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Liz Truss’s time is up

What do we reckon the "genuine reason" Truss hasn't turned up today is?
You know the more Mordaunt kept repeating that there was a genuine reason Truss couldn't answer the UQ, the more I started to think she might have suffered some kind of medical issue and I started to feel a little guilty/awkward at the constant asking where she was. Turns out she was meeting with Graham Brady...

Apart from Graham Brady was in the Commons listening to Mordaunt's answer...

Here he is at 3:50...

FT Hacks taking a certain amount of enjoyment in their work.

Trussonomics abandoned as UK re-embraces financial orthodoxy - Financial Times (archived)

Jeremy Hunt went to parliament on Monday to bury Trussonomics, not to praise it. In a knifing fit for Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the chancellor vanquished the rightwing “mini” Budget that Liz Truss had used to put forward £45bn of unfunded tax cuts. (...)

A recently-departed senior Treasury official said: “Liz Truss picked a fight with economic orthodoxy and the orthodoxy won.” (...)

Time running out for Truss, say Tory MPs - Financial Times (archived)

There were two prime ministerial performances in the House of Commons on Monday, but neither of them were delivered by Liz Truss.
The first, by House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt, reminded Tories of what it is to have a leader who can command the chamber. When she assured MPs that the prime minister was not “hiding under a desk”, the Commons burst into laughter. (...)

George Osborne, the former Tory chancellor, has nicknamed Truss “PINO”, or “prime minister in name only”.

In a sense Truss has already gone. Her weird 1980’s nostalgia act is palpably dead: economically, politically and as a source of power.

Hunt has steered the ship to where the markets and the media expect, relentlessly focussed on the grown up politics required: spending cuts, attacks on workers pay, attacks on benefits, a war on the non existent state etc.

It’s worth remembering that Johnson was defeated by his own MPs, Truss and Kwarteng by the market. Bizarrely cheered on by some who should know better. A half competent leader committed to a serious war on the poor and battle with the organised working class will bring Party, market, business and the media back together. The task of building consent for austerity 2.0 has already begun across the media.

That would be a problem for Labour which currently has nothing to say as to what it would do differently (indicating that Hunt has stolen their plan). It will also be a challenge for us: can we build the necessary broad based campaign in workplaces and communities to finish these bastards off around two simple demands: tax the rich, no return to austerity.
In a sense Truss has already gone. Her weird 1980’s nostalgia act is palpably dead: economically, politically and as a source of power.

Hunt has steered the ship to where the markets and the media expect, relentlessly focussed on the grown up politics required: spending cuts, attacks on workers pay, attacks on benefits, a war on the non existent state etc.

It’s worth remembering that Johnson was defeated by his own MPs, Truss and Kwarteng by the market. Bizarrely cheered on by some who should know better. A half competent leader committed to a serious war on the poor and battle with the organised working class will bring Party, market, business and the media back together. The task of building consent for austerity 2.0 has already begun across the media.

That would be a problem for Labour which currently has nothing to say as to what it would do differently (indicating that Hunt has stolen their plan). It will also be a challenge for us: can we build the necessary broad based campaign in workplaces and communities to finish these bastards off around two simple demands: tax the rich, no return to austerity.
Not if Enough is Enough is any indication as it clearly has become little more than a talking shop and a pressure valve that the Tories benefit from.
The Daily Mail demonstrates that if there's one thing it hates more than woke 'socialists' it's losers.

Daily Mail front page about Liz Truss Dead Woman Walking
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Can't begin to imagine how embarrassing this all is for her poor dad.

Should have raised his daughter better then init. Wouldn't have taken much, just the occasional fatherly hand on the shoulder and, in a reassuring voice, something along the lines of, 'remember Liz, it's not OK to be a horrible shitcunt'.
Not if Enough is Enough is any indication as it clearly has become little more than a talking shop and a pressure valve that the Tories benefit from.

What, precisely, are you doing that you think is going to work better/more quickly. As for your pressure valve dig, let's see some evidence for that.
What, precisely, you are doing that you think is going to work better/more quickly. As for your pressure valve dig, let's see some evidence for it.
I'm not doing anything. I have no power beyond carping online.

The pressure valve comment isn't a dig, it's a claim: EiE isn't, afaict, going to do anything beyond the overton window and so allows the outrage and anger in society to be harmlessly (from the Tories' perspective) diverted into something that won't achieve the necessary outcome.

I hope I'm wrong, but I see no evidence to the contrary. I would like to see that evidence
Conversely there's a school of thought (a comment on twitter) that maybe the patriarchal tory party will keep her for PMQ's and use the subsequent humiliation as leverage
I'm not doing anything. I have no power beyond carping online.

Thought so

The pressure valve comment isn't a dig, it's a claim: EiE isn't, afaict, going to do anything beyond the overton window and so allows the outrage and anger in society to be harmlessly (from the Tories' perspective) diverted into something that won't achieve the necessary outcome.

EiE aims to build and intensify strike action to demand better pay and resist cuts. It also aims to take the approach into communities. We'll crack on with this whilst you post about the 'necessary alternative'.

I hope I'm wrong, but I see no evidence to the contrary. I would like to see that evidence

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