The man is such a laughable, risible tosswank that I am beginning to wonder whether he is some sort of deep cover actor employed by the government, designed to warn young people of the dangers of cocaine.
There is also the mystery of his continued and apparently fairly generous and regular income despite having harakiri'd his acting career down the shitter.
I am reminded of the 'nutter magnet' theory.
Larry O'Hara will probably know about this. The idea is that the state, instead of employing tens of thousands of operatives to track, trace and follow extremists in an effort to discover their plans, instead find it far more cost-effective to pay someone to set up a website which attracts extremist loons. The site can then be monitored by three of four operatives, observing loons ranting on about their shite, and if it looks as though some may be serious in their plans to commit some terrorist outrage, its easy enough to access their name, address etc. After all, it was Five or Six who set up the site in the first place.
It has been suggested that Davids Icke and Shayler fall into such a 'nutter magnet' category.