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Laurence Fox. The twat.

My own little joke. He hasn't got the sense of humour to be a comedian anyway, the pompous plank.
I'm pretty sure he belongs to the school of comedy that thinks what's funny is attacking minorities and then claiming that comedy is all about offending people. And unfortunately there is an audience for this sort of thing. So it wouldn't surprise me.
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I’m sure this is something that will be old news to editor and the owners of other message boards, but it’s funny how any old vile cunt such as Fox can defame and accuse others of all kinds of shit constantly on the likes of Twitter, almost invariably without legal repercussions, yet internet forum owners are one dodgy comment away, and made not by them but by an anonymous poster as well, from being sued to fuck. Something quite wrong there AFAICS.
Worth a read, it appear that Fox has been bankrolled by Brexit donor Jeremy Hosking to the tune of £250,000 a year:

Yes. Lurdan wrote a bit about that here. In many ways Hosking is the greater villain in this whole sorry saga.

eta And good point he made here too.

This is beautiful!

But what has gone so badly wrong at Reclaim? In the words of one former insider it’s simple: “Laurence Fox”.

“The man’s a nutter, he’s a walking dangerous ego”.

This account, from a former insider, describes how Laurence Fox’s work ethic was “woeful”.

He alleges that Laurence Fox used to “stroll in late every day at 11am” and then proceeded to “go for a long lunch at 12:30, followed by a nap at 2pm because he was so worn out. The work ethic was a joke”.

One incident which infuriated some supporters of the party involved a ‘young trainee producer’ who was “not paid particularly well” and “used to edit videos for us”.

We were told that this individual had a long commute from a City in the ‘South’ to the party’s headquarters in London. It was then agreed that this employee should have a “top of the range MacBook Air” in order for them to work from home and save on the expensive and lengthy commute.

When the MacBook was agreed and ordered, Laurence Fox apparently decided that he was more deserving of the computer saying “I fancy having that” and then proceeded to take it off the employees desk and install it at home.

Cheeky bastard.
This entertaining, too :)

Secondly – as was reported online – I am told it is indeed true that the straw which broke the camel’s back was a Volvo XC90. The vehicle, which is a company-car, had Laurence Fox as its primary driver but was lent to Andrew Bridgen for a few days to complete constituency work.

According to an insider, Laurence Fox got “bored” and wanted to use the car earlier than agreed to drive a Christmas tree to his personal address. When Mr Bridgen refused, his party’s leader threatened to involve the police.
Funny article, but this is pretty disturbing:

The former Deputy Leader fell out with the party after reportedly becoming uncomfortable at an offer from Jeremy Hosking – reported in the Telegraph – that he would financially reward MPs if they were to lose their seats.
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