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Liz Truss’s time is up

As I'm currently the recipient of cancer treatment on the NHS, I take a rather dim view if Truss's suggestion.

In fact I don't think I'll vote for her!

In fact I hope I one day hope to be able to dance on her grave (in the same way that she would have been more than happy to hasten me to mine)

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
The Guardian has a bit more detail than the Indy. Apparently it was a part of her "There has to be money somewhere" rant wherein the Treasury knocked up cancelling cancer treatment as an example of the sort of extreme measures that would be needed to do that. Not to be taken seriously. Except by those two dolts.
The Guardian has a bit more detail than the Indy. Apparently it was a part of her "There has to be money somewhere" rant wherein the Treasury knocked up cancelling cancer treatment as an example of the sort of extreme measures that would be needed to do that. Not to be taken seriously. Except by those two dolts.
Off the back of a crash caused by uncosted tax cuts for the rich
I have the book and am working my way through it. Utterly fascinating to read an informed account of just how batshit crazy the woman is.

One detail confirms a long held suspicion of mine - that the Sunak camp strongly preferred to have Truss as their opponent in the final membership ballot. Otherwise it would have been Penny Mordaunt and they didn't fancy their chances against her. They believed even the geriatric and deranged Tory members would not vote for someone so obviously unsuited to PM as Truss. So they arranged for some of their supporters among the MPs to switch their votes from Sunak to Truss, to make sure she edged out Mordaunt. In the end it came down to 5 MPs votes and Truss duly came second, and went into the final vote of members.

They didn't count on the brain dead Tory members preferring Truss.

Otherwise Mordaunt would likely have won the members' vote and the history of the last 2 years might have been very different. No crazy mini budget, no collapse of the economy, no Sunak premiership and a good chance the Tories would have won this year's election. Or at least not have have lost it as badly.
The Guardian has a bit more detail than the Indy. Apparently it was a part of her "There has to be money somewhere" rant wherein the Treasury knocked up cancelling cancer treatment as an example of the sort of extreme measures that would be needed to do that. Not to be taken seriously. Except by those two dolts.

The review is by Dominic Grieve, former Tory Attorney General, kicked out of the party by BoJo. Interesting that he seems to hate Truss every bit as much as the rest of us.
I have the book and am working my way through it. Utterly fascinating to read an informed account of just how batshit crazy the woman is.

One detail confirms a long held suspicion of mine - that the Sunak camp strongly preferred to have Truss as their opponent in the final membership ballot. Otherwise it would have been Penny Mordaunt and they didn't fancy their chances against her. They believed even the geriatric and deranged Tory members would not vote for someone so obviously unsuited to PM as Truss. So they arranged for some of their supporters among the MPs to switch their votes from Sunak to Truss, to make sure she edged out Mordaunt. In the end it came down to 5 MPs votes and Truss duly came second, and went into the final vote of members.

They didn't count on the brain dead Tory members preferring Truss.

Otherwise Mordaunt would likely have won the members' vote and the history of the last 2 years might have been very different. No crazy mini budget, no collapse of the economy, no Sunak premiership and a good chance the Tories would have won this year's election. Or at least not have have lost it as badly.
Oh for the want of a pin does the machine fail, etc. (Or in modern parlance, "a real sliding doors moment'). It does fascinate me. The alternative history of the UK with Remain winning e.g opens up endless different possibilities for where we could be instead today .
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