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London Anarchist bookfair 2020


Straight up, as I'm sure you might imagine setting up a bookfair is like spinning plates. At the same time as people getting upset at us for saying no bigots, we have others thinking we havn't gone far enough. Everyone is in this sort of "sussing us out" phase trying to work out if it's going to end up like a liberals XR gathering or more like a down n dirty punk FUCK YOU fest. We're trying to please the salty as fuck old guard and the yoot with intersectional focus. the LABC did this pretty well and got a wide range of ages and stuff in the door, I couldn't really tell you what the tone and temperment of Bookfair 2020 will be, tho it'll probably look and feel a lot like the old bookfair because 99% of it was a success and fuckin rocked. Truly I hope a few of them do get involved with 2020 like.

But yeah, bigots might get a slap.
We aint the tolerant left like.

Sound like the LARPing left.
Well make sure you get a venue with a decent pub nearby and be polite and warn them of hordes of pissed anarchists. More bar staff to take the money and dispense pints saved a lot of agg in the past.

The venue in mind is near some semi disreputable establishments and you can be sure we're going to put on one hell of an after party so there will be plenty of space to get pissed, make merry and moan about how the kids took over bookfair.
The venue in mind is near some semi disreputable establishments and you can be sure we're going to put on one hell of an after party so there will be plenty of space to get pissed, make merry and moan about how the kids took over bookfair.
There is a long standing tradition for many to rock up in a nearby pub and stay there all day, undermining revolutionary activity by drinking and taking drugs. After party is good but no substitute.
Semi disreputable sounds like my sort of pub.
There is a long standing tradition for many to rock up in a nearby pub and stay there all day, undermining revolutionary activity by drinking and taking drugs. After party is good but no substitute.
Semi disreputable sounds like my sort of pub.

We'll do our best to prepare the locals and mines a pint of brown.
The venue in mind is near some semi disreputable establishments and you can be sure we're going to put on one hell of an after party so there will be plenty of space to get pissed, make merry and moan about how the kids took over bookfair.
i hope it's better than the fiasco in the wetherspoons that led to the 2005 battle of holloway road
There is a long standing tradition for many to rock up in a nearby pub and stay there all day, undermining revolutionary activity by drinking and taking drugs. After party is good but no substitute.
Semi disreputable sounds like my sort of pub.

This is normally what I do. I look round the stalls, go to a couple of talks then straight for the social. I overdid it too early last time so didn’t make T-Chances but there was a decent after party the year before (?) in some squatted building in Farringdon (?)

Actually I’m talking about the second and third but last time there. The last time ended up in some Spoons in Turnpike Lane but went home early again.
This is normally what I do. I look round the stalls, go to a couple of talks then straight for the social. I overdid it too early last time so didn’t make T-Chances but there was a decent after party the year before (?) in some squatted building in Farringdon (?)

Actually I’m talking about the second and third but last time there. The last time ended up in some Spoons in Turnpike Lane but went home early again.
Some spoons in turnpike lane = the tollgate
"arrogant", "corporate takeover", "pathetic liberals", assorted lifestyle anarchist cliches , "millenial melts" "not real anarchists" ... so much for the principles of mutual aid, solidarity and co-operation...vanguardism alive and well though...seems a thankless task just got a lot more thankless
"arrogant", "corporate takeover", "pathetic liberals", assorted lifestyle anarchist cliches , "millenial melts" "not real anarchists" ... so much for the principles of mutual aid, solidarity and co-operation...vanguardism alive and well though...seems a thankless task just got a lot more thankless

Did I miss something? I'm not sure that's what the thread has been saying...
There wasn’t many “principles of mutual aid, solidarity and cooperation” from those who cunted off the previous organisers, was there?

We informed them and invited them to join us/ support us, be the tidy comrades I'm sure (despite some disagreements on how to handle certasin issues) they are.

No where in the statement do we insult them or make demands. Infact they've done a wonderful job holding it together and keeping it going for so long. It's a shame bookfair stopped in 2018 and we're just bringing it back.

Should we as Anarchists have to ask and receive permission from other Anarchists to do an Anarchist bookfair in a city they used to do an Anarchist bookfair?

There has been zero animosity between the two organisations as far as I'm aware.

I expect when they do share an answer it'll be like "g'luck guys, you'll need it" and a couple of them with more energy will come and pass on their smarts.

Chilango, unfortantly pretty much all of that has been banded about on the thread. It's why I (one of the organisers) made an account ;p

Easy to chat shit through rather than it be some totally anon folks I guess ;p
We informed them and invited them to join us/ support us, be the tidy comrades I'm sure (despite some disagreements on how to handle certasin issues) they are.

No where in the statement do we insult them or make demands. Infact they've done a wonderful job holding it together and keeping it going for so long. It's a shame bookfair stopped in 2018 and we're just bringing it back.

Should we as Anarchists have to ask and receive permission from other Anarchists to do an Anarchist bookfair in a city they used to do an Anarchist bookfair?

There has been zero animosity between the two organisations as far as I'm aware.

I expect when they do share an answer it'll be like "g'luck guys, you'll need it" and a couple of them with more energy will come and pass on their smarts.

Hi again. I wasn’t making accusations against yourself (or any of the new organisers as far as I know).
This relates back to the letter of disassociation (?) to the then present organisers from quite a significant amount of groups. I’ve no way of ascertaining if you were a signatory or not.
Hope that clears it up.
Ah right o.

Yeah we'll be having to try and work through some of that Statement ourselves obviously.

I mean even aside from the Transphobia issue, there were other concerns which we'll no doubt get a chance to fuck up on and piss people off over, but we'll be trying to live up to the issues and not give anyone too much to reason to hate us afterwords. ;p
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