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    Lazy Llama

Libertarian Party Uk

It clearly has evolved, as "libertarian" is widely used in this sense, particularly in the USA.

You might not like the change, but there's no authority you can refer to to have it ruled incorrect. Language is especially anarchistic!
Dunno about evolution but libertarainism has always suggested an Anarchist ethos to me..


feck semantics though..
Cant see this new incarnation making any lasting impression other than good craic to extract the urine from...
It was a deliberate attempt to hijack a word (and it worked in the US). Same as these fuckwits attempt to associate themselves with anarchism. You can't just ignore over 100 years of political theory and redefine words as you want! That's a very Humpty Dumpty approach!
Azrael: Given at the time you do the tyburn jig for far less than murder that's using eye for eye as a call for leniency and puts executioners on a sticky wicket.:p

Actually he was arguing developments in forensic science.
What was that story about the mystery German women at crime scenes?
Azrael: Given at the time you do the tyburn jig for far less than murder that's using eye for eye as a call for leniency and puts executioners on a sticky wicket.:p
JSM made his pro-hanging speech after the Offences Against the Person Act, 1861, so the only things you could be hanged for were treason, murder, piracy, and, bizarrely, arson in the royal dockyards. (The last was probably unnoticed. It was quietly abolished in the 1960s when someone found it.)
It was a deliberate attempt to hijack a word (and it worked in the US).
As you say, it worked, which is what counts with language. "Anarchy" also means "chaos", which is no more accurate, but widely used. (More widely that the proper meaning, if anything.)

Personally I think "libertarian" should apply to a general love of liberty: it's a pain to prefix it with "civil" every time I use it.
Just had a look at the manifesto.

"Our aim is to enable people to hold their healthcare provider to account and, if found wanting, have the freedom to take their business elsewhere. This cannot be done while the State is the monopoly provider who takes payment, commissions, runs and administers that monopoly. "
They want to abolish the NHS. Won't go down very well where i'm from!

We have a de-facto State monopoly and excessive control over education, which will be removed via the introduction of a Swedish-style voucher system. Increased parental choice will lead to schools that genuinely serve the needs of our children developing. Government interference in the curriculum and examination system will be removed, as will all centrally dictated targets.
Biggest misinterpretation of Swedish-style education EVER.

Welfare was envisaged as being a safety net, not the hammock it has become. We aim to refrain from nurturing dependency, while encouraging self-reliance and charitable works via a steady evolution and review of existing welfare arrangements. As with healthcare, the Libertarian Party believes strongly in honouring existing commitments, and this applies to the State Pension.
Charities taking over the welfare system. Where have I heard that one before?
Notice who uploaded those pics as well - The Freedom Association, a bigger bunch of crypto-fascist pro-apatheid strike breaking scum you would not wish to find. Not a nice sea to be swimming in oh brave libertarians.
And it seems Mark Wallace previously worked for them.

Has anyone in that photo ever had a proper job?

Further investigation reveals links to the Bruges group - a ultra-right Thatcherite think tank under the influence of publicity hungry MEP Daniel Hannan and (see this thread for more on him) and righteous hammer of the poor Frank Field. And these are ther sort of people that libertarians argue those radicals or those on the left should be working with? You're off your heads.

edit: and look there's Maggie as well!
The LPUK seems to have taken US ideas and transplanted them to the UK and I really can't see it going down well at all. Why on earth would anyone want to mothball the NHS. If "More accountable" also means the ability to constantly sue the health provider like here in the US, then you can see the price of health care sky rocket as doctors are forced to take out huge insurance policies to cover their arses.
Is that Dr Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance a member?
Well I have read it and there is a lot I like.

If they stand for election where I have a vote I would vote for them.
just found an interesting website for the other taxpayer's alliance

The problem is that it isn't an alliance of ordinary taxpayers at all. It is an alliance of right-wing ideologues. Its academic advisory council is a who's who of the proponents of discredited Thatcherite policies: Eamonn Butler and Marsden Pirie of the Adam Smith Institute, academics Patrick Minford and Kenneth Minogue, Margaret Thatcher's former economic advisor Sir Alan Walters, and others such as ex-Institute of Directors policy head Ruth Lea.

Like all the best propaganda, there is some truth in the Alliance's message. Who could disagree with its commitment to "criticise all examples of wasteful and unnecessary spending", or to putting 2012 London Olympic spending under scrutiny? But the Alliance's concern for better public spending is a stepping stone to its desire for less public spending. And far from being a voice for "ordinary" taxpayers, its policies – opposing all tax rises (what, for everyone, in any circumstance?) and backing a flat rather than progressive tax – will increase inequality and shift wealth from poor to rich.
And far from being a voice for "ordinary" taxpayers, its policies – opposing all tax rises (what, for everyone, in any circumstance?) and backing a flat rather than progressive tax – will increase inequality and shift wealth from poor to rich.

I agree it probably would as 20% of your salary when you are earning 1K a month is a hell of a lot mroe of your budget then if you are earning 10K a month.
However I don't think income tax works in it's present form either and if the graduated income tax becomes too accute then you see the brain drain of the 1970s. So not really sure what the answer is on this one.
And it seems Mark Wallace previously worked for them.

Has anyone in that photo ever had a proper job?

Probably not, as they look like archetypal economics students (especially the gormless-looking fellow reverently grasping his copy of von Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom", as pointless a text as an economist ever wrote) who, by definition, hardly ever have "proper jobs". ;)
Notice who uploaded those pics as well - The Freedom Association, a bigger bunch of crypto-fascist pro-apatheid strike breaking scum you would not wish to find. Not a nice sea to be swimming in oh brave libertarians.
Ah, the Freedom Association, founded by the butt of my favourite "knock knock" joke.
"knock knock"
"who's there?"

A fist of dicks or what.

Fucking freaks!!!!
I actually wish them the best of luck, about time we had another mad bunch of fascists to take votes from the BNP
I actually wish them the best of luck, about time we had another mad bunch of fascists to take votes from the BNP

Rich Tories yeah but working class voters? I can't see that somehow and I presume groups like the BNP recruit from disaffected working class communities mostly?
I'm sure the political impact of this group (I hesitate to dignify it with the word 'party') will be exactly zero, but I've bunged them a donation.
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