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Laurence Fox. The twat.

My favourite thing about this is that Calvin Robinson actually was in a position as a teacher to be a role model for young people but was so bad at his job, such an arsehole, and largely seen by the kids as a pushover and a joke that he couldn't hold down a position for more than a year or two at a time, and then moved onto his next grift.
If Calvin hadn't announced his depature, would any one have noticed :D
well not really given he left the governing body of Birbalsingh's Cult indoctrination Centre a while ago , and the 7 k the Plastic Prelate extorted out of the RAD after defamining a number of RAD members and Examiners must have run out ...
Has he said where he's moving to? I'd assume the US, but I hear that two spots for bastard grifters have just opened up in Romania, so maybe he's off there.
My favourite thing about this is that Calvin Robinson actually was in a position as a teacher to be a role model for young people but was so bad at his job, such an arsehole, and largely seen by the kids as a pushover and a joke that he couldn't hold down a position for more than a year or two at a time, and then moved onto his next grift.
Wasn't he a teacher at Katherine Birbalsingh's school?

Also, why the fuck would a far right rally be safe for a black woman? Why would Notting Hill, an area with a large black population, host a far right rally? Jesus, that 'rest in peace' is the worst part. Don't pretend you're not glad she isn't dead, Lozza.
It's good to know she has some standards, at least.
Her school has a 91% GCSE pass rate (4 or above in English and Maths). Other schools that are just as cruel and strict can't get near that. There are other aspects to her school which work in terms of preparing kids for exams. Maybe the wrong thread though.
Yeah, I know it gets good grades (and despite what Birbalsingh and people like her think, I don't want it shut down because it's not fair on the kids). I just can't stand her and I don't like the fact she invited a PUA and Jordan Peterson into her school. Plus I worry about the treatment LGBT or SEN kids get there.
Her school has a 91% GCSE pass rate (4 or above in English and Maths). Other schools that are just as cruel and strict can't get near that. There are other aspects to her school which work in terms of preparing kids for exams. Maybe the wrong thread though.

is that 91% of kids sitting the exams, or 91% of kids who start at the school? Don't some schools like that try fairly hard to 'off-roll' (or whatever the latest term for chucking out is) kids they think will damage the numbers?
Her school has a 91% GCSE pass rate (4 or above in English and Maths). Other schools that are just as cruel and strict can't get near that. There are other aspects to her school which work in terms of preparing kids for exams. Maybe the wrong thread though.
therei s massive self selection by the parents

Birbalsingh's performative cruelty is designed to appeal to a certain demographic who love apeing the people who previously colonised them
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is that 91% of kids sitting the exams, or 91% of kids who start at the school? Don't some schools like that try fairly hard to 'off-roll' (or whatever the latest term for chucking out is) kids they think will damage the numbers?
Dont think she has to bother with all that anymore, she has a famously successful school and they're breaking her door down. But it's more selection by compliance than off-rolling. Give 'em enough detentions and they'll fuck off to another school.
A patronising and racist contribution.
I remember seeing a piece by Lenny Henry about how 'disciplining' children within the community he grew up in was violent and that adults outside the family felt they had the right and obligation to physically assault children as 'punishment' and that this would likely bring further, more severe physical assault at home ...

the thing is we see this attituide still pervading and there is a fine line to be walked in Safeguarding circles with regard ot this as clamping down on this is percieved as racism ... ( see also the accusations laid a Prevent by South asians , when the typical Prevent referral for a significant number of years has been a white british person radicalled by the Far right )

with regard to Birbalsingh she has crafted a mythos that her school doesn't write children off becasue of their heritage ,so there is this cult -like belief that the route to success is to attend that school to be able to 'get out' of the locality ... it would be extremely interesting to see the follow up on these young people post higher education and into the world of work
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