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Keir Starmer's time is up

TBF I don't think that will matter; if they do impose someone (especially someone ridiculous) as the official LP candidate then the city will probably vote for someone who was banned from the contest instead, just to spite them.
I dunno if that's true tbh. Internal party selections are not of interest to most of the electorate. Plenty of shit candidates parachuted into Liverpool constituencies in the past - cf. Luciana Berger, Frank Field. Sure there's more but those two spring to mind.

I doubt the conditions exist right now for an independent socialist to run and win in Liverpool.
Didn't get any names sorry - some chat on Owen Hatherley's TL, he's usually reasonably reliable IME

I only know three people in the Labour Party in Liverpool , well ones just left actually. All on the left, one is ex SWP recently suspended, one is a steward in Unite and the lad who left is in FLAF they all backed her as the best out of what they saw as two centre left candidates and a relatively right wing/continuity candidate. Its the London dictating to Liverpool thing which has really got peoples backs up and the fact that none of these candidates can reapply.
I dunno if that's true tbh. Internal party selections are not of interest to most of the electorate. Plenty of shit candidates parachuted into Liverpool constituencies in the past - cf. Luciana Berger, Frank Field. Sure there's more but those two spring to mind.

I doubt the conditions exist right now for an independent socialist to run and win in Liverpool.
Must be a big doubt how even Corbyn would get on if he stood in a London Mayoral elections imo.
I dunno if that's true tbh. Internal party selections are not of interest to most of the electorate. Plenty of shit candidates parachuted into Liverpool constituencies in the past - cf. Luciana Berger, Frank Field. Sure there's more but those two spring to mind.

I doubt the conditions exist right now for an independent socialist to run and win in Liverpool.

They did parachute in some very shameful people indeed, but I think the difference with this is that it would basically end up being a single-issue election.

Caption competition anyone?
It's obviously Keir Farmer.

However IMO he looks like he's received a urgent phone call to come and teach an "emergency P.E. class", has arrived in the cow field, and is still several minutes of forensic analysis away from correctly identifying it as a prank.
He’s just not a very good media player - have seen him struggling to answer very slightly challenging questions by not particularly adept local tv journalists. He’d get torn apart by full on media scrutiny

yeah, he sounds a bit out of his depth even being interviewed by Novara etc
Sound like another court case beckons... I wonder what the legal standing is for Anna. I expect they've gone about it in a way to avoid getting legal fallout - that reinterviewing process will be their attempt at getting off the hook. I am not a legal advisor ;)

meanwhile a year ago....
Sound like another court case beckons... I wonder what the legal standing is for Anna. I expect they've gone about it in a way to avoid getting legal fallout - that reinterviewing process will be their attempt at getting off the hook. I am not a legal advisor ;)

meanwhile a year ago....


for some reason that one's getting quite a few re-tweets today...
I can't see any legal challenge getting anywhere, the Labour rules are clear that the party (the NEC in any case) has absolute power over the process and can impose candidates for any reason it deems necessary.
I can't see any legal challenge getting anywhere, the Labour rules are clear that the party (the NEC in any case) has absolute power over the process and can impose candidates for any reason it deems necessary.

If that's what the rules are, then not that easy to see what bit of law might be brought in to use, unless there's a potentially prove-able sex / race discrimination angle (not that i am suggesting there might be, i've not had anything to do with the process)
Sound like another court case beckons... I wonder what the legal standing is for Anna. I expect they've gone about it in a way to avoid getting legal fallout - that reinterviewing process will be their attempt at getting off the hook. I am not a legal advisor ;)

meanwhile a year ago....

I thought they'd said that the three candidates will not be asked to be re- interviewed? ie need to apply
I thought they'd said that the three candidates will not be asked to be re- interviewed? ie need to apply
aaah...im not sure now, i thought they were all re-interviewed, and off the back of that were shunted off - using the interview process to legitimise the shunting
ive just looked it up and you are right: they were told there'd be a follow up interview but it didn't happen
I thought they'd said that the three candidates will not be asked to be re- interviewed? ie need to apply

It has now been confirmed that none of the three shortlisted candidates is being invited to apply for the reopened selection contest.

from BBC article

i'm not clued up enough in the process to know whether this means "we are not specifically inviting them to re-apply, but they can re-apply subject to whatever nomination process is involved" or "we are not inviting them to re-apply so they will not be allowed to be part of any new selection process"

from the fuss that is being made, i'd assume it means the latter...
aaah...im not sure now, i thought they were all re-interviewed, and off the back of that were shunted off - using the interview process to legitimise the shunting
ive just looked it up and you are right: they were told there'd be a follow up interview but it didn't happen

They were called in/had some type of interview on Friday I read. Then a statement out today saying the process would re-open and that they would not need to apply..

I imagine they will use this Friday interview as fodder for their justification for unsuitability.
I can't see any legal challenge getting anywhere, the Labour rules are clear that the party (the NEC in any case) has absolute power over the process and can impose candidates for any reason it deems necessary.
unless it concerns a protected characteristic.
from BBC article

i'm not clued up enough in the process to know whether this means "we are not specifically inviting them to re-apply, but they can re-apply subject to whatever nomination process is involved" or "we are not inviting them to re-apply so they will not be allowed to be part of any new selection process"

from the fuss that is being made, i'd assume it means the latter...
I'm not familiar with the Labour Party's internal processes apart from what I read or when I speak to Labour Party members. Seems to me that the Labour Party can either hold their line or do a fudge ie reinterview the three with the imposed new candidates and then fuck the three off. My guess is that unless there's a big campaign its the former and further marginalises awkward constituency branches and what's left of the left.
They were called in/had some type of interview on Friday I read. Then a statement out today saying the process would re-open and that they would not need to apply..

I imagine they will use this Friday interview as fodder for their justification for unsuitability.
thats what i thought, not sure why i thought that
liverpool echo says
"The three candidates were asked to come back for follow up interviews on Friday but then received no contact from the party for several days. Today, the party took the unprecedented decision to re-open applications for the post and said that the three shortlisted candidates should not apply again."
....did they have those friday interviews? reading it again the way that is written is grammatically ambiguous , both possibilities could be true.
whatever, fuck starmer. good night
thats what i thought, not sure why i thought that
liverpool echo says
"The three candidates were asked to come back for follow up interviews on Friday but then received no contact from the party for several days. Today, the party took the unprecedented decision to re-open applications for the post and said that the three shortlisted candidates should not apply again."
....did they have those friday interviews? reading it again the way that is written is grammatically ambiguous , both possibilities could be true.
whatever, fuck starmer. good night
Whole thing absolutely stinks.
Rumours that former MEP Theresa Griffin will be the only candidate in the re-opened selection. Backed by both Tribune and Labour First in the NEC elections last year


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