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Laurence Fox. The twat.

Hislop does have his moments though

Whereas it’s perfectly fine to disagree with someone’s politics, social background and/or privileged education, IMO Hislop and Private Eye certainly deserve a lot of recognition as probably the closest thing to a politically neutral media outlet. And one with the guts to print opinions or even plain fact news about the Establishment that supposedly left of centre organisations like The Guardian or even the ‘Independent’ don’t dare report.

The magazine’s supposed stance on Brexit is a good case in point. Almost in every issue there are a a couple of letters from irate readers asking for their subscription to be cancelled due to the magazine’s alleged pro-EU’s bias. Yet it has at the same time maintained a weekly column devoted to the many failings if not instances of corruption regularly emanating from the EU’s governing institutions. Wherever your stance on Brexit, you’ll be hard pressed to find a British publication that publishes damming stories from both sides of the debate.
plus the stories on hypocrisy of the British press - newspapers seem not to print stories about other Fleet Street papers because they know there'll be retaliation. Private Eye don't give a shit so cover them all. Plus a dozen stories an issue on corruption in local authorities. MD also gave very good balanced coverage of COVID.
plus the stories on hypocrisy of the British press - newspapers seem not to print stories about other Fleet Street papers because they know there'll be retaliation. Private Eye don't give a shit so cover them all. Plus a dozen stories an issue on corruption in local authorities. MD also gave very good balanced coverage of COVID.
For balance’s sake, sometimes they latch onto stuff that I eventually feel they got wrong but are too stubborn to admit to. They have always been a massive advocate for the possibility of a coverup regarding the Lockerbie bombing. I still have somewhere a special Lockerbie issue they released at the time of the trial of the two Libyan agents, which sounded pretty compelling at the time but now reads like a deeply biased borderline conspiracy theory effort.

They also have various single correspondents/ reviewers, from NHS matters to railway matters to more trivial stuff like arts, film and literary reviews, that are often blatantly biased. Far from perfect for sure, though at least they deserve a bit of credit for regularly publishing highly critical rebuttal letters of such articles.
Imagine being so bitter you hate Ian Hislop. call him condescending then patronise someone who deigns to disagree.
Absolutely fair enough. I just find it takes no energy to hate the fucker (even whilst appreciating the value of Private Eye).
I was actually gonna post something else but was a draft from earlier. Still that hate list must be quite long. Sad waste of energy.
Fox is 100% on point there tbf.
Yeah, to be fair, a couple of months ago I was eating in a restaurant and a couple with a child came and sat at the table next to mine and the child (6-8 years old?) proceeded to start watching something on a tablet with lots of loud shooting. (I mean, is that really appropriate for such a young child anyway?!? But I digress.)

The server came to check if my food was okay, I said it was, but I asked them to ask the family on the next table to turn down the volume, because I didn't think it was my place to. The staff did fuck all.

I ended up going over and politely saying that the boy's tablet was really loud and would they mind turning it down, which they did.

But really, wtf; if they think their child won't be able to behave for an hour or so in a restaurant without inflicting noisy 'shoot 'em up' soundtracks on fellow diners, then maybe they ought not to be taking their kid to a restaurant, or they ought to be training their kid to behave in public.
Yeah, to be fair, a couple of months ago I was eating in a restaurant and a couple with a child came and sat at the table next to mine and the child (6-8 years old?) proceeded to start watching something on a tablet with lots of loud shooting. (I mean, is that really appropriate for such a young child anyway?!? But I digress.)

The server came to check if my food was okay, I said it was, but I asked them to ask the family on the next table to turn down the volume, because I didn't think it was my place to. The staff did fuck all.

I ended up going over and politely saying that the boy's tablet was really loud and would they mind turning it down, which they did.

But really, wtf; if they think their child won't be able to behave for an hour or so in a restaurant without inflicting noisy 'shoot 'em up' soundtracks on fellow diners, then maybe they ought not to be taking their kid to a restaurant, or they ought to be training their kid to behave in public.
If I spoke out of turn, as a kid, or misbehaved in public, my mother would smack me and that would be that.

nEvER dID mE aNY haRm
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Pretty sure it would have to be in Latin

Pater noster, te rogamus ut revelatas fatuum qui in Sisyphean negotium multum pecuniae in causidicis exegerat, ebriosus ille stultus Laurentius Vulpes, AMEN.
when he was trying to cosplay as an education influencer his website used to have this cod latin header. 10 points for guessing what it was meant to say.

Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 16.34.18.png
I had a really awful idea. And it seems to be semi-confirmed by Google Translate. (GT has become scarily good at modern languages, but it has remained completely crap at Latin.)

'Keep calm and carry on' is 'translated' by GT as 'vos tacebitis et porto in', though fuck knows how. So I'm guessing that Robinson used GT first, and then thought he'd fiddle about with it to make it real Latin, not that he did.
An alternative Latin translation might be

I had a really awful idea. And it seems to be semi-confirmed by Google Translate. (GT has become scarily good at modern languages, but it has remained completely crap at Latin.)

'Keep calm and carry on' is 'translated' by GT as 'vos tacebitis et porto in', though fuck knows how. So I'm guessing that Robinson used GT first, and then thought he'd fiddle about with it to make it real Latin, not that he did.
yeah its this!

I used to teach at a school he'd just been kicked out of left and a few of my students shows me his website. I did a bit of a search and it looked like there were some alt right blogs and boards using this phrase which someone had just badly google translated, so I assume he nicked it from there to try and sound clever.
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