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Liz Truss’s time is up

She hasn't stayed thus far because she is loved, she has stayed thus far because the minds of the 1922 commitee can't yet work out how to get rid of her without requiring the membership.

They know how to get rid of her, the problem is getting the MPs to unite behind a replacement.
I was commenting on the electability of a candidate. Like it or not, Sunak's approval ratings would suggest he could win a GE. If you're not willing to acknowledge that, then well.

He didn't even win the vote amongst Tory superfans, you think the rest of the country is just dying for another 5 years of Tory rule with him (or any of them TBH.?)

I can well believe they'll close the gap, polls wise and could even win again in 24 with some sensible centerist relatively speaking) . But Danny has put it more elequently how putting Sunak in charge looks.
I've been thinking about this whole situation a lot of late, as many years ago I knew some of the key behind the scenes players in it. Basically, from their perspective, they've still won. Sure, on the face of it the 'Tufton Street Agenda' crashed the economy and looked ridiculous, but they don't care. Crashing the economy means more public spending cuts, which is what they want. It means key public services may have to be sold off in order still to exist, which is what they want. They're going to ground now obviously, but they're still there, and they'll still be winning, just like they have been since winning Brexit back in 2016.

The plan has been obvious all along. The only surprising thing about any of it is how very few people seemed to notice what it was.
I've been thinking about this whole situation a lot of late, as many years ago I knew some of the key behind the scenes players in it. Basically, from their perspective, they've still won. Sure, on the face of it the 'Tufton Street Agenda' crashed the economy and looked ridiculous, but they don't care. Crashing the economy means more public spending cuts, which is what they want. It means key public services may have to be sold off in order still to exist, which is what they want. They're going to ground now obviously, but they're still there, and they'll still be winning, just like they have been since winning Brexit back in 2016.

The plan has been obvious all along. The only surprising thing about any of it is how very few people seemed to notice what it was.

I am not so sure about that - I mean, that probably was their plan and they probably do see themselves as "winning".

I just don't think they have realised what it ("winning") is likely to mean for them, in much the same way that the last rulers of the Raj successfully managed to make white rule, the colonial legal system and exploitation of the subcontinent an obvious fact - right before they got kicked out, never to return.
I am not so sure about that - I mean, that probably was their plan and they probably do see themselves as "winning".

I just don't think they have realised what it ("winning") is likely to mean for them, in much the same way that the last rulers of the Raj successfully managed to make white rule, the colonial legal system and exploitation of the subcontinent an obvious fact - right before they got kicked out, never to return.

In many ways it's too late though. They've obfuscated and disinformed long enough that there are now two sides to some arguments where there should be one. Climate change for example. More pragmatically, is the NHS going to survive the spending cuts, or will healthcare have to be privatised to continue if the government can no longer afford to pay for it? Likewise other public services. These are the people that wanted charter cities. A financially weakened state only makes that idea more likely.

The odd, but perhaps telling thing about some of these people is that they used to be influential Lib Dems in the days of the Orange Book faction in that party. They did what they did to the Lib Dems, shifting them right and destroying them for at least a generation, purely to promote their agenda, then moved on to the Tories. If they've now destroyed the Tories for a generation, in their eyes so be it, they'll move on to the next opportunity to promote their agenda. People still see politics through the lense of alliegance, 'us vs them', whether that's 'our party vs your party' or 'our class vs your class' or 'our wing vs your wing' or even 'our country vs your country'. None of this matters to these people. There's just their goals, and that's that. Everything else is malleable in the name of achieving them.
what is the likelihood of Boris returning?
Terrifying, but not impossible.

I think the tory membership voted Truss in because Sunak "stabbed Boris in the back". A "Bring Back Boris" campaign could well put him in charge of the tories before the next election. Boris's fans don't give a fuck about the parties and scandals. They like him because he's a bit of a lad. Bending rules is a tory thing.

Did people vote for Boris in 2019, or for Get Brexit Done? Both probably, but a Johnson led tory party could save their skins. Maybe not win the election, but possibly avoid not even being the opposition.
He lost a leadership contest to Liz Truss. Liz Truss of all people.

Three points:

1. The Tories cannot hold a leadership election, try out the winner, then when she doesn’t work out, appoint the loser. That makes a mockery of the leadership contest.
2. It’s bad enough leaders coming and going without a general election, but with no party democracy either? It’s no longer the 1950s.
3. Liz Truss. He lost to Liz Truss.

You’re being too logical. We’re way past this and into the realm of 52 card pick-up politics.

I am not so sure about that - I mean, that probably was their plan and they probably do see themselves as "winning".

I just don't think they have realised what it ("winning") is likely to mean for them, in much the same way that the last rulers of the Raj successfully managed to make white rule, the colonial legal system and exploitation of the subcontinent an obvious fact - right before they got kicked out, never to return.

The mistake you’re making is to think this is all being done by and for the politicos, the MPs. The people who are pushing the agenda and so forth that Gerry1time is talking about aren’t MPs. The party in power is their tool.They’ve had uninterrupted decades of doing it their way and creaming the profit off the top.
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