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Keir Starmer's time is up

Britain is spending £54.2bn on defence this year.
GDP in 2023 was £2,690bn, so 2.5% is £67.25bn
So he's suggesting an annual boost of £13bn per annum.
The green investment pledge he ditched because it would be "too expensive" was going to be worth £28bn per annum.

Conclusion: He's specifically redirected a full half of the budget designed to make UK industry and utilities ready for the inevitable need to ditch fossil fuel dependency towards a fictional scenario in which Britain faces invasion (in reality a scenario where Britain's ruling class will be trying to keep up with the Joneses in a pointless willy-waving compeition).
on the other hand at least there will be enough guns for when he is put up against a wall like ceaușescu
Always fills me with excitement and glee to hear the prospective leader of my country williness to destroy mankind as a vote winner.

Especially when, given which party they're a member of, they write about it in the Daily fucking Mail...
It is also remarkable to see the Daily Mail jumping ship (or as close to it as they are ever going to get regarding Labour). Even they have abandoned any pretense of the Tories possibly keeping power at the next GE.

I’d rather we spend on the NHS, housing and education not nuclear missiles and war.

The emphasis is on aims "as soon as resources allow". But then this is what he's said about all government spending if he gets into power:

He and Reeves are saying growth in economy will mean they will be able to spend more.

In this Guardian article about increasing defence spending he is laying himself open to attacks when he gets into power and says cannot do this now. This is Starmer all over.

I regard this statement on defence as similar to one on Green policies . He says one thing now and then later says its not possible. Says what he thinks will make him popular at a particular point but does not really mean it.

If election starts he is going to be questioned on this more seriously. And wonder what he will say.
Also some of his comment on defence spending will go down well with some Labour voters.

He said this about my home town a while back.

And in the Guardian article on defence spending says this.
Labour said it was set to campaign on its commitment to the nuclear deterrent in key communities in the nuclear supply chain, such as: Plymouth, home to the Devonport shipyard

In Plymouth this will go down well.

Plymouth is divided on class lines. With area around Dockyard etc being fairly deprived Council wards. Its not a rich town. Also divided by Brexit. With Brexit vote in less well off bits. A left behind seaside town. Looks poorer to me when I visit than when I grew up there.

When I grew up there in 70s a lot of the kids I went to school with assumed they would follow their father to a job in Dockyard.

Which was proper apprenticeship and secure work. High status job then.

Due to the concentration of working class around Dockyard/ Barbican Plymouth is unusual compared to rest of Devon.
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The first paragraph is particularly nauseating and it then gets progressively worse
I’m proud to be English precisely because it’s a place where we can disagree – whether that’s a debate in the House of Commons or in the local pub – and still celebrate a common identity, a shared history and a future together. That’s what makes Britain the strong democracy that’s the envy of the world.

Disagreement not possible in the Labour Party itself however as a few suspended MPs could tell you
Apart from obvious issues with the whole "patriotism" thing, why is he choosing to stress English rather than Britishness?
When I see English football fans throwing plastic chairs around the city centres of Germany this summer I’ll think of Sir Keif and the Labour Party
Ol' Keir said:
I’m proud to be English precisely because it’s a place where we can disagree – whether that’s a debate in the House of Commons or in the local pub – and still celebrate a common identity, a shared history and a future together. That’s what makes Britain the strong democracy that’s the envy of the world.

It's a place we can disagree, call each other cunts, get into some pushing argy-bargy, have a stupid fight, get held back by our mates shouting it aint worth it, call each other cunts even louder, you key my car and I post a bag of flaming dog shit through your letterbox. Then we go to court and end up with ASBOs and suspended jail sentences. If you're lucky I don't get my cousins involved.

Great place for disagreements :thumbs:
The first paragraph is particularly nauseating and it then gets progressively worse

Disagreement not possible in the Labour Party itself however as a few suspended MPs could tell you

Love to spend my time being called an unrealistic unreasonable leftie for suggesting we be nicer to people and use random slurs. Maybe nationalise some species for a treat.

Makes me a hoot at parties.
View attachment 420883

Labour is now the true party of English patriotism
The first paragraph is particularly nauseating and it then gets progressively worse

Disagreement not possible in the Labour Party itself however as a few suspended MPs could tell you
yes but expelled Labour members, councillors, and MPs can lie back, think of England, and "enjoy a shared future together" under Starmers Iron Boot.
Fair play to Starmer, he's going to make the trains run on time.
I read a theory about this a while back. Political parties tend to do focus groups of wavering voters rather than those already committed. At this point, Labour's lead is so huge that those swing voters are extremely right wing. They don't actually need any more of them but the stupid mechanics of all this means they drive the agenda.
I read a theory about this a while back. Political parties tend to do focus groups of wavering voters rather than those already committed. At this point, Labour's lead is so huge that those swing voters are extremely right wing. They don't actually need any more of them but the stupid mechanics of all this means they drive the agenda.
the mechanism is that the labour party is run by cunts
you dont have to court every right wing cunt with more right wing crap unless you actually chose to do so
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