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Keir Starmer's time is up

In truth I cannot unequivocally say this is down to Keith but I would be in the least bit surprised it it is.

suggests that there's a lot of 'don't know' / 'won't vote' / 'bollocks to the lot of them' - fairly sure there was a different one out a couple of days ago that was a similar labour lead and the guardian was hailing it as a new dawn and a vindication of sir kieth

and incidentally :D at the limp dems being behind the greens

and :D :D :D at the limp dems being behind the SNP
still not a single word of support for the NEU from Starmer, Green or wanky Wes, now an hr and a half away from Johnson implicitly conceding they were correct from Pre xmas :
there should have been no attempt at return to school this week, or next, the data was unequivocal.

26th-30th December. The final straight of Super Boris Getting Brexit Done, great 11th hour brinkmanship to finally show those unelected fat cats in Brussels who gets the fish. Also the virus was on holiday. Good times.

Fieldwork done taking the POV of stressed parents trying to sort work / childcare this week will tell a different story. Tories down massively what with the mass murder, Labour down cos Starmer's a non entity cunt.

Cometh the hour, cometh the lib dems.
I see cantsin has already posted about Starmers volte face on school closures.

I thought maybe I was wrong. Looked it up.

Before Christmas Starmer was refusing to support London Mayor Khan and Greenwich who wanted schools closed in London. These are not hard left politicians.

Starmer urges leaders to try to keep schools open

Now his last minute line when it looks like government will close schools is:

"Close schools to get Covid under control"

To refuse to support the Labour Mayor of London is pretty shit.

I dont understand what game Starmer is playing.

Or unfortunately I do. Its back to sensible centre politics driven by the going one way or the other looking to see if it improves polls. Not appearing to be to strident. Exactly the kind of politiciking that puts people off politicians long term,
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I'm not convinced Starmer understands what game Starmer is playing, so you're not alone there.

1. Be a useless twat
2. ????????
3. Become prime minister

e2a: In Starmer's defence, this did work out OK for Boris Johnson. But that single data point should be seen alongside the hundreds of thousands of useless twats who never become prime minister. It's a classic availability error.
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Or unfortunately I do. Its back to sensible centre politics driven by the going one way or the other looking to see if it improves polls. Not appearing to be to strident. Exactly the kind of politiciking that puts people off politicians long term,
Maybe he's having a go at a one man A/B test.
More authoritarian than Blair maybe? Although I often forget how bad Blair and his home secretaries were for that shit.
yeah the Blairites were awful. that literal tankie home secretary John Reid introducing ID cards, banning hoodies in shopping centres, attempted 9pm curfews on under-16s etc, never mind the invasions.
Starmer clearly loves "authority", prosecutions and policing.... if he ever gets a taste of the power of office......

yeah the Blairites were awful. that literal tankie home secretary John Reid introducing ID cards, banning hoodies in shopping centres, attempted 9pm curfews on under-16s etc, never mind the invasions.
Starmer clearly loves "authority", prosecutions and policing.... if he ever gets a taste of the power of office......

Aren't those Child Curfew Acts still on the legislation?
yeah the Blairites were awful. that literal tankie home secretary John Reid introducing ID cards, banning hoodies in shopping centres, attempted 9pm curfews on under-16s etc, never mind the invasions.
Starmer clearly loves "authority", prosecutions and policing.... if he ever gets a taste of the power of office......

Looks like he's folded already
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