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Liz Truss’s time is up

announced her resignation on 20/10/2022 but didn't go to meet the King & handover the keys to Sunak until 25/10

my sausage fingers cannot mash the numpad correctly
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I still fondly remember the great Baked Bean price war of early 90s, at its peak I bought eighty tins for 3p a tin...id probably not have survived that decade if it werent for Baked Beans and I still love em
Yeah, remember buying trays and trays of them at that sort of price. Was absolutely sick of them after a while - unsurprisingly.
All that, and a perpetual problem for the vermin who will be constantly reminded that their (wholly misplaced) reputation for macro-economic competence was shredded. Remember that in the GE 24 fellow travellers on the loon right of the vermin felt compelled to say that Truss' tax-cutting was wrong. Guarantee that she'll appear in the LP's 2029 attack ads.
Yes, this. In the same way the Tories were still going on about Gordon Brown breaking everything in 2008 a good fifteen years after the event, Labour will be able to dine out on Truss’s incompetence (and it was her faul, moreso than Brown’s) for a good few years yet, and stuff like this stunt reminds people of it. Also denigrating her makes the various shit far right causes she aligns with damaged by association.
She has been complaining that due to posters continually being put up in front of her that she can no longer enjoy salads.
This is so typical of Truss. :D

Ousted former Prime Minister Liz Truss is allegedly refusing to hand over casework to the new Labour MP who defeated her in July, prompting claims that the disgraced ex-MP may be breaching data protection laws.

Recently-elected Labour MP Terry Jermy told Byline Times that Liz Truss had failed to help him with the transition to being the new MP. It is seemingly a break with the convention where ousted MPs hand over casework to smooth the transition to a new representative for constituents. Jermy has branded the situation “very odd”.

“Nothing has been handed over to me. I have had residents forward previous emails independently, but that’s them being diligent. There’s been nothing from Truss’s team,” he said.
This is so typical of Truss. :D

It's obviously on a far lesser scale but both Trump and Biden were pulled up for taking files after leaving office. Do we not have the same laws?

Hell even in an office job they don't let you take files away (recent personal experience here).
It's obviously on a far lesser scale but both Trump and Biden were pulled up for taking files after leaving office. Do we not have the same laws?

Hell even in an office job they don't let you take files away (recent personal experience here).
Trump famously used to try flushing them at the Whitehouse - coincidentally he objected to ecological water-saving regulations - presumably in connection with his property business ... US toilets use so much water, bog brushes are apparently unknown there ...

As a university technician I had to attend data protection training and what goes on in the USA beggars belief ...
I doubt even our PM gets to see the sort of documents Trump did...
It's funny, but I do not have a strong memory of the 45 days of Truss. When I was young, such events created much more excitement in me than they do today. I feel more of a weary resignation about the ways of the world today.
Best forgotten.
Truss & UK cannot compare to Trump & USA.
It's funny, but I do not have a strong memory of the 45 days of Truss. When I was young, such events created much more excitement in me than they do today. I feel more of a weary resignation about the ways of the world today.
PMs have increased in turnover in recent years. In 28 years from 1979 we had three of them; in the 17 years since 2007 we've had seven.
PMs have increased in turnover in recent years. In 28 years from 1979 we had three of them; in the 17 years since 2007 we've had seven.
Going ‘full Italy’ is I think the term, where at one point they were averaging one new government per year, and it was like that for a couple of decades or something.
Going ‘full Italy’ is I think the term, where at one point they were averaging one new government per year, and it was like that for a couple of decades or something.
The Aussies have changed seven times since 2007 too, although there were two non-consecutive stints for Kevin Rudd. His second period was a mammoth (compared to Truss) 83 days.
It seems to me that it might be better if the government was run as a collective, and the post of Prime Minister changed every year.
It seems to me that it might be better if the government was run as a collective, and the post of Prime Minister changed every year.
Used to work with a French company where due to mandatory retirement malarky bloke in charge would just about have learned what their job was about ..then got the boot. ..I don't recommend it
Used to work with a French company where due to mandatory retirement malarky bloke in charge would just about have learned what their job was about ..then got the boot. ..I don't recommend it
I think that being a Prime Minister is different from other jobs.
It's funny, but I do not have a strong memory of the 45 days of Truss. When I was young, such events created much more excitement in me than they do today. I feel more of a weary resignation about the ways of the world today.

Much of that month-and-a-bit was taken up with all the nonsense about Brenda's bucket-kicking and the ascension of King Sausage Paws. Without all that Truss might have been gone even sooner, she was the bad news that got buried.
Much of that month-and-a-bit was taken up with all the nonsense about Brenda's bucket-kicking and the ascension of King Sausage Paws. Without all that Truss might have been gone even sooner, she was the bad news that got buried.
I remember that I went for a long walk on the day of the funeral, and the very sky seemed to be in mourning for the Monarch, or perhaps it was just a bit overcast. I understand that there were people who watched it all on the box, or tuned in to it on the radio.
Not surprised with that inept twat.

Sorry, that was a yahoo news link. Fucking paywall.

We all knew she was barking mad, but this seriously takes the biscuit.

Sir Anthony says a group of Ms Truss’s Tory aides met to discuss the issue. One of her senior advisers, Alex Boyd, “was told that Truss and Kwarteng were thinking they could still sort out the black hole with severe cuts”: “We’ve been told that they’re looking at stopping cancer treatment on the NHS.”

Mr Boyd’s response was to ask “Is she being serious?” writes Sir Anthony, while other aides said she had “lost the plot”.

“She’s shouting at everyone that ‘We’ve got to find the money.’ When we tell her it can’t be done, she shouts back: ‘It’s not true. The money is there. You go and find it,’” they told the author.

Perhaps they could have found the £45bn down the back of the sofa? :D
How would that work then? You'd get a phone call

"Don't come in for your radiotherapy"
"As it been rescheduled?"
"No it's been cancelled"
"What how long for?"
"Sorry about that but it's important we restore the confidence of the markets"

In what recess of her fevered brain did she not think there might be something of a negative reaction to this?
How would that work then? You'd get a phone call

"Don't come in for your radiotherapy"
"As it been rescheduled?"
"No it's been cancelled"
"What how long for?"
"Sorry about that but it's important we restore the confidence of the markets"

In what recess of her fevered brain did she not think there might be something of a negative reaction to this?
Having done the palative on both my parents during covid, both of whom died of cancer. The NHS is a curates egg. There was an undertow within NHS that would have gone along with this, Sadly. Some fucking amazing individuals that wouldn't.. but an undertow none the less.

What I take solace from is knowing how much someone who had for a few years been Tories largest donor has ring-fenced for improving care and treatment for blood cancer ...dwarfs his spend to Tories...Will not be impressed.
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