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Keir Starmer's time is up

That bit actually makes some sense. He went to a direct grant grammar school, so a private school that also acted as the area's state grammar school. They were abolished in the late 70s, but they were snobbish schools with rich kids whose parents paid fees alongside scholarship kids like Starmer.

I wouldn't overstate it, though. He would have been far from the only kid at his school from his background. More likely is that he was envious of the rich kids and deep down wanted to be one of them.

ETA: The psychoanalysis is pointless, though. He's a cunt. Who gives a shit what made him that way.
The fact that he's a cunt, a neoliberal and a kid starver are certainly the important bits. However I think that aspects of his biography and psychology are at least in play when it comes to his indignation about suggestions him and his wife buy their own clothes. Even though he was in the labour party from a young age (probably left when he was DPP?) his true milieu was the legal world and entitlement (and, coincidentally, somewhere you didn't have to buy your own work clothes).
That bit actually makes some sense. He went to a direct grant grammar school, so a private school that also acted as the area's state grammar school. They were abolished in the late 70s, but they were snobbish schools with rich kids whose parents paid fees alongside scholarship kids like Starmer.

I went to such a school, and it didn't turn me into a cunt.

Quite the opposite, in fact. It made me realise how massively unequal and unfair our society and radicalised me.
Also at the Labour Party Conference, on Saturday, a delegate who is disabled was denied entrance with her assistance dog.

She was then left lying on the floor of a security tent because staff couldn't find an accessible chair for her.

This is despite the woman, disabled campaigner Anna Morrell, making her access requirements known weeks before the conference.

This is in direct breach of EHRC guidance and the Equality Act. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful:

Disabled campaigner Anna Morell later raised her concerns from the main stage of the conference in Liverpool.

Morell, who has an energy-limiting impairment, had made her access requirements known to the party weeks before the conference began.

But when she arrived in Liverpool on the eve of the conference, she was asked in a call from a regional party officer if her dog, Rex, was trained and registered.

She replied that he was trained but that there was no such register.

She arrived at the conference with Rex the next day (Saturday), but staff prevented them entering the conference, even though she explained that he played a key health and safety role for her.

After 90 minutes lying on the floor of the security tent at the entrance, because staff could not find an accessible chair – leaving her “shaking with exhaustion and stress and cold” – she was taken to a nearby room.

She was then told that Labour’s conference policy did not allow service dogs entry without accreditation, registration, or formal training, and that only dogs registered with charities such as Guide Dogs and Canine Partners were allowed in.

Ms Morrell finally managed to ask a question at the main conference hall on Tuesday (24th), absolutely skewering the lie that the conference was "fully accessible", not just for herself but for other disabled people with differing access needs. As well as the above, issues included inaccessible doors and also toilets throughout, lifts breaking down leaving disabled people stranded in them or on the wrong floors, a lack of meaningful signage between venues, and no adjustments for people with mental health or neuroatypical conditions. That's not an exhaustive list btw.

You can hear her speak for about two minutes here (from 5 minutes in):

It is the latest example of years of disability discrimination by Labour, which has frequently left the party on the verge of being sued by its own disabled members under the Equality Act.

Last year, a wheelchair-user could easily have lost his life in front of hundreds of delegates at the same venue, after the party ignored years of safety warnings about the ramp used to access the speakers’ platform.

And less than two years ago, Labour was warned that it faced possible legal action over years of disability discrimination, after reneging on plans to hold a national disability conference and set up a committee of disabled members.

Labour accused of treating conference delegate like third-class citizen, after banning her service dog
Also at the Labour Party Conference, on Saturday, a delegate who is disabled was denied entrance with her assistance dog.

She was then left lying on the floor of a security tent because staff couldn't find an accessible chair for her.

This is despite the woman, disabled campaigner Anna Morrell, making her access requirements known weeks before the conference.

This is in direct breach of EHRC guidance and the Equality Act. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful:

Ms Morrell finally managed to ask a question at the main conference hall on Tuesday (24th), absolutely skewering the lie that the conference was "fully accessible", not just for herself but for other disabled people with differing access needs. As well as the above, issues included inaccessible doors and also toilets throughout, lifts breaking down leaving disabled people stranded in them or on the wrong floors, a lack of meaningful signage between venues, and no adjustments for people with mental health or neuroatypical conditions. That's not an exhaustive list btw.

