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Liz Truss’s time is up

isn't it one of those unwritten constitutional rules that the monarch's chats with the PM are sacrosanct and not to be blabbed about?
The Mail have put their 'exclusive' extracts from her memoirs behind their new premium Mail+ paywall

Advert for Mail+. First month free then £4.99 a month.

I guess they figure the memoirs of a National Joke is money in the bank in the same way that the memoirs of a National Treasure would be.
Their paywall is as porous as any other however and here for your pleasure is an archived version. You're welcome.

Living in Downing Street was like being a prisoner in a soulless cage - with fleas! by LIZ TRUSS. - Daily Mail Online (archived)

In my acceptance speech on being elected leader, I'd ended with the declaration: 'We will deliver, we will deliver and we will deliver.' From the outset, however, delivery turned out to be a problem. This was literally true, as my husband Hugh discovered when he tried to get our usual supermarket grocery order delivered to us in our new home.

At the end of her account of the Kwarteng budget:
Hugh has a degree in mathematical economics from the London School of Economics. This stuff is bread and butter to us, and I talk about it a lot.

I'm someone who likes to shoot the breeze and bat ideas back and forth (...)
isn't it one of those unwritten constitutional rules that the monarch's chats with the PM are sacrosanct and not to be blabbed about?

There's also an unwritten constitutional rule that prime ministers are expected to be competent enough to last more than a fortnight in the post.

Time to start writing some of these unwritten rules down I reckon. In very simple English. With helpful illustrations.
a toxic combination of her own inability to recognise her own inability, an uwillingness to take responsibility, a dedication to a far right ideology that panders to all this, and her innate dishonesty. She's a grifter

I hope the Tories do something that stupid. 80+% of the electorate don't "do politics" in sufficient depth to analyse her actions and policies, such as they are.

Until the day she dies Liz Truss will be 'the PM outlasted by a lettuce who put £400 on my rent/mortgage'.
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