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Laurence Fox. The twat.

What a very strange thing to say; imagining that those protesting the powerful and influential might turn their attention to him, demonstrates the depth of his delusional narcissism.

Also - if some kids turn up outside my house and peacefully express some opinions that I disagree with, I would violently assault them. The man is in need of at the very least therapy and possibly psychiatric care.
Anyone would think he was trying to get himself barred from access to his sons so he can make Billie out to be the mean ex-wife who "turned the weans against him". We know his followers are thick enough to swallow that.

A lot of his followers will be deadbeat divorced dads themselves, and all of them keen to blame a woman for the fact their kids don't like them.

He's just said in public that he would give some kids a kicking because they are opposed to genocide, could these sorts of remarks be one reason why Billie Piper gained custody of the kids?

This feller needs to give his head a shake... or better still, he needs his head lopped off by the People's Avenger, then lifted on high and shaken thither and yon by Monsieur Citoyen le Maître d'Exécution for the pleasure and derision of the populace.
Sounds like the standard 'blowhard bloke' level of presumed fighting proficiency tbh, plenty get there without the coke.

Privileged people often assume they're naturally great at everything. Because if they weren't inherently superior, why would they have more of everything than everyone else?

Often an actual real-life kicking won't even put a dent in this kind of delusion. Fox still seems to think he won his court cases despite being handed his arse.
He's in favour of nationalizing the railways, transparency in government, stopping MPs being paid by companies just because they're MPs. Private Eye goes on continually about excessive profits in the private sector, corruption with local government officials in bed with private companies, NHS privatization and the like. Centrist perhaps but none of those are really right wing talking points.
He's in favour of nationalizing the railways, transparency in government, stopping MPs being paid by companies just because they're MPs. Private Eye goes on continually about excessive profits in the private sector, corruption with local government officials in bed with private companies, NHS privatization and the like. Centrist perhaps but none of those are really right wing talking points.
all wholly consistent with his right wing liberalism.
I've always thought of Hislop as being a Whiggish Liberal and rather annoyed that none of the mainstream parties really fit that worldview anymore.

certainly he'd be more offended at the accusation of being any type of "socialist" than by the champagne part.
Plus he's full of shite and would, like all blow-hards, run when faced with the enemy :D
In an idle moment earlier today I found myself speculating, what if it hadn't been a couple of kids but a couple of beefy 6ft 2" blokes in their late 20s who regularly work out at the local gym and do a bit of door work now and then who'd been making a peaceful protest against IDF genocide, would 'Lozza' be as equally keen to give them a kicking?
I may be wrong, but now and again I get these sort of sixth sense glimpses into the future, and the answer in this speculative case was er ... no, he would not give them a kicking, but would instead retire to the smallest room and call Kaiser Khan's detested Stasi on his iPhone for assistance.
The man is such a laughable, risible tosswank that I am beginning to wonder whether he is some sort of deep cover actor employed by the government, designed to warn young people of the dangers of cocaine.

There is also the mystery of his continued and apparently fairly generous and regular income despite having harakiri'd his acting career down the shitter.

I am reminded of the 'nutter magnet' theory. Larry O'Hara will probably know about this. The idea is that the state, instead of employing tens of thousands of operatives to track, trace and follow extremists in an effort to discover their plans, instead find it far more cost-effective to pay someone to set up a website which attracts extremist loons. The site can then be monitored by three of four operatives, observing loons ranting on about their shite, and if it looks as though some may be serious in their plans to commit some terrorist outrage, its easy enough to access their name, address etc. After all, it was Five or Six who set up the site in the first place.

It has been suggested that Davids Icke and Shayler fall into such a 'nutter magnet' category.
The man is such a laughable, risible tosswank that I am beginning to wonder whether he is some sort of deep cover actor employed by the government, designed to warn young people of the dangers of cocaine.

There is also the mystery of his continued and apparently fairly generous and regular income despite having harakiri'd his acting career down the shitter.

I am reminded of the 'nutter magnet' theory. Larry O'Hara will probably know about this. The idea is that the state, instead of employing tens of thousands of operatives to track, trace and follow extremists in an effort to discover their plans, instead find it far more cost-effective to pay someone to set up a website which attracts extremist loons. The site can then be monitored by three of four operatives, observing loons ranting on about their shite, and if it looks as though some may be serious in their plans to commit some terrorist outrage, its easy enough to access their name, address etc. After all, it was Five or Six who set up the site in the first place.

It has been suggested that Davids Icke and Shayler fall into such a 'nutter magnet' category.
Russell brand...
I am reminded of the 'nutter magnet' theory. Larry O'Hara will probably know about this. The idea is that the state, instead of employing tens of thousands of operatives to track, trace and follow extremists in an effort to discover their plans, instead find it far more cost-effective to pay someone to set up a website which attracts extremist loons. The site can then be monitored by three of four operatives, observing loons ranting on about their shite, and if it looks as though some may be serious in their plans to commit some terrorist outrage, its easy enough to access their name, address etc. After all, it was Five or Six who set up the site in the first place.

Anyone would think he was trying to get himself barred from access to his sons so he can make Billie out to be the mean ex-wife who "turned the weans against him". We know his followers are thick enough to swallow that.
Not just his followers - it's a kind of family version of "suicide by cop". He probably feels empowered by his state of victimhood .
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