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Keir Starmer's time is up

Also - I wonder if there is a possibility that a handful of independent continuity Corbyn MPs or Mayors getting elected could form a nucleus of a new democratic socialist party. IMO Starmer represents almost nobody and relies on constrained choices, but Corbyn's Labour was genuinely popular amongst a significant demographic. There's an opportunity here I think. Getting Jamie Driscoll re-elected as an independent Mayor and unseating Starmer with a left candidate, if combined with a couple of other independent left candidates around the country, could form the basis for a new left Party with experience in government and I think it would quickly surpass Labour's membership and bring over a fair few councillors and MPs as defections.
(Copied this response across the Israel thread to avoid derailing it)

You are wrong, because it isn't just about how it effects people's votes, but it is inherently destabilising to the Labour Party because Corbyn and his supporters were railroaded based on the idea that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic. Israel conducting ethnic cleansing against Gaza - which they are, it seems almost certain they will annex North Gaza having already violently driven a million people from their homes - will be seem as vindicating Corbyn in speaking up for Palestine, and potentially reignite Labour's civil war. The resignations of councillors is likely only the beginning of it.

I know in my local area, popular North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll was denied standing for re-election due to extremely tenuous accusations of anti-semitism - basically he shared a stage with Ken Loach and talked about movies instead of berating him for "anti-semitism" because he refused to disown all Labour members expelled from the Party based on frequently (but not always) tenuous allegations of anti-semitism. So opponents of Starmer were expelled for anti-semitism on spurious grounds for supporting Palestine. Ken Loach said it was a politically motivated purge so therefore he is anti-semitic and was expelled. Jamie Driscoll talked to Ken Loach about movies instead of berating him for being anti-semitic so therefore he is himself anti-semitic and was denied running for re-election despite local popularity and success.

Driscoll will be standing as an independent and taking most of the local Labour Party campaigners with him. This gives more energy to his campaign. And this is just one local area, I believe there are similar fissures and tensions in local Labour Parties around the country and this moves these tensions significantly closer to boiling point. As discussed on the Keir Starmer thread, there is also an attempt to unseat Starmer with an independent continuity Corbyn candidate in a constituency which is 30% Muslim and also with a high student population. I'm sure there are other manifestations of this tension around the country.
You say a high student population. But I don't think the students in the ucl and university of London halls of residence in Holborn and St Pancras are going to be as exercised as you suggest - altho it'd be grand if they were. My money's on shammer being re-elected with a rather reduced majority, maybe 10-15k
(Copied this response across the Israel thread to avoid derailing it)

You are wrong, because it isn't just about how it effects people's votes, but it is inherently destabilising to the Labour Party because Corbyn and his supporters were railroaded based on the idea that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic. Israel conducting ethnic cleansing against Gaza - which they are, it seems almost certain they will annex North Gaza having already violently driven a million people from their homes - will be seem as vindicating Corbyn in speaking up for Palestine, and potentially reignite Labour's civil war. The resignations of councillors is likely only the beginning of it.

I know in my local area, popular North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll was denied standing for re-election due to extremely tenuous accusations of anti-semitism - basically he shared a stage with Ken Loach and talked about movies instead of berating him for "anti-semitism" because he refused to disown all Labour members expelled from the Party based on frequently (but not always) tenuous allegations of anti-semitism. So opponents of Starmer were expelled for anti-semitism on spurious grounds for supporting Palestine. Ken Loach said it was a politically motivated purge so therefore he is anti-semitic and was expelled. Jamie Driscoll talked to Ken Loach about movies instead of berating him for being anti-semitic so therefore he is himself anti-semitic and was denied running for re-election despite local popularity and success.

