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Laurence Fox. The twat.

Personally I think "ignore him and he'll go away" "don't give him publicity" arguments are utterly crazy.

Yes he's a fucking joke - although as this last couple of days have reinforced not a funny one. But he is already out there as one of the 'vanilla' 'alt-lite' faces of a very diverse, very active and growing right wing/populist/conspiraloon counterculture. (More accurately a large collection of countercultures, some very hostile to one another, but overall having a multiplier effect on one another).

I recently turned 70 and the only time I recall seeing anything even vaguely comparable was in the late sixties and early seventies. Today I don't see anything remotely similar on 'our' side. (If it's possible to even speak of an 'us' or an 'ours').

Yes they are a minority. So were the counterculture(s) in the late sixties/early seventies. But, both then and now, very loud minorities able to punch well above their weight. In complete contrast to 'us' today.

But then some of you should know this already. Sections of Gen-X seem to have spent their entire fucking lives whining about the consequences of their parents generation.

Fox isn't 'like' Milo Yiannopoulos but he is playing a not dissimilar role in this country. So if people want to denounce him, mock him, get angry with him or even 'get even' with him then go for it I say.

And if people have better things to do and don't want to hear about him here's a 'modest proposal': don't click on a thread about him.

Since Lurdan wrote this, Fox seems to have swung even further to the right.
How old is his solicitor??

"Ben Gallop, representing the father-of-two, told a court in January that Mr Yassin had made “seriously defamatory allegations of racism against my client that are bare comments”
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