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Laurence Fox. The twat.

Thanks you might be right.

You know what it is, since I'm acting all messed up, I feel like I'm being watched, recorded and this place is in on it. And like I'm constantly being referred to, positive and negative.

So it gets on top of me and I act out a bit.

I know it sounds vain and I'm not a prolific poster but it kind of stresses me and like say the pope, or Biden or whatever are expecting something from me.

That's like a small part of it, and realise it's unlikely but thought I might get one knocked down by saying.

Why do I say this, dunno, thought a collective 'don't be silly' response might give me a nudge in the right direction.
Doubt you're being watched. Although, tend not to give too much personal info online as have had one or two dubious folk on my case over the years.
Thanks you might be right.

You know what it is, since I'm acting all messed up, I feel like I'm being watched, recorded and this place is in on it. And like I'm constantly being referred to, positive and negative.

So it gets on top of me and I act out a bit.

I know it sounds vain and I'm not a prolific poster but it kind of stresses me and like say the pope, or Biden or whatever are expecting something from me.

That's like a small part of it, and realise it's unlikely but thought I might get one knocked down by saying.

Why do I say this, dunno, thought a collective 'don't be silly' response might give me a nudge in the right direction.
This sounds like you are having paranoid and persecutory thoughts. The pope and biden don't really know who you are, no one is watching or recording you, and people aren't speaking about you. Try and get some professional help. Hope you get well soon :)
So if I can ask, it's not true is it? I'm as anonymous as the next poster?
I've literally no idea what your real name is, or where you live and work or anything else about you past your user name and whatever I can remember of your posts here (which isn't much).

If I could be arsed - and I really can't - I could look up your email address and IP addresses, but that is unlikely to provide much, if any, actual personal info.

And absolutely, categorically, none of your log in info here is shared with anyone. If you wish to discuss these concerns further please take it to the feedback forum because this is not an appropriate thread.
Thanks you might be right.

You know what it is, since I'm acting all messed up, I feel like I'm being watched, recorded and this place is in on it. And like I'm constantly being referred to, positive and negative.

So it gets on top of me and I act out a bit.

I know it sounds vain and I'm not a prolific poster but it kind of stresses me and like say the pope, or Biden or whatever are expecting something from me.

That's like a small part of it, and realise it's unlikely but thought I might get one knocked down by saying.

Why do I say this, dunno, thought a collective 'don't be silly' response might give me a nudge in the right direction.
I can't speak for Biden, but when I was chatting the the Pope earlier, he said he doesn't have any expectations from you, but sincerely hopes you'll get your head together
Thanks you might be right.

You know what it is, since I'm acting all messed up, I feel like I'm being watched, recorded and this place is in on it. And like I'm constantly being referred to, positive and negative.

So it gets on top of me and I act out a bit.

I know it sounds vain and I'm not a prolific poster but it kind of stresses me and like say the pope, or Biden or whatever are expecting something from me.

That's like a small part of it, and realise it's unlikely but thought I might get one knocked down by saying.

Why do I say this, dunno, thought a collective 'don't be silly' response might give me a nudge in the right direction.
I don't know if this is of any help, but when I had similar thoughts to yours a long while ago, my Mum (voice of reason and common sense) said: "What makes you think you're so important that other people are spying on you and trying to control you? We're all too busy with our own worries" :thumbs:

I promise I'm not watching or recording you, and I very much doubt anyone else here on Urban is doing so. In 10-20 years I've only met a couple of Urbanz, and that was by accident; I really don't know anything about other posters here and I suspect that goes for most people on here too.

If you have a sympathetic GP maybe talk to them, otherwise, and as has been suggested, MIND are a worthwhile organisation.
Best of luck, hope you feel less stressed and more relaxed v soon. :)
Thanks you might be right.

You know what it is, since I'm acting all messed up, I feel like I'm being watched, recorded and this place is in on it. And like I'm constantly being referred to, positive and negative.

So it gets on top of me and I act out a bit.

I know it sounds vain and I'm not a prolific poster but it kind of stresses me and like say the pope, or Biden or whatever are expecting something from me.

That's like a small part of it, and realise it's unlikely but thought I might get one knocked down by saying.

Why do I say this, dunno, thought a collective 'don't be silly' response might give me a nudge in the right direction.
Don't be silly.

And there's no shame in asking for help if you need it. Although I'm not sure Urban's the most sensible place to ask. I mean, lots of good folk who can impart lots of useful wisdom, but then again threads can also degenerate into slanging matches or puns involving gerbils.
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