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London 20th- anyone going?

I've not walked that far for bleeding ages. Would've been a stroll in the park except the last 7 months I've barely put feet to pavement.
Oh I thought it was about tax avoidance.
Yeah, also Starbucks and Vodafone. There was UKUncut up there too, and DPAC at the end at Marble Arch of course. Nothing near the Ritz but I counted at least 16 cops standing round doing nothing. Protecting property though innit, after last year.
Probably both. McDonalds just gets it anyway. Whenever I used to visit Berlin the McDonalds there used to get its windows put through on a weekly basis. :D
There wasn't nearly enough swear words in the placard for it to be him either :D

It's a long time since I saw his ugly dish!
Really good turnout today. Went on the march but didnt bother going to Hyde Park.

How did workfare go?
well it was fun, but not as effective as previous actions. Police hopelessly outnumbered to begin with and they were led a merry dance around Soho as the crowd targeted the Hilton Carnaby Hotel, Boots, Primark, McDonalds, the Salvation Army, Vodaphone and about 10 different Starbucks stores. However, the police are getting wise to this sort of action now and they know it only takes about 10 of them to block off the entrance to a shop, no matter how slow they are to get to the right place.

People managed to enter Boots and Primark, but no shops were "closed down" though many had to shut their shutters. There were some scuffles and the coppers' usual pushing and hitting of pedestrians (regardless of whether they were protestors or shoppers.) Attempted kettle on Oxford Street, but people were too quick for the police.

I'm not sure a lot was achieved today by the workfare action apart from perhaps some news footage, some stuff in tomorrow's papers and the pleasure of taking the piss out of a load of fat, unfit, sweaty coppers. Various cat & mouse games around central London until many of the crowd ended up in Trafalger Square with a load of hooded kids wearing Anonymous masks "occupying" the base of Nelson's Column, to the bemusement of tourists and protestors alike.

Good day overall, but the revolution isn't starting tomorrow.

Marty21: Didn't realise you were in that pub, sorry I missed you!
The most amusing thing was seeing all the places that got trashed last year (Fortnum & Mason, banks, the Ritz, Vodaphone shops etc) being guarded by loads of cops. I think there was actually more police protecting multi-national businesses than there was policing the march itself.

The press photographers showed some remarkable nous today in getting to the heart of the action well before the police. I think we should sign them up as direct action militants :D
I *think* they did the count from people going into hyde park rather than numbers at embankment but that's only because the tweet from @futurethatworks came late in the day
They count from the back of the march, so couldn't give the figures until late in the day. They don't count the number who attend the rally.
I was only on it for 30 mins or so, from going in to Hilton carnaby to boots before. Had to go (ironically, to Continue with union related work) as normal coppers don't like it when people move about quickly. Was amusing to see the faces of people in maseratis and Bentleys caught up in it
Made it to halfway down Piccadilly before the rest of the family mutinied and whisked me to the pub and shopping.

Saw the black bloc crossing regent street.

Slightly lower turnout but better organised so no 2 hour standstill on Embankment like last year.

Bumped into a couple of people. It was pretty good as these things go.
Was amusing to see the faces of people in maseratis and Bentleys caught up in it
Yep, there were lots of worried looking shoppers on Bond Street/Oxford Street/Covent Garden, taking time out to gawp at protestors in between buying jewellery and iphones.

And this lot, who pissed off the guards at the Savoy and got in a bit of a ruck:

E2A: cant embed video - copy & paste this link and remove the space in the URL
http://vimeo.com /51821369
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