incorporate the EU, and its goal of strategic autonomy, into the formulation of Western strategy, with EU represented on NATO council.
  • NATO to seek security co-operation with China, while actively deterring the immediate and acute threat from Russia.
  • All three NATO nuclear powers to pledge no first use of nuclear weapons and make “sole purpose” declarations
  • NATO to adopt Austin/Blinken conflict goals with regard to Russia/Ukraine.
  • Human security, climate change mitigation and democratic resilience to be adopted as non-negotiable objectives.
  • Enlarged conventional forces deployed in three sub-theatres (Nordic, eFP, Black Sea) with clear signalling and deterrent intent.
  • Allied defence spending to rise to 3% GDP by 2025, with standardised forms of measurement, state directed investment and wider use of reserve/territorial forces.
  • NATO to adopt goal of achieving global dominance in EDTs and EDT countermeasures.
  • NATO countries to collaborate in adapting to the current Revolution in Military Affairs
The express purpose of these proposals is to address the major weakness of the alliance: the erosion of democracy, social cohesion and rule of law within our own societies — and the erosion of consent for military action.

To mobilise the populations of Allied countries in an era of systemic competition, NATO strategy must be primarily defensive, and focused on threats to the Euro-Atlantic area.
Dream Baby Dream

The plan for a people's plan for the renovation of every high street will have to go on the backburner. Mason's latest NATO proposals ( retweeted 30 times out of his 680k odd followers ) now want NATO to seek security cooperation with China. Where that leaves the targets in the Mason's Mind Map is anyone's guess tbh but for now a stay of execution.

‘Imagine Chairman Mao had invented a time machine’
Dream Baby Dream

The plan for a people's plan for the renovation of every high street will have to go on the backburner. Mason's latest NATO proposals ( retweeted 30 times out of his 680k odd followers ) now want NATO to seek security cooperation with China. Where that leaves the targets in the Mason's Mind Map is anyone's guess tbh but for now a stay of execution.

who is actually going to read, let alone take seriously, this blustering drivel?
I certainly think it’s true to say that there are those who would class themselves on the left who side with NATO against the Russians and Chinese .
As I think I mentioned earlier in the thread, it's the modern day expression of the views of figures on the left like Orwell and Koestler, who would almost certainly have been cheerleading Ukraine and its sacrificing on the altar of neo-liberal capitalism, rather than trying to formulate an independent, pro-working class critique.

Peter Hitchens, from a right-wing pov, makes some reasonable points about today's soft left and its attitude to NATO.

'Around September 2001, left-wing idealism dropped its old peace-loving nature. Instead, it became an armed crusade to democratize the world, with NATO as its weapon. The old conservative view of armed conflict—war as deterrence and then, if that failed, reluctant defense—was swept aside by an almost joyous desire to begin the world over again, this time using bombers.'

'In the 1980s, I sometimes thought I was the only university-educated person I knew who thought deterrence was a good idea and NATO a good thing. Nowadays, it is all the other way round. I am one of the few educated people I know who thinks that the West bears some blame for the appalling conflict raging in Ukraine, though I can name a string of diplomats and academics, from George Kennan and Henry Kissinger to Yegor Gaidar and Noam Chomsky, who have long warned that NATO expansion was a terrible mistake, certain to strengthen the worst elements in Moscow.'
As I think I mentioned earlier in the thread, it's the modern day expression of the views of figures on the left like Orwell and Koestler, who would almost certainly have been cheerleading Ukraine and its sacrificing on the altar of neo-liberal capitalism, rather than trying to formulate an independent, pro-working class critique.

Peter Hitchens, from a right-wing pov, makes some reasonable points about today's soft left and its attitude to NATO.

'Around September 2001, left-wing idealism dropped its old peace-loving nature. Instead, it became an armed crusade to democratize the world, with NATO as its weapon. The old conservative view of armed conflict—war as deterrence and then, if that failed, reluctant defense—was swept aside by an almost joyous desire to begin the world over again, this time using bombers.'

'In the 1980s, I sometimes thought I was the only university-educated person I knew who thought deterrence was a good idea and NATO a good thing. Nowadays, it is all the other way round. I am one of the few educated people I know who thinks that the West bears some blame for the appalling conflict raging in Ukraine, though I can name a string of diplomats and academics, from George Kennan and Henry Kissinger to Yegor Gaidar and Noam Chomsky, who have long warned that NATO expansion was a terrible mistake, certain to strengthen the worst elements in Moscow.'

You've not quoted George Galloway yet, there's another one that agrees with you.
You've not quoted George Galloway yet, there's another one that agrees with you.
Maybe I should think about George a bit more. I did see him once, at a Respect launch about 20 years ago (I went along so I could hate it). All I remember is that he is a good orator and that he called Blunkett a racist. Lots of Muslim Brotherhood types were sat behind us.

Afterwards, I saw an SWP member I knew, although not well, in Manchester days. I bought her a drink and she bought me one. Don't know where George had gone by then. He wasn't in the pub, but I don't think he drinks, does he?
Maybe I should think about George a bit more. I did see him once, at a Respect launch about 20 years ago (I went along so I could hate it). All I remember is that he is a good orator and that he called Blunkett a racist. Lots of Muslim Brotherhood types were sat behind us.

I saw an SWP member I knew, although not well, in Manchester days. I bought her a drink and she bought me one. Don't know where George had gone by then. He wasn't in the pub, but I don't think he drinks, does he?
I think about him drinking and I can't unsee the milk-lapping thing. Well he's to be found on twitter with "Russian state-affiliated media" under his name. He got quite indignant about that, which was very funny to watch, just after it happened. He hastily deleted relevant links in his profile only for people to post screenshots, while his defenders blamed NATO and the BBC and maybe there was some shit about Julian Assange.
I think about him drinking and I can't unsee the milk-lapping thing. Well he's to be found on twitter with "Russian state-affiliated media" under his name. He got quite indignant about that, which was very funny to watch, just after it happened. He hastily deleted relevant links in his profile only for people to post screenshots, while his defenders blamed NATO and the BBC and maybe there was some shit about Julian Assange.
Galloway is basically showbiz. A bit like an older, cleverer Liam Gallagher.
Tried to think of something to say about this, pondering how someone who is the son of a miner from Leigh has ended up politically degenerating to the extent that he ends up spouting such total and utter shite like this. But I’ve decided to just let the derangement of the man to speak for itself:

The lengthening thousand yard stare of the woman in shot is understandable.
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