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Liz Truss’s time is up

Is there anything that could actually plausibly cause a general election now? Mass resignation of Tory MPs? (Highly unlikely) Could a no confidence vote do it?

My understanding is that either the PM of the day can call an early general election if they feel so inclined, or they would have to lose a (parliamentary) confidence vote. That would require a fair number of tory MP's to vote for it (which would almost certainly mean they would be thrown out of the party before the election) which i can't really see happening...
TBF I wouldn't be that surprised if the Crown stepped in anyway - this can't be allowed to continue and it is extremely questionable whether she commands a majority of the Commons.

The King could dismiss her, then appoint whoever from that lot he is advised could form a government.
It's possible he might think "y'know what, fuck it" and attend COP27 after all.

The fuck is Truss going to do about it at this stage?
With the collapse of the global economy and WW3 on the horizon mabes the Tories are just doing all this daft stuff so they don't have to be in charge anymore and subsequently not responsible for the end of the world.
I mean let's face it who wants to be anything other than high when it all goes to shit.
I would be very surprised. Dangerous for a monarch, let alone a new monarch, to interfere in parliamentary business.

It has happened before (admittedly not for nearly 200 years), and whilst he'd no doubt be criticized for interfering in the affairs of Parliament this is fundamentally an issue of who runs his government. What we are seeing now has very few, if any, precedents and there is no indication that she is willing to accept reality.
It has happened before (admittedly not for nearly 200 years), and whilst he'd no doubt be criticized for interfering in the affairs of Parliament this is fundamentally an issue of who runs his government. What we are seeing now has very few, if any, precedents and there is no indication that she is willing to accept reality.
the reality is that they'll carp and moan, but they'll vote for the government's business. zero tory MPs voted against the party tonight. the king will not get involved.
Imagine if the King did get involved.He would be carried shoulder high through the streets and all that stuff about Diane expunged from the history books.
Tory Mp at the centre of bully claims in the lobbies has said he was not manhandled
If I lived in the country still he'd be my local MP and already seen sympathetic posts on Facebook from people who don't support the Tories about the bullying. Glad he's denied it so they can go back to hating him for a) being one of Liz Truss' biggest cheerleaders during her campaign and b) going against local wishes by voting for fracking (he was previously employed by Shell and has been paid by them for lobbying services)
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