Driscoll will be standing as an independent and taking most of the local Labour Party campaigners with him. This gives more energy to his campaign. And this is just one local area, I believe there are similar fissures and tensions in local Labour Parties around the country and this moves these tensions significantly closer to boiling point. As discussed on the Keir Starmer thread, there is also an attempt to unseat Starmer with an independent continuity Corbyn candidate in a constituency which is 30% Muslim and also with a high student population. I'm sure there are other manifestations of this tension around the country.
Excellent points well made but I find it hard to believe that the general public will take this as a factor into how they vote come the next election (by which time this story will be largely off the top of the news) Not when there are other more important issues (ie ones that affect them personally) to consider.
I think you're right in that it will cause him difficulties within the short to medium term within his own party but the Labour Party have a long and glorious history in fighting amongst themselves. But get a sniff of power and they will rally around the one candidate that looks like their best chance of getting it.
As for the OCISA candidate (assuming they find one) running against Starmer to try and unseat him well that is an idea that is so gloriously bonkers that I personally am really rooting for it to succeed.
However I will be amazed (and will happily come back and admit it if i'm wrong) if they manage to keep their deposit let alone unseat Starmer.
I expect Starmer's personal vote share to probably go up at the next GE, there were 8000 votes for the Tories at the last one. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them didn't switch to him at the next GE due to a) being pissed off with the Tories and b) the realisation that they are most likely personally voting for the next PM
There has been no formal permission nor attempt to obtain any formal permission. However Jeremy is aware of it has been given every chance to raise objections if he has any. The important thing is to not do anything that gives genuine legal grounds for Labour's refusal to restore the Parliamentary whip to him or reject him as a Labour candidate. So all contact is entirely informal by necessity.

Having spent yesterday on several council estates in the constituency as well as meeting with two of the local Muslim community organisations I think you probably underestimate the level of anger there is amongst his constituents.

Yeah, I understand why Corbyn can't give you his formal backing.

In case it wasn't clear, I'm not knocking what you're doing, I'm just not as optimistic as you appear to be about your chances of success.
Yeah, I understand why Corbyn can't give you his formal backing.

