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Keir Starmer's time is up

So psycho remainers are willing to pay all the costs of a Tory Brexit then rejoin the fucking shitehawk EU. Talk about the worst of all possible worlds.
You might as well take this one on the chin - once we all realise the full cost and consequences of Brexit, the EU won't seem nearly as 'shitehawk' after al.
I get it; as a Socialist, that 100% capitalist construct, the EU is very difficult to appreciate, let alone love.
But membership was so overwhelmingly to Britain's advantage, that Brexit - especially when its' form is determined by Tories - is crazy
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You might as well take this one on the chin - once we all realise the full cost and consequences of Brexit, the EU won't seem nearly as 'shitehawk' after al.
I get it; as a aSocialist, that 100% capitalist construct, the EU is very difficult to appreciate, let alone love.
But membership was so overwhelmingly to Britain's advantage, that Brexit - especially when its' form is determined by Tories - is crazy

Indeed, we should think positive. After Johnson has finished our economy will be the size of Sicily's, we won't have to pay into the common fund, and will be eligible for shitloads of yearly cash. :thumbs:

I'm anyway not sure the EU would want us back, though.
You might as well take this one on the chin - once we all realise the full cost and consequences of Brexit, the EU won't seem nearly as 'shitehawk' after al.
I get it; as a aSocialist, that 100% capitalist construct, the EU is very difficult to appreciate, let alone love.
But membership was so overwhelmingly to Britain's advantage, that Brexit - especially when its' form is determined by Tories - is crazy

The narrative that all our post-brexit woes are being caused by the EU is already being primed and readied. This is what our masters are doing instead of actually sorting anything out so that there's not actually that much woe in the first place.

I can only assume that public and media alike will eat up this bold new 'it's all the EU's fault' messaging with a big fucking spoon.
The narrative that all our post-brexit woes are being caused by the EU is already being primed and readied. This is what our masters are doing instead of actually sorting anything out so that there's not actually that much woe in the first place.

I can only assume that public and media alike will eat up this bold new 'it's all the EU's fault' messaging with a big fucking spoon.
Yep to all this, and I nurse the forlorn hope that it will only last so long as a gambit before sufficient numbers of the public lose patience.
I'm not referring to the hardcore brexiteers, they're too far gone demented. But they are a minority part of that 17 million
Yep to all this, and I nurse the forlorn hope that it will only last so long as a gambit before sufficient numbers of the public lose patience.
I'm not referring to the hardcore brexiteers, they're too far gone demented. But they are a minority part of that 17 million

TBH I'd expect the hardcore gammons to be the very first to lose their shit as soon as their local offie runs out of Stella. Not like patiently explaining to them that this is what they wanted will do any good either.
TBH I'd expect the hardcore gammons to be the very first to lose their shit as soon as their local offie runs out of Stella. Not like patiently explaining to them that this is what they wanted will do any good either.
I must admit, that ectremely likely spectacle will afford me some grim, bleak amusement. In times like these, you have to grab what levity you can
Indeed, we should think positive. After Johnson has finished our economy will be the size of Sicily's, we won't have to pay into the common fund, and will be eligible for shitloads of yearly cash. :thumbs:

I'm anyway not sure the EU would want us back, though.

Why would they want a xenophobic country that thinks its OK to betray it's allies and and not honour it's commitments and promises?

GB will have to beg and grovel to get back in but by then post Brexit disaster and misery will be so bad even the most hardened Brexiters will be keen to do just that. And have to accept conditions far worse than the ones they threw away.. We'll never have it that good again and the blame for that lies with every individual person who voted leave.
We'll never have it that good again and the blame for that lies with every individual person who voted leave.
A quick human psychology heads up: you do not win people round to your p;oint of view by endlessly demonising, insulting and vilifying people who started out with a different opinion to yours.
Out of the many mistakes made by remain supporters four years ago, that was just about the worst
also down to tory voters rather than leave voters. Whatever else would have happened, we'd not have had the fundamentalist brexit if there had been a labour government. Corbyn and labour would have gone for a humane trade deal and actually tried to negotiate honestly. And with covid among other things they would have put money into the NHS rather than privatized mates of Gove and Cummings, and there'd have been none of the turd mentality that johnson relied on at the start.
also down to tory voters rather than leave voters. Whatever else would have happened, we'd not have had the fundamentalist brexit if there had been a labour government. Corbyn and labour would have gone for a humane trade deal and actually tried to negotiate honestly. And with covid among other things they would have put money into the NHS rather than privatized mates of Gove and Cummings, and there'd have been none of the turd mentality that johnson relied on at the start.
absolutely and undeniably true
So psycho remainers are willing to pay all the costs of a Tory Brexit then rejoin the fucking shitehawk EU. Talk about the worst of all possible worlds.

Yeah, when we're talking about the kind of language that divides people, that is a good example.

Rejoining the EU is not going to happen for many years, if ever, so apart from trolls, it's not worth arguing about. Let's also argue about joining the United Federation of Planets!

But we will all have to pay the costs of a Tory Brexit because a Tory Brexit was what was voted for. Shit happens, and we all have to deal with it - arguing about whether the shit should be there isn't going to make it go away.

We might be better off not still fucking calling each other psycho remoaners.
Yeah, when we're talking about the kind of language that divides people, that is a good example.

Rejoining the EU is not going to happen for many years, if ever, so apart from trolls, it's not worth arguing about. Let's also argue about joining the United Federation of Planets!

But we will all have to pay the costs of a Tory Brexit because a Tory Brexit was what was voted for. Shit happens, and we all have to deal with it - arguing about whether the shit should be there isn't going to make it go away.

We might be better off not still fucking calling each other psycho remoaners.
Remainers not remoaners. The psycho ones are the ones who still want to join again after all this is over. Might help if we read what each other wrote too.
Remainers not remoaners. The psycho ones are the ones who still want to join again after all this is over. Might help if we read what each other wrote too.

True, you got me there, though I'm pretty sure it's because people still keep using the term remoaners when anyone says anything at all negative about Brexit. And I don't think adding psycho helps anyone except maybe feeding trolls.

I'm still pissed off that people voted for a Tory Brexit (under a Labour govt, I might have voted leave too, or at least would have very seriously considered it), but that's what we have to fucking deal with.
We'll only know if remainers are psycho remainers when we see what state the UK is in at that point. If we're totally aligned to the US by that time - with the current tories I wouldn't put it past them - then the EU might look a lot more attractive. However, besides the EU not wanting us back, I'd imagine that any contracts we sign with (particularly) the US would have punitive penalties for breaking them by (for example) rejoining the EU.
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