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Liz Truss’s time is up

Mind you it was hedge funds and their mates who brought her down wasn't it? Down with the Deep State hedge funds :mad:
In a sense the short-lived Truss regime did yield one key benefit; it smoked out the real power of the markets and their desired outcome, It didn't matter how 'pro-market' the Truss experiment was; the real powers that be want administrations that continue to tax labour and borrow from them to invest in assets that they can manage. The Truss/Kwarteng policy of cutting taxes spooked them, throwing their regressive wealth transfer model into doubt. She had to go.
In a sense the short-lived Truss regime did yield one key benefit; it smoked out the real power of the markets and their desired outcome, It didn't matter how 'pro-market' the Truss experiment was; the real powers that be want administrations that continue to tax labour and borrow from them to invest in assets that they can manage. The Truss/Kwarteng policy of cutting taxes spooked them, throwing their regressive wealth transfer model into doubt. She had to go.

Not to support the real power of the markets, but I really think even they understood that the Truss experiment was not in fact pro-market at all.

It was like one of those medieval monastic drawings of elephants or rhinoceros, come up with by someone who had heard rumours of a thing but never actually seen or experienced it and so just made it up out of the tiny amount of information they did have available to them.
I don't know how she keeps getting away with this. I mean, her premiership imploded and here she is spouting utter fiction. She can't believe it surely? That level of delusion would mean complete cognitive collapse. Absolutely insane
She’s a total cynical opportunist grifter, it’s all about her. She realised just how easy it is for a girl to get attention and make a name for herself by becoming an extremist whacko, like Braverman here or Bobert and Taylor-Green in the US, and is now leveraging her ‘status’ as a former PM - which in the US will carry more clout than it does here - to get herself a much bigger profile. For those who don’t give a fuck and are willing to front it, it’s an easy career option these days now there’s so much far right ‘news’ media that’ll give you air time, and the madder your views are the better.
She’s a total cynical opportunist grifter, it’s all about her. She realised just how easy it is for a girl to get attention and make a name for herself by becoming an extremist whacko, like Braverman here or Bobert and Taylor-Green in the US, and is now leveraging her ‘status’ as a former PM - which in the US will carry more clout than it does here - to get herself a much bigger profile. For those who don’t give a fuck and are willing to front it, it’s an easy career option these days now there’s so much far right ‘news’ media that’ll give you air time, and the madder your views are the better.
Girl, aye? She's 48.

Conservatives need a bigger bazooka, Truss tells US right-wing event

Conservatives in both the US and UK need a "bigger bazooka" to fight the left, former Prime Minister Liz Truss has told an event in Maryland. "Unless conservatives become more active in speaking out... Western civilisation is doomed," Ms Truss said. She was speaking at the biggest annual gathering of conservatives in the US. The UK's shortest-serving PM - who was in Downing Street for six weeks - also sought to peg her downfall to "antagonism" from the establishment.
Truss's complete lack of self-awareness is staggering beyond belief. I'm trying to work out if courting the batshit American right is just part of that, as they're mad enough to believe her, or whether she's calculatingly seen an opportunity to make a few dollars.

You don't have to be very bright to do well with that crowd. But I think she's just acting on instinct here, lashing out at everyone and anything, imaginary or otherwise, because she's structurally incapable of understanding that she fucked up because she's an idiot. Just like there's no way to explain to a sea cucumber what a sea cucumber is.
I was listening to a podcast yesterday about Judy Mikovits. She was the lead author of a paper published in Science about chronic fatigue syndrome. The paper was subsequently discredited and retracted but rather than come to terms with her wounded pride, Mikovitz responded by rebelling against the entire scientific community and became a leading COVID conspiracy theorist (her own husband actually died of COVID but she still couldn't admit it was real, prefering instead to think her husband had been murdered by the scientific community to further smite her). I see parallels between her and Truss - they both strike me as folks who would rather blame everyone else for their own failings than take an ioata of personal responsibility.
She doesn't believe a word of what she's saying.

Right now, Liz Truss is the MP for a small quarter of Norfolk. She's not the high rise big shot of the American right, with any qualification to talk about the deep state, etc. She's turned into a crank.
She doesn't believe a word of what she's saying.

Right now, Liz Truss is the MP for a small quarter of Norfolk. She's not the high rise big shot of the American right, with any qualification to talk about the deep state, etc. She's turned into a crank.

manifestation of the derp state?
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