In case it wasn't clear, I'm not knocking what you're doing, I'm just not as optimistic as you appear to be about your chances of success.
There’s no way you can undertake this kind of hard work without maintaining a base level of optimism. The last thing they need is people telling them they’ve lost before they’ve even tried. And you know what? Sometimes miracles do actually happen
There’s no way you can undertake this kind of hard work without maintaining a base level of optimism. The last thing they need is people telling them they’ve lost before they’ve even tried. And you know what? Sometimes miracles do actually happen
I'm somebody who has been out on the street and on the doorsteps in the constituency for months. I started out thinking it was going to be a real struggle. Getting people to vote is going to be easy, they just need to know there is an alternative and they get quite enthusiastic. The hard bit is getting people to stop thinking about politics as something that only happens on TV and therefore is entirely out of our hands, and get out on the street delivering leaflets, conversing with people, and doing the spadework needed to get a message across when you can't get access to mass media. The problem IS pessimism and the apathy that comes from it. Unfortunately the MOST demotivated people seem to be the expelled or resigned former members of Holborn St Pancras CLP. Which speaks to how pernicious the influence of Starmer and his acolytes has been.
Excellent points well made but I find it hard to believe that the general public will take this as a factor into how they vote come the next election (by which time this story will be largely off the top of the news) Not when there are other more important issues (ie ones that affect them personally) to consider.
I think you're right in that it will cause him difficulties within the short to medium term within his own party but the Labour Party have a long and glorious history in fighting amongst themselves. But get a sniff of power and they will rally around the one candidate that looks like their best chance of getting it.
As for the OCISA candidate (assuming they find one) running against Starmer to try and unseat him well that is an idea that is so gloriously bonkers that I personally am really rooting for it to succeed.
However I will be amazed (and will happily come back and admit it if i'm wrong) if they manage to keep their deposit let alone unseat Starmer.
I expect Starmer's personal vote share to probably go up at the next GE, there were 8000 votes for the Tories at the last one. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them didn't switch to him at the next GE due to a) being pissed off with the Tories and b) the realisation that they are most likely personally voting for the next PM
It isn't about the general public across the entire UK. It is solely about what the voters in Holborn St Pancras do at the election. Do you really think the 10,000 plus Muslim voters there will have forgotten what Starmer has been saying over the past few days. Keeping the deposit is a certainty. From here on it is just about getting another 10,000 voters on board in order to win.
You say a high student population. But I don't think the students in the ucl and university of London halls of residence in Holborn and St Pancras are going to be as exercised as you suggest - altho it'd be grand if they were. My money's on shammer being re-elected with a rather reduced majority, maybe 10-15k
UCL students are going to be a very mixed bag. It's pretty much the poshest college in the University of London. It actually has significant numbers of died in the wool Tory students. LSE on the other hand may not be what it was in terms of leftists, but they have a lot of politically engaged and astute students. Central St Martins students tend not to be politically active so much, but they are being taught to abhor conformity for conformity's sake. It's nearly 25% of Starmer's electorate if they all register to vote there. We don't need even a majority of them.
There’s no way you can undertake this kind of hard work without maintaining a base level of optimism. The last thing they need is people telling them they’ve lost before they’ve even tried. And you know what? Sometimes miracles do actually happen
"Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will."
Also - I wonder if there is a possibility that a handful of independent continuity Corbyn MPs or Mayors getting elected could form a nucleus of a new democratic socialist party. IMO Starmer represents almost nobody and relies on constrained choices, but Corbyn's Labour was genuinely popular amongst a significant demographic. There's an opportunity here I think. Getting Jamie Driscoll re-elected as an independent Mayor and unseating Starmer with a left candidate, if combined with a couple of other independent left candidates around the country, could form the basis for a new left Party with experience in government and I think it would quickly surpass Labour's membership and bring over a fair few councillors and MPs as defections.
If people are prepared to get on board and work locally it won't just be a couple. There will likely be at least one or maybe two in Liverpool, at least one in Newham, a very high probability of one in Bristol. There are already moves to get things happening in Streatham and North Croydon (hopefully of particular interest to Urbanites), Bermondsey. Bournemouth East, Sedgefield, Wolverhampton West, and those are just the ones I know bout that have a good chance. Include Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and Emma Dent Coad and there is every chance of at least double figures if people get off the sofa and stop just watching it all on TV. There are at least 40 seats that could be conceivably taken by a left of Labour party. There are CLPs around the country with only a handful of active members down from, in some places, well over a hundred. In the Somerton and Frome by election the Labour Party there had a grand total of one member who had ever previously done any active campaigning at all. Now that was in what amounts to Tory Central. However the same is now true in a number of the "red wall" seats. Those are wide open in an election where the Tories will be trying to hang on to "safe" seats in the south.
(Copied this response across the Israel thread to avoid derailing it)

You are wrong, because it isn't just about how it effects people's votes, but it is inherently destabilising to the Labour Party because Corbyn and his supporters were railroaded based on the idea that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic. Israel conducting ethnic cleansing against Gaza - which they are, it seems almost certain they will annex North Gaza having already violently driven a million people from their homes - will be seem as vindicating Corbyn in speaking up for Palestine, and potentially reignite Labour's civil war. The resignations of councillors is likely only the beginning of it.

I know in my local area, popular North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll was denied standing for re-election due to extremely tenuous accusations of anti-semitism - basically he shared a stage with Ken Loach and talked about movies instead of berating him for "anti-semitism" because he refused to disown all Labour members expelled from the Party based on frequently (but not always) tenuous allegations of anti-semitism. So opponents of Starmer were expelled for anti-semitism on spurious grounds for supporting Palestine. Ken Loach said it was a politically motivated purge so therefore he is anti-semitic and was expelled. Jamie Driscoll talked to Ken Loach about movies instead of berating him for being anti-semitic so therefore he is himself anti-semitic and was denied running for re-election despite local popularity and success.

