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Liz Truss’s time is up

So it was just monumentally stupid, forcing all the MPs to vote for fracking, which nobody wants and isn’t going to happen anyway.
All it achieved was making them hate her a bit more. That makes more sense than it being a cunning plan I get it now :thumbs:
Not astute is our liz.
Message for the PM please go and see the King tomorrow and ask for an Election because this cant carry on

It can though. Ridiculous as it all is, it carries on until they force her out. Which they won't do whilst they can't agree on a replacement.
oh nos another 1922 meeting. More waffle, I'm furious, bring back Borris and this can't go ons.

Same time next week, yeah?
The BBC had trouble fitting all the events into the allotted slot on the news.

Chris Mason was going on about whether Truss can even last till the end of the week. And the state broadcaster, for the sake of its own credibility, suggested that we dont have a functioning government.

Their live updates page also has:

Tory MPs have been reacting to comments from Charles Walker, who said there is "no coming back" for the party after a chaotic vote on fracking tonight.

In an interview with BBC News, a visibly emotional Walker said he was livid and out of patience with his party.

In a tweet, Maria Caulfield, MP for Lewes, said: "Tonight we are all Charles Walker."

Former minister Johnny Mercer said, alongside an expletive, that Walker had "nailed it".

I left out Dorries take on that because her 'still bitter about the fall of Johnson' angle is already well known.

Sir Roger Gale told PA News that the chaos caused by confusion over this evening fracking bill had been a "storm in a teacup" and praised the appointment of Grant Shapps as home secretary.

"On balance, at the end of today I would say, in a peculiar way - and it is peculiar - Truss might come out of it stronger. I may be completely wrong and out of touch," Sir Roger said.

So - looks like they may be about to kick her out without a ready made replacement. Braverman positioning herself as the standard bearer of the tory far right - who will see the a "caretaker" government by the likes of Sunack, Hunt, Mourdant et al as a coup by the tory non swivel eyed faction - so may well not go along with it. So then what? another leadership election with Cruella winning?
So - looks like they may be about to kick her out without a ready made replacement. Braverman positioning herself as the standard bearer of the tory far right - who will see the a "caretaker" government by the likes of Sunack, Hunt, Mourdant et al as a coup by the tory non swivel eyed faction - so may well not go along with it. So then what? another leadership election with Cruella winning?

If they put another lunatic in charge, they're dead... Deader. They can't go on the tax cut thing, so it will be anti union, anti wage rises, anti imigrants, etc. Whilst everyone gets poorer. They've fucked off the Police, nurses, doctors, lawyers, transport workers, teachers etc... Bribing the electorate at the last minute I don't think will work in 24.
So - looks like they may be about to kick her out without a ready made replacement. Braverman positioning herself as the standard bearer of the tory far right - who will see the a "caretaker" government by the likes of Sunack, Hunt, Mourdant et al as a coup by the tory non swivel eyed faction - so may well not go along with it. So then what? another leadership election with Cruella winning?
I dont think the headbangers get another shot at the leadership now, plus Bravermans email rule breaking may effectively eliminate her from the running on this occasion.
Sir Roger Gale told PA News that the chaos caused by confusion over this evening fracking bill had been a "storm in a teacup" and praised the appointment of Grant Shapps as home secretary.

Gale hasn't the best of references: Roger Gale - Wikipedia
In July 2021, Gale was one of five Conservative MPs found by the Commons Select Committee on Standards to have breached the code of conduct by trying to influence a judge in the trial of former Conservative MP Charlie Elphicke, who was eventually found guilty of three counts of sexual assault and sentenced to two years in prison. Gale was one of three of the group who was also recommended for a one-day suspension by the committee.
I dont think the headbangers get another shot at the leadership now, plus Bravermans email rule breaking may effectively eliminate her from the running on this occasion.
dunno - is there anything to stop them challenging a sunak coronation with their own candidate? they arent going to suddenly go quiet whatever happens. It doesnt look like the tory hierarchy have a plan beyond - "get truss out now!"
dunno - is there anything to stop them challenging a sunak coronation with their own candidate? they arent going to suddenly go quiet whatever happens. It doesnt look like the tory hierarchy have a plan beyond - "get truss out now!"
I'll let the tory party worry about the details of how they move on to the next leader. The headbangers making a lot of noise doesnt change my opinion of the sort of stability leader it will be, and it will take some very dramatic twists before I could begin to imaging the ERG wing of the party snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Especially as defeat has gone well beyond the jaws, they'd have to pluck victory from the intestines of doom.
I'll let the tory party worry about the details of how they move on to the next leader. The headbangers making a lot of noise doesnt change my opinion of the sort of stability leader it will be, and it will take some very dramatic twists before I could begin to imaging the ERG wing of the party snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
but if its the membership who get to decide again ....
eg they rig it so that when it comes down to the last 2 candidates after MP voting rounds, the one with less votes simply drops out at that stage.

Thats one mechanism anyway. The one that worked for Theresa May vs Leadsom.
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