I mean that the EU is one of the institutions of late capitalism normalising technocracy rather than democracy and pushing the market further into previous unopened areas, all the more dangerous even than domestic buffoons because it presents a benign face (quite likely most of its staff have benign intentions) and is not susceptible to change except through extremes like leaving it altogether.
Agreed, but:
1) we knew all that about the EU from way back, decades in fact. It's hardly come out as as result of the Brexit process - it was there in Maastricht.
2) the EU is the consequence and by-product of capitalism, not the other way round. Leaving the EU will not move us one inch furhter towards socialism - quite the opposite, given the current lot in charge in the UK. Equally, the general demise of the EU will not hasten the advent of socialism on a global basis - again, quite the opposite
3) Actually, the EU is showing signs of progressive reform, albeit that these have been forced on it by the virus
4) Thanks to the social chapter, anti-market abuse laws and other things, the EU has done more in my lifetime to advance, uphold and defend workers rights, consumer protection and environemntal protection, and also to curb capitalists' abuse and excesses, than any British government of my lifetime. I grant you, that bar is low, but.....
I am
not an uncritical EU junkie. It is a 100% capitalist, and indeed neoliberal construct whose founding premise was 'peace through capitalism'. As such, in the long term it can never be part of any solution, it can only be the problem.
However, in the short term pragmatism has its' virtues. Which is why Brexit is sheer idiocy. As people are about to find out, rather painfully