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Keir Starmer's time is up

He’s like John Le Mesurier in Dads Army without the latter’s charm and wit

Owen Smith tried the telepods from The Fly but someone had left some beetroot in the pod and Keith is the resulting hybrid. Top scientists are trying to reverse the process but are unsure any of his original roots can be salvaged.
To refuse to support the Labour Mayor of London is pretty shit.

I dont understand what game Starmer is playing.

Or unfortunately I do. Its back to sensible centre politics driven by the going one way or the other looking to see if it improves polls. Not appearing to be to strident. Exactly the kind of politiciking that puts people off politicians long term,

To be fair Tony Blair was never this insipid. Even if his ideology lacked anything substantial he didn't just follow the Tories' lead beat for beat when he was in opposition.

I don't think Starmer has a bigger gameplan, this is all there is and it's not even working in the short term.
Huh, just realised that this is the one year anniversary of a BM Blob pamphlet showing up in a Starmer for leader video, a moment of weirdness that's still hard to top:
Blair would be absolutely excoriating the Tories for their management of this. There'd be no ideological difference, but he'd have been ahead of them, had a strategy, and have pointed out their uselessness over and over again.

Starmer can't even manage politics on his own insipid terms.
Like what? The Labour Party in Wales is still keeping the idea of schools opening in January on the table (I don't think it will happen, the circumstances will not allow it) but where has the LP line been better than the governments?

Jeremy Hunt has taken a stronger line on worker protection than the LP.
Huh, just realised that this is the one year anniversary of a BM Blob pamphlet showing up in a Starmer for leader video, a moment of weirdness that's still hard to top:

The wise brothers have repeatedly said that mcdonnel was in some way influenced by them.

He wasn't
Was that Keith I saw on the telly tonight, sat at a desk next to a union-fucking-jack, speaking to the nation, about Britain's struggle against the virus? (Reaches for sick bucket)
"Is there anything that Labour thinks that should be in the measures that isn't there , is there an absence?"

Starmer 'no not an absence,its the messaging'

Well aside from sick pay levels for self isolating, parental leave for those with kids at school, increasing furlough pay, vigorous inspection of health and safety in the work place, prohibiting employers from banning the covid app at work, opposing lay offs and fire and rehire during covid, rate of vaccine inoculations etc etc and many others things Yup no absence just the messagings the problem .

Why would employers 'ban the covid app at work'?

I'm not doubting the fact, just don't understand why anyone would do that... :guy:
To be fair Tony Blair was never this insipid. Even if his ideology lacked anything substantial he didn't just follow the Tories' lead beat for beat when he was in opposition.

I don't think Starmer has a bigger gameplan, this is all there is and it's not even working in the short term.

Read this by Sienna Rodgers in Guardian. The editor of the Labour List. Always fair and diplomatic.

Even she is subtly criticising Starmer for trying to distance himself from the Unions. Where worringly Starmer as leader is to be compared to Blair here is how he purposefullly made clear he was not supporting teaching Unions/ Labour Council in Greenwich or the Labour Mayor of London.

Its like Blairism - make clear that he is going to be "independent" of groups like Trade Unions and local Labour leaders who are at odds with central Government. He is going to go over the heads of vested interest groups like Teachers and make it clear he is above them. Heard him on radio yesterday saying the time to criticise is not now. We must all follow the new lockdown and pull together as a "nation". He thinks he is addressing a "nation".

Rodgers is saying in her mild way that Starmer should listen to ordinary workers on the ground. She actually even says the previous leadership would have done this.

I agree Im perplexed at what his gameplan is.

His Ten pledges included standing shoulder to shoulder with Trade Unions. I know Labour party members who looked at the Ten Pledges and supported him as a leader as they thought he would not abandon the more radical poliices of previous leadership but would be more electable.

I relooked at the ten pledges. Im wondering what is going to be quielty dropped. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Trade unions has already fallen.

A lot in the pledges. Including bringing back into common ownership rail, water, energy and mail. Green New Deal . Abolish tuition fees. I wil wait to see post covid how much of his ten pledges last and makes it into next manifesto.
Well Keith, is that the first time you've noticed that workers get conned by their employers to sign new contracts? It's as if you've been living under a stone for the last 20 years. You might, with luck, wake up tomorrow and realise you're in the labour party. I'm not hopeful though, I guess it'll just be another chapter for your memoir one day.
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