Driscoll will be standing as an independent and taking most of the local Labour Party campaigners with him. This gives more energy to his campaign. And this is just one local area, I believe there are similar fissures and tensions in local Labour Parties around the country and this moves these tensions significantly closer to boiling point. As discussed on the Keir Starmer thread, there is also an attempt to unseat Starmer with an independent continuity Corbyn candidate in a constituency which is 30% Muslim and also with a high student population. I'm sure there are other manifestations of this tension around the country.
Sedgefield, Copeland, Broxtowe, Wolverhampton West, and that's just off the top of my head. Not to mention Liverpool. Kick most of the experienced activists out of a CLP and who goes knocking on doors. Fine if it is a by election and you can bus people in from all over the country, but even that didn't work in Uxbridge, it can't be done at a general election if there are enough constituencies being challenged.
Do you really think the 10,000 plus Muslim voters there will have forgotten what Starmer has been saying over the past few days.
Absolutely they will why shouldn't they? This gives the vague impression of someone writing Muslim on a yellow sticky, sticking it on the foreheads of 10,000 people and declaring that they are the same and always will be. They're not, you wouldn't assume 10,000 white people would vote the same now and a year from now because they're all white people why assume it of the Muslim population? I daresay some of them even have voted Tory.
I'm a little bit confused, Eric Jarvis, as you say this:

Then this:

Is the former a basis for candidate selection and the latter what they're telling/not telling the voters or something else?

Also I'm sure you've thought of this but why would people vote for someone without knowing what they're standing for or what they believe in? And how will people know they're standing for you if they appear on the ballot paper as an independent (unless of course you are registered as a political party -- haven't checked)?
Potential candidates are being asked to take that 2019 Manifesto as a basis of where they are coming from, the selection process will be based on criteria that are more about values and competences than specific policies. Once selected the candidate will get briefing on policy areas but pretty much be deciding their own priorities, the idea is to work this on the basis of listening to the local electorate, use expertise from various sources (we have some pretty high powered volunteers to do this already, no names because some of them are still in the Labour Party) to turn their concerns into things that can realistically be pushed for, and then present those ideas back to them rather than creating a complete set of policies and trying to persuade people to vote for them. It's about approach and values because it is just trying to get one MP elected and not about trying to form a government.
Absolutely they will why shouldn't they? This gives the vague impression of someone writing Muslim on a yellow sticky, sticking it on the foreheads of 10,000 people and declaring that they are the same and always will be. They're not, you wouldn't assume 10,000 white people would vote the same now and a year from now because they're all white people why assume it of the Muslim population? I daresay some of them even have voted Tory.
Some of them are Tory and often on a fairly committed basis. However we don't need all of them. 10.000 isn't the number of Muslim voters in the constituency. That's about twice as many. It's an estimate of the number of people in the Muslim community groups that have contacted us.
Absolutely they will why shouldn't they?
I think you badly underestimate the anger about what is happening in Gaza. In Holborn St Pan, there are significant Bengali and Somali communities. They're tight-knit so calling them a 'community' is fair. And I have no doubt that a sizeable number of them were on the march for Palestine last Saturday.

Galloway defeated Labour's pro-war King in 2005 in a largely Bengali constituency on the back of anger at the Iraq War. This could have a similar galvanising effect. I still think it is a mountain to climb, but the idea that Muslim voters in Holborn St Pan will just forget what is happening now is way off.
Odd that this wasn't corrected earlier. Not like there was a shortage of people calling Starmer out for what he appeared to say.
Yes. He didn't clarify or correct immediately. He only did so * after * thousands of Muslims signed a letter and several Labour Party councillors resigned over the issue.

Screams political expediency rather than any consideration or care about human rights and preventing breaches of international law and a worsening humanitarian crisis.
There’s no way you can undertake this kind of hard work without maintaining a base level of optimism. The last thing they need is people telling them they’ve lost before they’ve even tried. And you know what? Sometimes miracles do actually happen
Indeed. Martin Bell unseated Neil Hamilton, Mhairi Black unseated Douglas Alexander and Jared O'Mara unseated Nick Clegg. A week is a long time in politics etc etc.
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