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Liz Truss’s time is up

Yes, my mind automatically read it in Alan Partidge's voice too.

What's going on here BTW?


Brewdog level fun
Weird. When I accidentally clicked on the article instead of the archive there wasn't a paywall so wasted time looking at the comments, most of which were outraged and some in this vein - before I realised where I was and that I have a life to lead without reading Tory nonsense:
Unrepentant, self-pitying, narcissistic and even arguably psychopathic. Really I am speechless that someone who almost succeeded in utterly derailing the UK economy in under 2-months could have the chutzpah to blame everyone but herself.

City of London Traders and foreign investors who started shorting UK gilts and dumping their long holdings in the UK economy after the Truss / Kwarteng budget are not known for their left-wing views. They calmly and rationally assessed the situation and concluded the UK is becoming "Argentina" and then said, "sell, sell, sell".

Truss is without question our worst PM in 300-years. The only person happy with her misbegotten tenure is Lord North lying in his tomb, listen carefully and you can hear his muffled laughter.
It's like waking up in a different reality. This is now so surreal it's hard to parse. It might not be correct to speak thusly, but I genuinely think there's something not firing right with her. She can't be this delusional. When she resigned she was grinning - May by comparison was fit to burst into tears.

Either that or some very strange and dark forces within the establishment are aligning. Is this a response to the Tories floundering popularity? But surely Truss would go down even worse than Sunak?
I reckon she looked over the pond at Trump and thought (I use the term loosely), well, all this post-truth nonsense worked for him to some extent; yes I will be mocked for this but most of those people laughing incredulously don't matter anyway.
It's like waking up in a different reality. This is now so surreal it's hard to parse. It might not be correct to speak thusly, but I genuinely think there's something not firing right with her. She can't be this delusional. When she resigned she was grinning - May by comparison was fit to burst into tears.

Either that or some very strange and dark forces within the establishment are aligning. Is this a response to the Tories floundering popularity? But surely Truss would go down even worse than Sunak?

Bearing in mind this is a party that wasn't far off replacing disgraced prime minister Boris Johnson's replacement with Boris Johnson.
"Frankly, we were also pushing water uphill. Large parts of the media and the wider public sphere had become unfamiliar with key arguments about tax and economic policy and over time sentiment had shifted left-wards.”

So it's if you don't believe in Laffer curve you are either left wing or ignorant.

Is scope for some debate I suppose

A lot of the world has a dose of stagflation (of which UK probably has it worse)

Her thinking, presumably, address the stagnation part of the problem

Biden, Welcome to nginx! . Looks like the US is doing Phillip's curve and addressing the Inflation bit, whilst the White House tries to rewrite the textbooks about what a recession is
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Yeah but no, but yeah. Whomever is advising her isn't doing her any favours

It has been mentioned in places that she doesn’t take advice and we’ve seen that demonstrated.

Part of the reason she’s not a Lib Dem is they advised her to wait and get media training before running for anything to which she promptly defected. During her many cabinet posts she’d draw a line and go to what she wanted to happen and ignored any advice to the contrary as a result nothing would happen
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