JSM made his pro-hanging speech after the Offences Against the Person Act, 1861, so the only things you could be hanged for were treason, murder, piracy, and, bizarrely, arson in the royal dockyards. (The last was probably unnoticed. It was quietly abolished in the 1960s when someone found it.)Azrael: Given at the time you do the tyburn jig for far less than murder that's using eye for eye as a call for leniency and puts executioners on a sticky wicket.
As you say, it worked, which is what counts with language. "Anarchy" also means "chaos", which is no more accurate, but widely used. (More widely that the proper meaning, if anything.)It was a deliberate attempt to hijack a word (and it worked in the US).
And it seems Mark Wallace previously worked for them.
Has anyone in that photo ever had a proper job?
The problem is that it isn't an alliance of ordinary taxpayers at all. It is an alliance of right-wing ideologues. Its academic advisory council is a who's who of the proponents of discredited Thatcherite policies: Eamonn Butler and Marsden Pirie of the Adam Smith Institute, academics Patrick Minford and Kenneth Minogue, Margaret Thatcher's former economic advisor Sir Alan Walters, and others such as ex-Institute of Directors policy head Ruth Lea.
Like all the best propaganda, there is some truth in the Alliance's message. Who could disagree with its commitment to "criticise all examples of wasteful and unnecessary spending", or to putting 2012 London Olympic spending under scrutiny? But the Alliance's concern for better public spending is a stepping stone to its desire for less public spending. And far from being a voice for "ordinary" taxpayers, its policies – opposing all tax rises (what, for everyone, in any circumstance?) and backing a flat rather than progressive tax – will increase inequality and shift wealth from poor to rich.
And far from being a voice for "ordinary" taxpayers, its policies – opposing all tax rises (what, for everyone, in any circumstance?) and backing a flat rather than progressive tax – will increase inequality and shift wealth from poor to rich.
And it seems Mark Wallace previously worked for them.
Has anyone in that photo ever had a proper job?
Ah, the Freedom Association, founded by the butt of my favourite "knock knock" joke.Notice who uploaded those pics as well - The Freedom Association, a bigger bunch of crypto-fascist pro-apatheid strike breaking scum you would not wish to find. Not a nice sea to be swimming in oh brave libertarians.
Ah, the Freedom Association, founded by the butt of my favourite "knock knock" joke.
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
Ah, the Freedom Association, founded by the butt of my favourite "knock knock" joke.
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
Ah, the Freedom Association, founded by the butt of my favourite "knock knock" joke.
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
A fist of dicks or what.
Well I have read it and there is a lot I like.
If they stand for election where I have a vote I would vote for them.
I actually wish them the best of luck, about time we had another mad bunch of fascists to take votes from the BNP
I'm sure the political impact of this group (I hesitate to dignify it with the word 'party') will be exactly zero, but I've bunged them a donation.