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Keir Starmer's time is up

What exactly are they thinking of here?

Kier Starmer, listening to the stones on his ipod as he taps out a rhythm on the dash with his gloved left hand.
I suppose Starmer's original slogan idea of 'Kneel, peasants!' was ruled out in the early stages of the committee process as being slightly too content-heavy.
tbf, he's one of the very few Labour leaders with solid working class roots. And his legal specialism is human rights, not some evil corporate wank like Blair's was.
He's no socialist but there have been worse.
Sabotage, block and protest everything the Brexiteers try to achieve, keep the divisions going, the arguments bitter, and make sure the Brexiteers don't wriggle out of the blame, use the misery and destitution to come to spearhead the campaign to Rejoin.
No way - and I voted Remain, and I am convinced it is the stupidest decision we have ever made.
The (voting) public are sick to tears and death of the endless pantomime, which is why they emphatically voted Johnson in - he promised to 'get Brexit done'.
A far smarter gambit is to sit back, let Brexit go tits up (as it will), and let people realise how completely the Eurosceptic Tories have shafted them.
Then - and only once the consequences of that have fully sunk home - can you gently and mildly raise the possibility that the voters may care to reconsider things.
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No way - and I voted Remain, and I am convinced it is the stupidest decision we have ever made.
The (voting) public are sick to tears and death of the endless pantomime, which is why they emphatically voted Johnson in - he promised to 'get Brexit done'.
A far smarter gambit is to sit back, let Brexit go tits up (as it will), and let people realise how completely the Eurosceptic Tories have shafted them.
Then - and only once the consequences of that have fully sunk home - can you gently and mildly raise the possib ility that the voters may care to reconsider things

Stupidest decision THEY ever made, there is no "we".
Stupidest decision THEY ever made, there is no "we".
There is a 'we', because the 'we' in question is the British people. I am - unavoidably - a natural part of that, and I presume you are too.
Of the many mistakes Remainers made with their campaign, on of the very worst was to vilify all Leave voters, and paint them as ignorant, thick, drunken geriatric racists. Who the hell wants to vote for people who insult them?
It played right into the hands of the politics of division which the Right specialise in (and do so pretty effectively, tbh).
We badly need to move on from that bitterness and division.
Whether you like it or not, 17.6 million people voted for Brexit, they are ordinary people just like you and me, and if your opinions and feelings deserve to be respected, then so do theirs.
Will be interesting to see how many Labour loyalist activists remain in the party when door-to-door/street stall campaigning resumes post-pandemic. Starmer's 'under new management' slash & burn 'detoxification' PR certainly seems privileged over carrying the activist base.

Will be interesting to see how many Labour loyalist activists remain in the party when door-to-door/street stall campaigning resumes post-pandemic. Starmer's 'under new management' slash & burn 'detoxification' PR certainly seems privileged over carrying the activist base.

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You can see the logic of what theyre doing and who the message is meant to 'appeal' to, but it reads like a big Fuck You to grassroots campaigners for Corbyn, especially as the reason Labour "didnt deserve to win" was the fucked brexit position Starmer oversaw, and the internal sabotage by Labours own vanguard who remain in position
You can see the logic of what theyre doing and who the message is meant to 'appeal' to, but it reads like a big Fuck You to grassroots campaigners for Corbyn, especially as the reason Labour "didnt deserve to win" was the fucked brexit position Starmer oversaw, and the internal sabotage by Labours own vanguard who remain in position
In those CLPs with useless/moribund right wing executives that were taken over post 2015 by (Labour) left activists there has to be a real risk that Starmer's "fuck you" will alienate enough of those who actually campaign to undermine their fabled, post-Momentum ground game.
Also a big Fuck You to the Remainers.

Starmer was a Remainer and advocated a second referendum but now he's telling us the debate is over and would whip his MPs to vote for a Brexit deal? He's putting his personal political ambition above what he know is right for his country and is a turncoat and a traitor.

He may hope to win back the Brexiter's who voted for Johnson because they wanted to win over Brexit so badly they were prepared to land us with an immoral, lying, snake oil salesman as PM. But he will lose Labours left-wing supporters and Remainers.

I wouldn't vote for any party that isn't campaigning to Rejoin. (not going to give me many options at the moment ;):facepalm:)

I've voted Labour all my life, but I doubt if I ever will again.
Will be interesting to see how many Labour loyalist activists remain in the party when door-to-door/street stall campaigning resumes post-pandemic. Starmer's 'under new management' slash & burn 'detoxification' PR certainly seems privileged over carrying the activist base.

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Starmer said: "when you lose an election in a democracy, you deserve to lose. You don't look at the electorate and ask them 'what were you thinking?', you look at yourself and ask, 'what were we doing?'" As if he didn't do the former for years re the Brexit referendum.
Also a big Fuck You to the Remainers.

Starmer was a Remainer and advocated a second referendum but now he's telling us the debate is over and would whip his MPs to vote for a Brexit deal? He's putting his personal political ambition above what he know is right for his country and is a turncoat and a traitor.

He may hope to win back the Brexiter's who voted for Johnson because they wanted to win over Brexit so badly they were prepared to land us with an immoral, lying, snake oil salesman as PM. But he will lose Labours left-wing supporters and Remainers.

I wouldn't vote for any party that isn't campaigning to Rejoin. (not going to give me many options at the moment ;):facepalm:)

I've voted Labour all my life, but I doubt if I ever will again.
It was the idiots like you in Parliament that got us this shit deal and this shit government. Thanks a fucking bunch.
Also a big Fuck You to the Remainers.

Starmer was a Remainer and advocated a second referendum but now he's telling us the debate is over and would whip his MPs to vote for a Brexit deal? He's putting his personal political ambition above what he know is right for his country and is a turncoat and a traitor.

He may hope to win back the Brexiter's who voted for Johnson because they wanted to win over Brexit so badly they were prepared to land us with an immoral, lying, snake oil salesman as PM. But he will lose Labours left-wing supporters and Remainers.

I wouldn't vote for any party that isn't campaigning to Rejoin. (not going to give me many options at the moment ;):facepalm:)

I've voted Labour all my life, but I doubt if I ever will again.
Look; we lost. 17 million people voted to Leave, and we nhave to accept they knew their own minds, and knew why they voted that way.
If Brexit turns into a huge disaster (I think it will), and public opinion turns massively again - then there is a point to a campaign to rejoin. But only then.
Otherwise, we have to live with it and make the best of it.
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Starmer said: "when you lose an election in a democracy, you deserve to lose. You don't look at the electorate and ask them 'what were you thinking?', you look at yourself and ask, 'what were we doing?'" As if he didn't do the former for years re the Brexit referendum.
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