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Keir Starmer's time is up

Unless Corbyn is about to surprise us all with deep seated prejudice against transgender people, I suspect I'm in the right for once.
Maybe? But I suppose I was really thinking about Shockat Adam, Adnan Hussain, Ayoub Khan and Iqbal Mohamed; I've had a cursory peek and I've not really seen much evidence of pro-trans sentiments. You never know, she might find herself in like-minded company? Stranger things, and all that.
Maybe? But I suppose I was really thinking about Shockat Adam, Adnan Hussain, Ayoub Khan and Iqbal Mohamed; I've had a cursory peek and I've not really seen much evidence of pro-trans sentiments. You never know, she might find herself in like-minded company? Stranger things, and all that.
I'm wary of assuming positions from silence. I take the point though.
Starmer said the sun will eventually expand and swallow the earth, and then explode, but then things will get better.
That is simply lefty doom-mongering. The Sun will not explode. It is not large enough to become a supernova. And that is one of the things for which we have to thank the Labour government.

We cannot expect things to get better after the sun becomes a red giant and engulfs the Earth, and to say that we can is simply to indulge in childish fantasies.

The rate of expansion of the observable cosmos is increasing, so the scientists tell us, and it looks like the fate of it will be a "heat death", when there will be no activity at all. I happen to know that Keir Starmer is personally, viscerally, committed to ensuring that things will get better for hard working families before the heat death of the observable cosmos.
Mention of the famous 'human rights lawyer' Cherie Booth, got me wondering what she's been up to lately. Amongst other things, her wiki page has her lobbying Hilary Clinton for the Qatari royal family, advising the Maldives government in their struggles with an imprisoned former president and, in you couldn't make it up mode, acting as 'Ethics Adviser' to the Israeli security/spyware NSO group.

Cherie and Euan also have a proper empire of buy-to-let flats - nearly 30 in Greater Manchester as of 2016.
For a moment I briefly got confused there and thought that image meant that Duffield was following Brogdale rather than Linehan. But yes, I think there is a bit of quiet rivalry between Unison and the TERFs over who are the real inheritors of the suffragette colours.
You wonder what the Blair's chat about when they are having their tea:

'Alright love, what you been up to today, you were at that JP Morgan Chase weren't you?'
- Aye, but then I did a bit of PR with the butcher of Khazakstan. I'm sorting out that Israel-Hezbollah malarky tomorrow. What about you, been doing any human rights?
'Oh aye, loads. Sorted out the Emir of Qatar's human rights and then made sure that Israeli cyber intelligence lot were acting all ethical'.
- Chips?
'yeah, it's summat to do with chips I think'
- No, for tea.
It didn’t work
True enough, although I wonder what would have happened if the tories had just got in & joined forces with reform so we had a proper far right tory government with some headbanging tory and reform ministers. Particularly how the Farage riots would have panned out if Farage had been in there cheerleading for them.
I think it became apparent to her just after the point where she was guaranteed a £91,346 salary for the next 5 years.
Hmm, not sure many backbenchers saw the winter heating allowance, increase of student tuition fees and all the sleaze coming along so soon. She can always take the whip back when there's a new PM.
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