You can hear her speak for about two minutes here (from 5 minutes in):

Labour accused of treating conference delegate like third-class citizen, after banning her service dog

And if that's how they treat delegates to their conference they're unlikely to be kinder to other people with disabilities, unless they're rich
I went to such a school, and it didn't turn me into a cunt.

Quite the opposite, in fact. It made me realise how massively unequal and unfair our society and radicalised me.
Sure. Lots of people did. My sister did (also not a cunt). (We're old here, aren't we? :D)

The difference between explaining and excusing. Any explanation of anybody's behaviour has to include that person's own agency. Ultimately, the person responsible for Starmer being a cunt is Starmer.
The fact that he's a cunt, a neoliberal and a kid starver are certainly the important bits. However I think that aspects of his biography and psychology are at least in play when it comes to his indignation about suggestions him and his wife buy their own clothes. Even though he was in the labour party from a young age (probably left when he was DPP?) his true milieu was the legal world and entitlement (and, coincidentally, somewhere you didn't have to buy your own work clothes).
Lawyers don't get free clothes in general, do they? I remember a barrister taking a case to court some years ago in which she argued that the dark clothing that she was obliged to wear in court was a tax-deductible expense. She lost the case.
Lawyers don't get free clothes in general, do they? I remember a barrister taking a case to court some years ago in which she argued that the dark clothing that she was obliged to wear in court was a tax-deductible expense. She lost the case.
Yes that rings a bell.
I've not seen any telly the last couple of days, so I've only just seen starmer justifying this shit. He's pretty much a charmless version of boris johnson over having his lifestyle funded by mega rich donors. Not one hint of remorse or empathy for people living shit lives, but utterly wooden in his self defence. But you also get a sense of his true attitude towards things like the child benefit cap - it's not about the financial mess, he just doesn't give a fuck about kids going under. That's the starting point for all this, dreadful PR certainly, but underpinned by a deeply vile human being.
Ah but he cares about his "boy". Luxury apartment during his exams, executive box at football and probably a pair of Air Jordans thrown into his mum's courtesy clothing stash.
There's some serious arslikhan going on here from john rentoul The hounding of Keir Starmer is exactly what the right-wing media wants
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If we want to drive good people out of politics, this is the way to do it.
It is bad enough that protesters can climb on Rishi Sunak’s roof, drape the house in black cloth and walk away from court unpunished. But now Keir Starmer – whose north London home often had so-called protesters outside – is being criticised for trying to allow his son to prepare for his GCSEs in peace.

Ah but he cares about his "boy". Luxury apartment during his exams, executive box at football and probably a pair of Air Jordans thrown into his mum's courtesy clothing stash.
Ah yes, politicians can be very kind to their children. For example, the Blair's buying 2 flats in Bristol (one for their son)... at a discount and with the help of a convicted fraudster... who was in a relationship with Cherie's fitness guru.

Has Victoria Starmer got herself a fitness guru yet? Probably be a wellness guru nowadays. :hmm:
Mention of the famous 'human rights lawyer' Cherie Booth, got me wondering what she's been up to lately. Amongst other things, her wiki page has her lobbying Hilary Clinton for the Qatari royal family, advising the Maldives government in their struggles with an imprisoned former president and, in you couldn't make it up mode, acting as 'Ethics Adviser' to the Israeli security/spyware NSO group.

There's some serious arslikhan going on here from john rentoul The hounding of Keir Starmer is exactly what the right-wing media wants

That’s one of the worst articles I’ve ever read.

Full of caveats, speculation and centrist handwringing.

Rentoul’s suggestion that the media - as opposed to venal politicians prostrating themselves before the market and its whims and cruelty- is what is turning people against slime like Starmer is laughable.

He churns this shit out for a living….
Though, apparently, the costs of running chambers are tax deductible.
Not surprising. They're running an office.

Barristers have to buy their own wigs, though. £500. The big long judgey ones cost 2.5 grand. Bet judges don't buy them, mind.

Has Victoria Starmer got herself a fitness guru yet? Probably be a wellness guru nowadays. :hmm:
How will we know? Don't forget she said before the election she is not going to be in the public eye. Then a nice frock comes along...

Actually do you reckon they have children or is Starmer so greedy that he's doing a bit of benefit fraud on the side?
Lol. I knew it'd be terrible, but congratulations, it's already even worse than I thought it'd be.

They've had time to "bed in", and they've not only shat said bed, they've smeared it all up the walls and set fire to the furniture.

Perhaps they're getting all their bed-shitting in early in the parliament, so that we can all be snoozing happily in fragrant Egyptian cotton sheets by the time the next election comes.
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